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Starting out young

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OK, maybe not the best subject line, but couldn't come up with anything better. There was a post recently in a forum on another site that got me wondering.... The poster said he was having difficulty finding people in his own age group (18-25). Thee is a local TNG group, but even they tend to skew towards 30. Does (or did) anyone here start their lifestyle journey that young? I have a few theories. Maybe it takes some years of vanilla experience before people choose to explore their kink. Perhaps the fact that many munches/socials are held in bars (21+) discourages younger people. Maybe kink requires more privacy than the typical dorm, room-mates, or living with family allows. Just intrested in hearing from those who had similar issues.
In my view (not being in the lifestyle so much) is that it takes a level of sexual maturity and openness that young people mostly haven't developed yet - and those that do might not apply it toward a thing like BDSM.
Just talking by myself (I'm 22 years old), there are a lot of situations that would discourage a young women to begin in BDSM.

I started to seek information about BDSM on Internet at 19, visiting several websites to chat with people involved in the scene, and it's very easy for a young girl to fall into situations of emotional abuse, by persons who try to use her lack of experience and ingenuity. I mean guys trying to convince you about something is 'normal' in the lifestyle when it isn't. People that pretend to 'inform' you about BDSM when they don't know anything about it and their ultimate goal is just to get a fuck.

'Submissive' doesn't mean to be a moron, ready to do whatever a stranger orders her. And I think most of the men of my same age don't usually have the emotional and intellectual maturity required for these kind of relationships.
To be honest, I'm only 18. And I have a boyfriend. I'm only starting to really figure out what I like. After a while I realized that what I liked wasn't "vanilla" so I started to search for it and I heard about this thing called BDSM. Honestly? I don't know much about the community at all (as far as other people go) I only know about me and what I know and like. I confessed to my boyfriend a while back that I liked it so we tried it and he realized that he was into it as well. So now we're just trying to figure everything out together and research together and to be honest, if you're as young as me..... I think that's the best way to go. Because being my age and going aimlessly looking for a dom is a very easy way to make myself a target for abuse and a lot of people will know that its easy to fuck me about and (as the poster before me said) PRETEND that certain things in the community are "normal". So I'm REALLY grateful to be in a situation where I'm with somebody who's as much a newbie as I am.
By 18 I was well experienced in lovemaking and had enjoyed my first experience and many more experiences with another girl. I lived with a lesbian for a time but had a weekly affair with a male and Saturday night was when I slept alone. She could not bear the smell of me after I had been with a man despite the agreement between us that I could and would.
I realised I was Bi and have been ever since and I hope I never change.
I was a total vanilla lover till age 17. I met an amazing young woman online at 18 and she was new to bdsm as a lifestyle with a well experienced domme. My curiosity held me in the friendship and as she learned so I was also taught. Her domme, had somewhat adopted me and taught me much as far as embracing who I am. At 24 now , I am very comfortable with who I am .. I think its all a matter of the pace in which you discover on your journey. I know sex was just something kind of fun till I embraced this lifestyle and I now am much more fulfilled
There are some great responses on this thread, and all of them are true. Sadly, yes, there are a lot of fake Doms out there. As with anything else, education is the key. The bdsm community generally has a lot of good people in it, but there are bad apples in every walk of life. Trust is paramount in any bdsm relationship. When entering the lifestyle, it's not necessary to stay out of the lifestyle community. In fact, someone new to the lifestyle can learn about the lifestyle more safely during community events than from some random person they met.

As for myself, I start my journey into bdsm around the age of 18-19. My girlfriend and I had discussed that we were both interested in it, and we began our journey ourselves through online research, articles, and forums. It was a fantastic journey, and one that is still continuing today.
Yes, i think it does take a while of vanilla sex to start exploring your kinks. Privacy is also an important aspect.
BDSM comes down to a lot of foundational values. Trust, mutual respect, common interests, etc. I don't think that the subject of debate is age, rather, it's experience. If a girl has no vanilla experience, whether she's 18 or 30, I'd strongly suggest exploring that before diving into the world of BDSM, otherwise, it's likely to be overwhelming. As I said, trust and mutual respect are among the most important values of BDSM. Do not allow yourself to be pushed around or blinded by naiveness. That's when the lifestyle becomes dangerous.
I was young when I began my first D/s relationship, but being a sub had always been there. If I look back with the knowledge I have now I can see times where I submitted to boyfriends even at a young age. It took someone incredibly strong and educated to break me fully out.
It's true that generally one does not start young. But there are rare exceptions to that. One may start with enjoying being controlled verbally without becoming aware of it. From there it depends on the people one meets and the opportunities they have.