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Over 90 days ago
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Active Ink Slinger
Now she said she feels like I dont love her x.x but shes aid that i know u love me x.x
Active Ink Slinger
Now shes saying she doesent love him or anyone else Just misses him=/ been a year since theyspoke and what they had was "Perfect_
Active Ink Slinger
And whenever ia sk her why doesent she tlak about it with her freinds shes gives me soemthing like this

"shut up
Stop saying stuff you dont know.
They wont understand.
There's no point talking about it cos there's nothing no one can do.
It will just make me even more upset talking about it"
Active Ink Slinger
No thats wa smy ex we eneded things this is my current girlfreind
Active Ink Slinger
How am I suppose to compete with this basicly ill try wrod what she said about him thats why she called him her true love =/

"We never argued, i was never insecure with him Never asked about his past or girls he spoke too. Everything was perfect. We didnt feel upset once apart from when he ended things"
Active Ink Slinger
its kinda sad cause i really care for her maybe your right just feel like it was me that did soemthing cause she didnt miss him when with her ex's =/
Active Ink Slinger
Im not sure if it was but yeah im sure it was an online thing =/ shes had a few like that i asked why not have someone closer if they didnt work.
Active Ink Slinger
No this is a different girl I ended things with that one because it was to deep to fix and wasent treated right to each other.

see im a noob i guess xD Theres good things in this relationship more than bad

only downside is this and her emotions and when she gets jeloaus and angry but other than that i cant fault her atm.

I dont mean to be that way xD I dont know if or should i say everything thats good lol, I know whats good about it tho smile shes really nice, treats me better tan my ex did...
Active Ink Slinger
Plus she once wrote me soemthing like this "I love you so much. and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. you make me the happiest girl alive. and this has been the only relationship where things have worked out. I know it hasn't been long but its how I feel. this relationship is better than others etc than I am in love with you and I think. . . might sound stupid but =/ I think your becoming my true love. yes he was my true love but I need to let go of the past. The dude left her and now doesn't remember her)that's cruel. and why would someone like that be my true love. hate mentioning him. makes me so upset. sad but anyway I love you so much and don't want you leaving me for anyone else. want you to be my baby boy forever. your amazing markie . I love you so much"

lol thats the best of what i can say of what she told me hard to write it all but thats best I can sum it up with smile
Active Ink Slinger
I dont get how u cna forget someone if they spoke for two years dont make sense lol
Active Ink Slinger
No i get what your comming from lol the thing is she is into me trust me shes tell me all the time and well lol she always loves seeing me and being with me we have our goodtimes its just when we argue it would be soemthing small shes a jealous type abit possesive But i dont let her run wild with it or control me if im talking to other girls she will be like flirting with em? and say im ignoring her soemtimes if she leaves me msgs somewhere. the only reason why i think shes brining it up is cause well her and this guy never agrued she the tlakitive type lol has a "Bitch in her" I doubt she even knows why he her true love i htink its cause they tlaked for so long thats it. Point is i know she wants me but shes just depressed abit i guess atm and soemthing is reminder her of her so called tru love.

lol enjoy your night with the drinking xD
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
wait a minute. she's your g/f but she's going off the deep end about how this guy who doesn't even f'ing remember her, claiming he's her true love and she's this upset about him? ok, sit her ass down and tell her to figure it out. you or him. and if she can't decide in, oh, say, 5 seconds, you'll save yourself some time breaking up with her now rather then letting her drive you insane for the next however long it is before you finally do break up. i mean, seriously, what the hell? my advice, move on. what the hell is she doing with you if this guy is her prince charming? and what do you do when the next 'true love' comes along?

oh, and for the record, really, we're insecure? you're the one so desperate for love that you put up with this kind of crap. find someone who wants YOU not some imaginary Romeo.

Sorry if I offended you. Yes she wants me she shows alot of sign of jealousy soemtimes xD and likes me to call her and what not, I'm not desperate smile just confsued thats all :) Im not that experienced in love or relationships so im sorry thats why i came here for some advise. Theres nothing to choose tho I think they dont talk and HE(true love dosent remember her) I said id give her space and not talk to her for awhile.
Active Ink Slinger
yeah it does she doesent wanan talk to anyone atm tbh she said.

and with her other exs she didnt miss him now does.
Active Ink Slinger
Hi there people I'm abit lost but not giving up I'm with my current girlfreind and shes amazing smart beautifull and all that but shes had a few ups and downs with ex's or past loved ones and is insecure like most women these days if thats fair to say.

The Issue is she loves me but she says she doesent know anything no more " I dont know my feelings" she miss's her true love but they never went out together they talkedfor two years and she said they never argued.

