My original goal was to find a site that protected my work and didn't mirror my stories to sites I never intended to publish on.
What I found here on Lush were readers and writers interacting. Actual feedback! I loved that.
Then I read a competition theme that fired my imagination. The competitions are a great muse for me. I suspend all other projects to get those out. My current goal is to place in one.
A farmer's old rooster passed. Acquiring a new young one, the seller warned that this rooster was very active.
All that first night the farmer heard hens squawking. In the morning it was clear that not only the hens but every other female animal had been serviced.
The rooster was spotted laying still in the far pasture. The farmer thought the rooster must have done himself in with the night's activities. Upon investigation, the rooster signalled the farmer to stay quiet. The rooster pointed into the sky and whispered, "Buzzards!"