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Why Does It Take So Long To Publish Stories On This Site?

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I am prolific author of online erotic fiction, mainly themed around transvestites (because I am one so easy to write about) but also (closest I got was my first cousin lol), pantyhose/stocking fetish (yes I have one), and often with a forced/reluctance theme.

I am published on Literotica, Fictionmania, Stories Online, Nifty, Top Shelf and few other smaller sites. Some of these sites take a day or two to publish submitted work and some send back for revision but here at Lush it seems to take forever for works to get approved and published.

I don't know, maybe it's just the holiday season and all the moderators are away on holiday?

Not complaining; just sayin' that's all
Also frustrating that you can only submit one story at a time...ducking for cover
Quote by MicheleNylons
I am prolific author of online erotic fiction, mainly themed around transvestites (because I am one so easy to write about) but also (closest I got was my first cousin lol), pantyhose/stocking fetish (yes I have one), and often with a forced/reluctance theme.

I am published on Literotica, Fictionmania, Stories Online, Nifty, Top Shelf and few other smaller sites. Some of these sites take a day or two to publish submitted work and some send back for revision but here at Lush it seems to take forever for works to get approved and published.

I don't know, maybe it's just the holiday season and all the moderators are away on holiday?

Not complaining; just sayin' that's all

that and the competition deadline, where we green lighted all comp entries. btw, gold members get 24 hour (usually) turn around on submitted stories.

as for why we don't allow multiple submission, one reason is, if you're writing a multi part story and we send back chapter 4 for revision but publish chapter 5, than you've got a hole in your story.

as for the other sites, i can't speak for Fict, SO, Nifty, or TS but unless things have changes, Lit takes notoriously long to publish - i know this from talking with other authors as well as personal experience. Maybe you just got lucky.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
as for the other sites, i can't speak for Fict, SO, Nifty, or TS but unless things have changes, Lit takes notoriously long to publish - i know this from talking with other authors as well as personal experience. Maybe you just got lucky.

It's actually been 2-day turnaround for established authors for a few years now over there. May creep up to 3 if the volume is really high.
Quote by RejectReality

It's actually been 2-day turnaround for established authors for a few years now over there. May creep up to 3 if the volume is really high.

oh, ok. things have changed a bit, then. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

that and the competition deadline, where we green lighted all comp entries. btw, gold members get 24 hour (usually) turn around on submitted stories.

as for why we don't allow multiple submission, one reason is, if you're writing a multi part story and we send back chapter 4 for revision but publish chapter 5, than you've got a hole in your story.

as for the other sites, i can't speak for Fict, SO, Nifty, or TS but unless things have changes, Lit takes notoriously long to publish - i know this from talking with other authors as well as personal experience. Maybe you just got lucky.

All makes sense, forgot about the competitions, maybe I should enter. Lit takes 2 days for me tops but I'm well established there.

PS my latest just got posted, whinge and win
Quote by sprite

oh, ok. things have changed a bit, then. smile

* Illustrated and audio stories excluded. Those are only published on certain days, so the wait can be much longer, and it is coming off a period where it had crept back up to 6-7 days, which was the norm in the early 2000's. Lit's reputation for long publication time isn't without recurring precedent, by any means.

Every site has their advantages and disadvantages, which is why I'm diversified. Whatever I come up with has a home that way. The return on effort for stories under 5k words on Lush is far more positive than anywhere else, for example. Hence, the string of quickies I've been publishing here lately. LOL

The comment/vote ratio is virtually unrivaled as well. The vote/view ratio is reasonably strong. Tabbed navigation that is further broken down by a time range within the categories offers multiple ways for stories that have fallen off page one to maintain momentum far more effectively than elsewhere. That is a reader service, as well as an author service.

A team of submissions moderators provides time to carefully review submissions — as opposed to one or two people skimming on most sites — which aids in speed of approval, catching plagiarized submissions, and quality of what gets published here.

So on, and so forth :)
Maybe because some of the sites you mentioned publish any crap sent to them, while here you have to use understandable English. I've had stories almost rewritten, considering the typing errors and punctuation mistakes the monitor had to correct. I've also had about eight stories rejected, but now I've learned (mostly) and get published fairly quickly.
Quote by spinneroftales
Maybe because some of the sites you mentioned publish any crap sent to them, while here you have to use understandable English. I've had stories almost rewritten, considering the typing errors and punctuation mistakes the monitor had to correct. I've also had about eight stories rejected, but now I've learned (mostly) and get published fairly quickly.

I'll take the moral high ground and not assume that you mean I write crap. In my early days I too had stories rejected or heavily edited, we all started somewhere.
All stories here on Lushstories are verified by volunteer members. During holidays, the verifiers are not as active, as they are spending holiday time with families, like everyone else.

