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Over 90 days ago
Female, 154


Advanced Wordsmith
my most romantic encounter was with my gf when we went on vacation in Hawaii a few years ago. While we at a little hole in the wall bar, the kind of place the locals hang out, when we met a GORGEOUS woman who ran her own charter boat service. We chatted for a while, getting to know her, and then my gf asked her if she knew of any truly beautiful and breathtaking places that few other tourists had ever seen. Billie, the charter captain, smiled really REALLY big and said she knew of exactly some places like that. The three of us made plans to meet at her boat the next day after as we wanted to be well-rested before heading out around 6am. Billie's charter price was more than reasonable ($300 per day) and her boat was very nice, though "cozy" below decks. Let me tell you, the view were, by far, the most MAGNIFICENT I have ever seen! Words cannot describe the beauty and is just something you have to see for yourself to believe. As we came around one of the smaller islands, Billie pointed out a beautiful waterfall. My eyes tears up and I pulled my gf close and kissed her neck. Billie took us in closer, for a better look. The roar from the falls was almost deafening but VERY arousing. I guess I got carried away in the moment because I started massaging by gf's nipples through her strapless aqua dress. It was only when she moaned that I realized what I was doing. A look back over my shoulder at our captain let me know that I could carry on as Billie had since slid out of her shorts and panties and was fingering herself, openly. As my attentions toward my gf got more and more heated, Billie cut the engine and dropped the anchor to keep us from drifting. To make a long story short, the three of us wound up having some of the most incredible sex any of us could remember.
Advanced Wordsmith
Personally, I'd like to come back as either a sorceress on a world where magic exists, or as an interstellar smuggler who is not above using her female charms to get what she wants.
Advanced Wordsmith
I was at Wal-***t when the second plane hit. I was dumbfounded. I couldn't believe it. The first thing I remember thinking was: "How dare they!! Don't they realize what they're doing?!?!" Then my rage kicked in. Out in the parking lot, I was raving and swearing like a sailor denied a well-deserved weekend pass. When the first tower fell, I cried. I knew it was only a matter of time before the second followed. The loss is still almost incomprehensible. While the number of victims was high, I was truly thankful that the planes did not strike an hour or so later. If such would have been the case. . . . . The only thing I can think of was that there would have been a public outcry the likes of which would not have been heard since Pearl Harbor. And that cry would have been for B-L-O-O-D!!
Advanced Wordsmith
sucking fingers (it's more sensual, to me)

on the floor or on the roof?
Advanced Wordsmith
It really depends on what you mean by them not sounding like other sex scenes. Here's something to think about: did you know that, except for proper names, E-V-E-R-Y book ever written or that will be written can be found in the dictionary? Sex is sex: the penis goes in the pussy (ass or mouth), is pumped in and out, then climax. There, EVERY sex scene! The key to writing a memorable scene is the use of the other senses! What are the smells? How do they look at each other? How does it feel? What do they hear? Sex is NOT about pussies, penises, boobs, butts, or asses, though they are involved. Tell me, when you have had sex, what was the most important aspect of it? For me, it has always been what I was feeling; the emotions being evoked in me. Descriptives are the key to ANY scene, whether it is sex, a car chase, combat, or anything similar. And I'm not just talking about his "huge, throbbing cock" or her "ginormous boobs". Get inside the characters' heads! Tell us their intimate thoughts and feelings. Are they simply overwhelmed by what they arfe feeling for their partner or is the sex so lack-luster that painting the bedroom ceiling would be more exciting? What motivates ANY character---or real person---is NOT written on their foreheads (Oh, look. He wants to be rich and she's a gold-digger). As to your statement that your sex life is not (or was not) very exciting; one question: was it exciting AT THAT MOMENT? If yes, then you have had an exciting sex life. Do NOT equate excitement with the number of notches you have (or lack thereof) on your bedpost. If it is inspiration that you lack, just read more of the stories here. Or Google some images of things you find "hot" or that turn you on. Better yet, just let inspiration find you. Too many people make the mistake of trying to force things to happen----and it shows up in their writting, leaving the reader with a kind of half-satisfied feeling, much like a guy who gets his rocks off but not the woman.

