Depends on who...
If I'm just horny, and now with someone I "care" about, then lets fuck!
If its a boyfriend, or someone I "care: about and I'm feeling a certain way... Then make love to me.
Tonight I told a girlfriend of mine that after I get a bikini wax, if there are any stray or missed hairs, when I get home I use a tweezer to remove the unwanted hairs, on my own... She freaked, and thought it was weird, and a form of self-mutilation... I feel she overreacted. Each individual hair doesn't grow in at the same time, and after a day or two one of those lil hairs may poke though the skin... My question is... Is pulling that stray hair/s out on your own after your waxer missed it, so freaky?
I was a porn store clerk in college, and I also dabbled in some local amateur photography. The nudie pics gave me so much more confidence, that I would never take it back!
cant do it.. Feels weird. Did it once, and I just felt off the entire time...
I wear it because with out it, I feel weird.
Gay or tranny... after working in a porn store for 3 years, anything straight really does nothing for me
my "cock" would be in my hand, or some girls holes the entire time
I can, and do it whenever I want to impress the guy Im doing it to... If im not into it, or the sex isnt good, then Im not gonna give em my all!
penetration during sex... Clit for masturbation.
Stripper... Random sex is to dangerous these days
cant do it. I feel weird for one thing... And secondly I cum to often to not keep my pants clean during the day!
Yes, almost every day. I need a visual when I masturbate
i have rules... I dont let guys treat me like a slut. Therefore, I only let the people I like get to those points.... and most of the time when I ask them, or they ask and I agree... they usually just forget....
But depending on the situation... