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1 day ago
Heteroflexible Male, 65
0 miles · New York


Unfortunately, those large files mean I sometimes have to shorten the GIFs, which was a pain to do one by one, especially with hundreds of frames. Managed to write a GIMP Python-fu script to do it automatically, which is much simpler. Also wrote one that deletes every other frame- the motion gets a bit worse, and you have to fiddle with the delay time, but you gotta do what you gotta do....

How do I look at a profile in a new tab? That was default in old chat, now I lose the chat room completely, and can only get back with the back button. Even tried "open in new tab, but that just creates another copy of the chat tab.

GIMP is a free Photoshop alternative. Very easy to open a webp file in GIMP, then save as a gif. The drawback is that the gif file is usually much larger (smaller file sizes are the whole point of webp.) I'm self-taught with all of this, but, unless it's a REALLY huge file, I can usually get it down to a reasonable size, although I might have to edit out a lot of frames to do it. Always a trade-off.

Very odd- when I enter a chat room, I no longer see the usual box at the bottom where I can type and send to post to the room. Except for The Lounge- that one works fine. I have tried logging out and back in- still happens. Anyone else having this?

I just click on a random avatar on the members list, then go to their profile. That brings the top menu bar back.

Quote by simplyjohn

I cant find an 'announcement' by reblogme on the web but the view is, rather like BDSMLR early last year, they have stopped hotlinking from their site.

Which is why I switched from BDSMLR to reblogme in the first place. Great.

Why, yes they are. The fact that you are asking that tells me this isn't going to be good news... sad

I suddenly seem unable to post image links in the chatrooms. I just see a "Link Removed" message. Has something changed? I have reached out to the site I am linking from, as well. Just trying to figure out what's going on.

There once was a Lush reader who
Confused limericks with haiku
Five syllables here
Seven syllables there,but
last line was too long
by two
The reality is that there are many women who receive loads of rude and inappropriate messages from men who think that, because this is a sex site, they can just demand sex and get it. Putting such a restriction in one's profile shows that the sender of the message either A) didn't read one's profile or B) doesn't care about one's wishes. It functions as a litmus test for people to block. And yes, it's mostly women getting messages from men. As for other restrictions, like race- no one here is required to explain or defend their personal preferences. If they're nasty about it, then that tells me that the person isn't someone I want to talk to anway, and saves both of us from wasting each other's time.
Desperate times call for desperate measures- any interest in setting up a chat elsewhere? Please PM me, if so. Not sure how they feel about discussing other sites.
I haven't been able to get into chat for the last hour or two.I get "General error". If thyis goeson much longer, I may have toresort to talking to someone face-to-face. That never goes
I hadn't heard anything about it until today, when I saw a post on Facebook that a G+ group was migrating to MeWe. Anyone have any experience with it. I signed up out of curiosity. Has anyone used it for Lush-type chatting? Pros? Cons?
So, we are seeing a rise in right-wing "Christian" politics, a weakening in on-line security and a general disregard for personal privacy, and a puritanical crackdown on sex/kink credit card transactions. Is kink headed back underground?
So what exactly is the "Featured Members" list? How are these people chosen? I'm asking because I recently congratulated a friend I saw on it, and she had no idea she had been on it, or why. What does "Featured Member" actually mean?
Seriously? If you've got a girl who's up for a threesome, do whatever you need to to keep her happy! If it's really a hard limit for you, then sure, say so.
HATE when a message goes to all when my whisperee leaves unexpectedly! I might suggest that as a new feature... "block whispers when someone signs out".
I am a terrible typist, but a stickler for correct language- it's a bad combination, especially because so many folks here find text-speak or general illiteracy a turn-off. At least most of them are willing to overlook typos in the heat of the moment...
Joined about four years ago- someone I was chatting with on a site that i think no longer exists told me about it, and it changed my life. If you have any interest in getting out from behind the keyboard and having real-life experiences, I highly recommend joining.I live in upstate NY (most searches flood you with NYC listings) and was amazed to learn what was going on in my backyard. username FrozenWastrel, but I don't check that account very often. Feel free to message me if you're interested.
I have noticed recently that the bar with the actions, who I am speaking to, text effects, etc. periodically re-arranges itself. Not sure why this is happening, but it's rather annoying. It's hard enough to use without having to find and re-find things. I don't recall this happening until perhaps the last couple of weeks.
A lively discussion of the movie's ...qualities, and its relevance to "real" BDSM...


Have to break it up until I get my 20 posts in.sad

Disclosure: I am involved in the production of this podcast
Especially when you are still learning, I would recommend a "bondage sitter"- someone there to help you if things do get out of hand. Find someone else who is also interested, and you can do this for each other (not at the same time), or volunteer as a bottom for someone who is learning to tie, in exchange.
Learn from her mistake!


Sorry I had to break it up, I guess I can't post links here.sad
As I stated, this only seems to be a problem when the room is full- if I re-load or try to leave and re-enter, I can't get back in. Very frustrating.sad
I apologize if this not the proper forum for this.

Lately, I have had a problem with the chat rooms. I get messages that I have lost connection, then re-connected. After that, no one's chat room posts appear until I post something. After I post, all the most recent posts appear all at once. I think I am not the only one with this this problem, as I have seen people posting merely a period, I do that now just to get the screen to update. I have noticed this only seems to happen once the room fills up. I have also had this happen in private chat.
OK, maybe not the best subject line, but couldn't come up with anything better. There was a post recently in a forum on another site that got me wondering.... The poster said he was having difficulty finding people in his own age group (18-25). Thee is a local TNG group, but even they tend to skew towards 30. Does (or did) anyone here start their lifestyle journey that young? I have a few theories. Maybe it takes some years of vanilla experience before people choose to explore their kink. Perhaps the fact that many munches/socials are held in bars (21+) discourages younger people. Maybe kink requires more privacy than the typical dorm, room-mates, or living with family allows. Just intrested in hearing from those who had similar issues.
Back in my security guard days, I was working at an advance screening of "The Notebook". We had a night-vision monocular to scan the audience for cameras. At the big, dramatic final scene, I saw a lot of guys who got dragged to a chick-flick trying to wipe away a tear discreetly.
I prefer to go with the flow of chat when choosing pics. I suspect my devices just don't have the computational oomph (that's the technical termsmile ) to handle chat and Tumblr at the same time. Oh, well- guess I have to stay home to get my Lush fixes. sad
LOVE chatting and sharing pics with the folks here! So easy to do from my desktop, but on my phone or tablet, it's an exercise in frustration. I prefer to cut and paste image URLs, but neither my browser nor the Tumblr app seem to offer that option. Any suggestions from the more tech-savvy among you, either here or in PM, would be appreciated.