I wish you good fortune and clear thoughts.
Advanced Wordsmith
"We win, Gracie!" (Armegeddon)

"He'll do it. Harry doesn't know how to fail." (Armegeddon)

"Here it comes, now. Mr Spock?."
"Sir, our shileds are dropping!"
"Raise them!"
"I can't!" (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
"Where's the override?! The override?!"
Advanced Wordsmith
kitchen counter

gettin busy with a mechanic or a used car salesman ?
Advanced Wordsmith
soapy body massage every time smile

Mary Ann or Ginger for a threesome? (BOTH doesn't count; you have to pick ONE)
Advanced Wordsmith
behind (would that qualify as bottom?)

tropical island with no luxuries or Alaskan cabin with "the works"?
Advanced Wordsmith
I hvae to arege wtih bekirbum. The hamun mnid is a vrey cpoemlx mneahcsim and it is vrey iterstenig how it can dcehyepr mexid up wrdos so elasiy, whituot any csuonics erfoft. But it aslo mkeas it hrad to iltnetlnaoniy mpsesil wdros taht we wkoerd so hrad to laren to slepl the rhgit way.
Advanced Wordsmith
She's in the penetentary doing some "Big Time" (Peter Gabriel)

Who's gonna help me get out of my wet things?
Advanced Wordsmith
i have always been very open about letting people know about my writing. sometimes i even ask them to give something a read so i can get someone else's POV/take on it. of course, with them being either family or friends, it can be hard to get an "honest" critique (and by that i mean one that may "hurt my feelings") out of them. that is the main reason i decided to start posting my work here (and on another site with a similar LITerary view on EROTICA.) the response i have received over the past two years has been both informative and very positive and i REALLY appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read, vote, and post comments----although more comments would be even better as that particular feedback is the most helpful. a friend of mine is trying to set up an e-book website that would have BOOK length stories available for sale (and providing the authors what he says is a "nice royalty rate"). he has not provided me with very many of the specifics but he said he is going to be looking for some authors soon.

sorry, i'm sounding like a sales-pitch and just rambling on, huh?

my answer is "Yes, most people I know know about my writing." of course, not all of them approve of my subject material and suggest that, since i love writing fantasy, i try writing a "real" book (i.e.: NON-erotic.)
Advanced Wordsmith
while on the subject of bullets. . . .

Did you know that if you get shot with a bullet (of any caliber) that you will do a back-flip or get thrown ten to twenty feet backward?

Shrapnel from exploding bombs, grenades, cars, tanks, etc. never causes any damage or injury to the hero.

Alien computers have no defense against human designed computer viruses. (They should know that they need to be running MacCafee or Norton's)

Travelling through a ventalation system is ALWAYS silent.

When disarming a very powerful bomb, always wait until the timer reaches "2" to cut the red wire (or is it the blue one?)

If you are a villian, ALWAYS tell the hero what your plans are before trying to kill the hero.

If you are a villian, ALWAYS use some kind of complicated device to try and kill the hero instead of a single, and very effective, gunshot to the head.

Being a blond slut in a horror movie is a GOOD thing.

EVERYONE knows how to hotwire a car.

EVERYONE older than 35 knows Morse Code.
Advanced Wordsmith
chocolate. my FAVORITE is Moser Rothe (which i have only found at Aldi's---a discount, no-frills grocery store)

Armegeddon-----i cry EVERY time Harry and Grace say good-bye (i've also sometimes wondered if i would have the courage to save the world like Harry did.)

Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Road Runner, et al----the REALLY good cartoons, not ANY of the crap that they have today

pink champaigne----i started drinking it with someone i really cared about and never lost the taste for it even after she and i grew apart.