Quote by TheSensualLady
This is a story that was in the now closed Story Vault. If you click on the first story you'll see the display date has been changed to Apr 2019. The system recognizes it as a 'new' story yet to be front-page posted despite the original date from 2016.
Nicola has posted an announcement regarding this. https://forum.lushstories.com/yaf_postst69038_The-Vault-has-now-been-retired.aspx
She's giving the authors fresh exposure on the front page as a thank you for their generosity in allowing their stories to be 'hidden' in the Vault.
Thank you Sensual Lady, it all makes sense now, particularly the Apr 2019 date. That part I missed. (It's a great way to make those stories "sticky" until a certain date in the future.