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Active Ink Slinger

I find it slightly amusing that even with all the mods, it can take just as long here as it does on Lit, where it's just Laurel.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by joe71

Then the whole world is lazy. NO ONE ON EARTH has the time to get done everything that they want in life. We all have to pick and choose how we spend our time. To not do this is to lack executive functioning skills.

For I, one author out of thousands on this site, to demand that people read every one of my precious nine thousand words would be the height of self-importance. Not only is it not going to happen, it would be arrogant to insist on it. I'm not that important. Neither are you.

Lemme clarify before you keep thinking I think I'm anywhere near a god my namesake may lend one to falsely believe. Because I know my station, sir, and it's the rundown bus station on the bad side of town.

[quote]...or has too much going on in their lives[/quote]

Because that's a perfectly good reason for one to limit what they wanna read, especially if they're in the mood for a complete story. How you managed to miss that part, yet still made the same point, while trying to chastise me for self-importance that I don't have, is a quandary. No it isn't. You were just too hyped up on the first part and wanting to put me in my place. There's an or there for a reason, and the first part was facetious at best, even if there's an ounce of truth.

I'm not arrogant, but I can be "lazy" when it comes to reading something longer than a novelette. Or I may read a novel length story and see a ten paragragh forum comment and say; "nah, not reading that".

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by colin123

The cover maker here is so much worse than it used to be, seems they are forever making changes that make things far more difficult for members. As a platinum member i expect a lot more from this site.

The only saving grace is they aren't required, like [removed]. It's the only thing keeping me from writing there, and the funny thing is; I used the app they suggest to use, and the cover wouldn't meet the requirments. As far as here, my problem comes with adding words--it doesn't. Won't even activate the keyboard. Even with assist mode, or desktop mode.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by colin123

Also, is it better to have a picture to go with your story or not ?

Yeah, but I find it quite the bitch to use the cover maker here, so I make one elsewhere, that fucking works right. My current submission doesn't have one, and I think another might not. Call it showmanship or whatever, but for stories I'm not getting paid for; it's just extra work I really don't wanna do, anyway. Besides... ya shouldn't be judging books by them, anyway--that's what the summeries are for.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by joe71

I will add that I’ve found this to be true from an author’s perspective and not just as a reader. My “Dick Job” story, for example, absolutely crackles with action, with not a boring paragraph, and it is my only submittal to have placed in the top ten of a competition. Yet despite that recognition, it has only received 3300 views and 32 votes. That places it in the bottom half of my stories for attention. Because at 9000 words, it is just too goddamned long to attract many eyeballs.

Those are lazy folks, or got too much going in their lives.

Active Ink Slinger

I look for what I'm in the mood for and go by the summary. It's what its there for.

Active Ink Slinger

My stories are never too long, or too short. They end precisely when they need to.

Active Ink Slinger

I met Muhammed Ali as a kid. He was going to see somebody that lived in the apartment building both my granny's lived in.

Somehow we were invited to the birthday of the woman who played the wife on the show Roc.

I met Funk Master Flex at his car show, and met DJ Unk there.

I met Jesse Combs at a car show where she was spectating. She actually waved me over to touch the big afro I had at the time.

I think it was Dave Atell I used to talk to on Myspace, before he got real famous.

One of Nappy Roots used to cut my hair when I was in Middle school.

My nephew claims we used to hang out with Jack Harlow when we were kids, but I don't believe it. Supposedly a few times when I was in middle school.

Active Ink Slinger

No. I'm not that desperate, or lonely. If I got to the point of blowing good money on a sex doll, I'll just swear off sex all together.

Active Ink Slinger

I have a story about two people having sex on a moving motorcycle. Something I'd like to try, actually.

Active Ink Slinger

Hmmm.... I wouldn't say getting fixated on a certain thing makes one lazy. A one trick pony, maybe, surely. Doing the same thing in different ways, at least when it looks like improvement or some sort of innovation, is not really the bad thing you make it sound like. But I think those people can get stuck just doing the one thing, then it's not so much laziness still, but stagnation. The key probably lies in the stories, all the same thing on the basis, but what's inside. Steven King only writes horror, but I'm sure few books could be said to be just like the others. In a way any of this could be pidgeonholed, but they do it to themselves, anything else is "too hard" or whatever excuse.

I wouldn't say trying something new is jumping the shark, at least as far as the new being something different; going from bondage to watersports, or whatever. Perfecting the craft goes as far as ones mental conception, but is that perfecting ones own craft, or doing something that changes the entire thing as a whole? At some point a subject will be exhausted, at least with their own personal creative attempts, but I guess that depends on how flexable a certain thing is, and how specific a subject is. Bondage and Watersports seems like two narrow themes, while say, Lesbian, as the other user mentioned; so much can be done with that.

Active Ink Slinger

Dated; she was 18 and I was 28. I'm 30something now and hooked up with a 21yo last night.

Active Ink Slinger

A fat ass is nice, but big tits are best, especially with big nipples. Real or fake, can't go wrong, bigger the better.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by danl2019

s for immoral, ive had sex with two different sisters, and there mother, all at different times all within 48 hours. None of them found out for weeks as I kept pulling this off. I am NOT proud of this, but we were all young and dumb at some point and that was one incredibly sexy family.

I would be proud. I tried to do the same thing, actually.

Active Ink Slinger

Fucked in a church? Got caught by the preacher and she slammed the door in his face. Does that coint?

Active Ink Slinger

Yeah, I'm Pagan, but it's been a while. I consecrated a house a while back.

Active Ink Slinger

I've had dreams where there were people I didn't know in real life. Sometimes they're dissapointing to wake up from. I've also had dreams where it was more me waking into the already active life of an alternate version of me, who lives in an alternate version of my city, but those stopped about two tears ago when he killed himself.

Active Ink Slinger

I forgot to add; I've basically been doing, I guess you could call it nano fiction, on twitter, leavimg enough room for a tag or three.

Active Ink Slinger

Since for the longest I wrote everything under one name, and I just came up with this one for all the future smut like stuff, I got a lot of work ahead of me. Luckily there's a few things I had started years ago, and an idea or three, that'll live on under this name, since I'm ceasing writing anymore of this under my other name. Sucks because I could repost some of it under this one, but I don't want the connection.

I'm finishing up a story where a guy is after the girl next door and gets the mom instead, and a noncon. I have some ideas, that might end up for the market.

Active Ink Slinger

Excluding all the stereotype, hee hee ha ha bullshit, niether are more complicated, just complicated in different ways. People are complicated and for various reasons, we don't make it easier for one another. These traits that seem to be "exclusive" to one gender or the other, can be found in the other. It seems we just can't get on the same accord, especially with outside influences, like social politics and the hedgemony being in the way.

As much as I do like sex and food, I need more than just sex and food to be happy. From my experiences, if I'm not the one initiating sex, or cooking, I'm not getting either, anyway.

Active Ink Slinger

You mean gen z and most gen y don't understand slang from three to five decades ago? Ya don't say, dawg. These Jive turkeys just don't know the low down.

Active Ink Slinger

Depends on my mood. I might want something short, I might be ready to spend an hour or two reading one thing.

Active Ink Slinger

I've been to monthly sex parties and such. I've looked into sex clubs around here and as a single male, I would not subject myself to the biases against me for being such. Clubs of any kind in general seem kinda mysandrist to me and cater more to women and put them on pedastals.

Active Ink Slinger

It could work. Despite the sheer amount of pictures available, there isn't many good ones imho. So you either settle, or don't use one.