Other times story submissions may come in at a much higher rate than others. So during holidays and during an unusually high rate of submissions, we may get a bit behind. But we always catch up and quite often log in to verify and find an empty submission queue.

Most of the time we're very fast at verifying. Here at Lushstories we go to great measures to make sure the stories are of higher quality than most sites, and to protect against plagiarism and stolen stories. Other sites that give very fast story approval don't do that.
I don't get this rush to publish stories. Why are authors so impatient? LS is a great site, but it's not a site for professional writers. There's no money in this. Neither the authors, nor the story verifiers (READ: moderators, not editors) are paid for their work.

Furthermore, if the goal is to prove that you're a credible author, I have to say that (in my opinion) the bar is set fairly low on the quality of stories the site accepts. This is by design to create a community of writers (and not stress out the volunteer mods too much), but basically, if your story doesn't violate any major taboos (like or ) and is relatively free of spelling and grammatical errors, you're pretty much guaranteed to get published*. Yes, there are other sites with even lower standards for publication, but with such a high acceptance rate for stories, getting published here isn't going to contribute to building a professional portfolio as an author that is going to impress anyone who matters. So, what's the hurry?

BTW, if you submitted to a professional literary journal, the turn-around time can be months long, and the rejection rate is much much higher. Here, we're not competing for page space.

*Just because there are low standards for acceptance doesn't mean that the stories published on this site are consistently of a low quality. There are many talented writers who publish here going far above the bare minimum to just get published.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Please tell me how it only takes a day or two to get on Lit?? You must be writing within a genre that doesn’t get many submissions.

To get in the best places, it takes a little more effort and patience. Lush is one of those best places.
? A True Story ?
All of our experiences with submitting stories here on Lush are anecdotal. For me it is rather simple. In over six years and more than 500 submissions I can't really recall having any submission take more than a day to be approved and posted. That includes the early days when I was a complete newbie and never having created stories and poems for any site like this.

Of course, now that I'm a premium member, I know it will be checked and posted in less than a day, surely. I've had shorter pieces approved within minutes of submission. I can remember that happening years ago when I still was not a paying member. Sometimes it simply depends upon the time of day and how many moderators are awake and checking the queue.

Now that I am certain of the parameters for acceptance it makes it much easier. I don't have to worry about rejections and resubmitting. Anyway, it's a grand site. Can't be more pleased with how easy it is to write and submit stories, and how simple it is to communicate with other members.

Write on, all.
Quote by Green_Man
All of our experiences with submitting stories here on Lush are anecdotal. For me it is rather simple. In over six years and more than 500 submissions I can't really recall having any submission take more than a day to be approved and posted. etc etc

Amazing! My latest was submitted 12 Jan and is still not verified... the cynical side of me wonders if it's because I started this thread... nah!

I also wonder if moderators are assigned to certain categories, that would make sense I suppose and could explain why submissions in some categories get posted sooner.

But that can't be true because I've been dealing with same moderator now for some time regardless of story genre...but them I'm gettin' old so maybe that's not right either.GsaLQXlvIgRvZXew
Quote by MicheleNylons

Amazing! My latest was submitted 12 Jan and is still not verified... the cynical side of me wonders if it's because I started this thread... nah!

I also wonder if moderators are assigned to certain categories, that would make sense I suppose and could explain why submissions in some categories get posted sooner.

But that can't be true because I've been dealing with same moderator now for some time regardless of story genre...but them I'm gettin' old so maybe that's not right either.VhAHz7AvicktLl1z

we don't play those games. although it's an amateur site, we take great pride in treating our writers with a degree of professionalism and politeness.

we don't assign mods certain categories. that said, there are a few that some of the mods pass up on for personal reasons - mostly the , reluctance, and bdsm stories. other than that, we try to get them in the order they come in, gold members, of course, getting pushed automatically to the top of the que.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Usually mine are verified within a couple of hours. Longest I’ve ever waited was a couple of days. Sometimes things slow down the verification process... things like Moderators having to do things in real life, maybe they are sick, or their children are sick, they have jobs that they actually do get paid for, unlike here where they are gracious enough to volunteer what little spare time they have so people like us can upload our stories for free ?
Quote by trinket
Usually mine are verified within a couple of hours. Longest I’ve ever waited was a couple of days. Sometimes things slow down the verification process... things like Moderators having to do things in real life, maybe they are sick, or their children are sick, they have jobs that they actually do get paid for, unlike here where they are gracious enough to volunteer what little spare time they have so people like us can upload our stories for free ?

brown noser. like the new avi, btw smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Ah ah! All is revealed...

new message has been sent to you from curvygalore.

Hi Michele,

Just to let you know that your story is currently at no. 7 in a queue of over 50 stories. So if my American colleagues don't look at it tonight, I will snag it for you tomorrow when I'm moderating.

We volunteer moderators really do our best to process stories as quickly as possible. The queue just seems to be never-ending! Not that we're complaining as it's great people want to publish their stories on Lush.