It's prety sad because they talked for two years and then something happened, basicly he never loved her like she did, he wasent her true love and they stopped tlaking and when she contacted him again awhile later he forgot who she was and it has skared her emotinally if thats fair to say, she crys if i mention him or we talk about him and i odnt know what to do because it porbley will get in the way of me and her but i understand that she mises her true love but its awkward for me to try and help her since we cant talk about it or she will cry and be upset and then she probley feels bad cause she mises someone when with me.

any thoughts on what I should be doing or if anyone else has had simialr issues with this i think i might remind her of him =/
Active Ink Slinger
The problem is for me is how to start showing her she can be more confident in herself I try hard alot to make ehr wanted and give confidence but it is not easy. I wouldnt know how to start of or appraoch on making her more confident and that she can say no and reject and so on.

Thx this is more of the girls side of what she feeling but as a male i want know what to do about it. thx again tho makes me understand more. sounds like you relate to this as well smile
Active Ink Slinger
Yeah shes one of those people who waits and lets others appraoch her she doesent exatly flirt first if someone does with her then she will bakc or if someone does soemthing or trys first at her she then thinks and wants to do stuff of course we all get like that i guess sometimes. just our bodys and minds?
Active Ink Slinger
Ok thank you very much catnip smile I realise I shouldnt jugde her and shout and be mad like she has done anything cant how one feels or thinks soemtimes. thx alot gives me a little more insight on how to deal with talking about these things with her.
Active Ink Slinger
Sometimes I think cause it arouses her and she likes it makes, it harder for her to reject =/. We are all different and she often goes on on that i have more people that care for me and others who want me -_- But i dont really care about that, she once said she was jealous of me for that -=/
Active Ink Slinger
I have thoughts bu i can easily control them im loyal she on the other hand just htinks she cant but does anyway.

How can i make her know that she can. Even thi she said she wants to? or is a weak person
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Catnip
If you're willing to share this woman with other men, go ahead and do it. If you're not, then tell her that if she wants to be with you she has to be honest and not go with other guys.

I have a man in Australia, we've been together for a bit more than two years and we've still not met each other due to different personal reasons. I'm a woman who do need a lot of attention, sexual and otherwise. He's not been able to fulfil my needs when they're at their worst during summertime.
So we decided that if I really needed it, it'd be okay for me to meet someone else and get it. See it's not a matter of not liking one another or disrespect, it's about needs that have to be met one way or another. I've come to the conclusion that him giving me the privilege to be who I am has brought him closer to me.

Before I've been in relationships where I have used other men on the side, without them knowing, to keep the relation working. With a very good result.

If you really want her, and love her as you claim. Consider if you care about her being with others as long as she likes you. If you come to the conclusion that it's just a norm telling you that being with other men is bad, well then why not let her have her fun?

Thing is she wouldnt or doesent want me with others ether fun with them she gets jelous
Active Ink Slinger
No i payed attenion to all the comments read them multiple times she hasent dumped me...
Active Ink Slinger
lol sorry I am being quick since, I am with my mates rleaxing and playing games.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix
Quote by Markie
if im incompatbale with her then why say perfect or to good to be true.

ok she cried a few times whne we were apart on call =/ and wanted me back =/

Maybe she's a crazy bitch. They are out there.

yeah maybe but when u love someone sometime slet ur gaud down or soft on them or maybe thats just me..
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dudealicious
Quote by Markie
Quote by Dudealicious

In my opinion you should let this one go here. This thread is going to be like blood in a shark tank, sarcastic bastards will be all over you the more you post (including myself - sorry)

If you want my advice, there is a section in the forums named "Agony Aunt Olivia" she is a relationship expert and should be able to give you some solid advice. You may want to send her a private message and if she can decipher what your woman means.

could you give me a direct link? cant find....

At the top of the page you are viewing RIGHT NOW. Look up (waaayyy up) and see the tab Relationship Advice. Click that little bugger and scroll down to the last topic you will see Agony Aunt Olivia right there.

Got it sport?

lol htought i did i havent >.>
Active Ink Slinger
I seen ehr she isnt 400 pounds lol :P ok well shes the quiet nerdy time and im supposedly the popular type because she sees others who like and care about me makes me feel awkward.

and yes thx man very much smile am new here sorry geting use to all of the forum
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dudealicious

In my opinion you should let this one go here. This thread is going to be like blood in a shark tank, sarcastic bastards will be all over you the more you post (including myself - sorry)

If you want my advice, there is a section in the forums named "Agony Aunt Olivia" she is a relationship expert and should be able to give you some solid advice. You may want to send her a private message and if she can decipher what your woman means.

could you give me a direct link? cant find....
Active Ink Slinger
if im incompatbale with her then why say perfect or to good to be true.

ok she cried a few times whne we were apart on call =/ and wanted me back =/
Active Ink Slinger
ok thx for being honest i shall then, can this thread be closed then?
Active Ink Slinger
she says stuff like marriage and never leave her tho among others things.... says that alot to