All best wishes,

Lush Admin

And yes it was posted today. Thanks CurvyGalore and FirstBlush; there was obviously a backlog over the holidays
Quote by sprite

brown noser. like the new avi, btw smile

I knew that was coming. You know I’ve always stuck up for the mods regarding the volunteer thing. Just because I don’t like any of you doesn’t change that. *runs very fast and hides*???


Sprite has LOTS of spare time. She does nuthin’ all day ‘cept play with that pussy of hers. Keeps her VERY busy apparently. Yep. Now you know.
Errybody I’ll see you again after my short vacation. ?
The most recent one that Amy and I wrote together went through in less than 24 fact I have a feeling it was same day.
Quote by trinket

I knew that was coming. You know I’ve always stuck up for the mods regarding the volunteer thing. Just because I don’t like any of you doesn’t change that. *runs very fast and hides*???


Sprite has LOTS of spare time. She does nuthin’ all day ‘cept play with that pussy of hers. Keeps her VERY busy apparently. Yep. Now you know.
Errybody I’ll see you again after my very long vacation. ?

fixed that for ya, twinket. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

To me all the moderators do a marvellous job here on lush to get our stories verified. It doesn’t really bother me how long it takes for a moderator to get to my story or poem to verify it. I always find that it takes on average around 12 hours for a poem to be verified. Sometimes I have had some verified within minutes of being posted or another has taken up to 48 hours to be verified. Many factors can be taken in to account for how long it takes for a story to be verified. How long the queue is can be biggest factor in getting your story verified. Moderators are only volunteers so there can be a limited number of them online verifing stories. Gold members always take priority as so do competition entries. So be patient and your story will eventually get verified. Some of the moderators have become good friends of mine and I fully respect everything they do for this site and giving up there time to help out the site

For the past few months I’ve been using Instagram and been using the site to post my photography . Here’s the link to my profile

My recommended read

here’s a link to my photography album in my media

Quote by farmerroger
To me all the moderators do a marvellous job here on lush ............ Moderators are only volunteers so there can be a limited number of them online verifying stories. Gold members always take priority as so do competition entries. So be patient and your story will eventually get verified. Some of the moderators have become good friends of mine and I fully respect everything they do for this site and giving up there time to help out the site

Yeah but, last chapter on my story took one day to be verified, the following chapter submitted on 17 Jan still isn't..........I don't get the inconsistency?

And at the risk of biting the hand etc I get that they are volunteers, but so are the authors.

With great power comes great responsibility
Quote by MicheleNylons

Yeah but, last chapter on my story took one day to be verified, the following chapter submitted on 17 Jan still isn't..........I don't get the inconsistency?

And at the risk of biting the hand etc I get that they are volunteers, but so are the authors.

With great power comes great responsibility

not sure i'd describe the authors as volunteers. amateurs, yes, but not volunteers.

also, unless you some how have been fooled into thinking the mods are variations of spiderman, your quote makes absolutely no sense. what great power? you think that this is a position of power somehow? btw, if you want to fast track your stories, feel free to go gold.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

not sure i'd describe the authors as volunteers. amateurs, yes, but not volunteers.

also, unless you some how have been fooled into thinking the mods are variations of spiderman, your quote makes absolutely no sense. what great power? you think that this is a position of power somehow? btw, if you want to fast track your stories, feel free to go gold.

Because it says so here on the site that's why

Frequently Asked Questions: Why should I support lush? Lush stories is a privately owned site, run by volunteers.

Mods do have great power; they decide if and when a story gets published and on this site they have ability to edit the author's work; as an author, I'd call that great power.

btw I will 'go gold' to support the site

Thanks for responding to my posts
Quote by MicheleNylons

Mods do have great power; they decide if and when a story gets published and on this site they have ability to edit the author's work; as an author, I'd call that great power.

btw I will 'go gold' to support the site

Thanks for responding to my posts

Going mad with my very moderate amount of power

Don't believe everything that you read.

Quote by MicheleNylons

Mods do have great power; they decide if and when a story gets published and on this site they have ability to edit the author's work; as an author, I'd call that great power.

btw I will 'go gold' to support the site

Thanks for responding to my posts

The support of people like you, keep the site alive.

Thank you!
My stories typically run five days for verification. I'm assuming comments reflecting hours or one or two days are reflective of Gold status..

I don't find five days to be onerous, however, it would be great to be able to submit more than one story. I get the out of sequence thing in a series, however, that could be gotten around if you had other stories in different categories. I know I currently have a couple waiting to go that are not connected to each other.

Just some thoughts.
Quote by nicola

The support of people like you, keep the site alive.

Thank you!

I never seem to have issues on the time of approval

I think most forget the overworked Mods on here

I say a Huge Thank You to one and all

My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon

At times the mods are stretched thin. They will get to it.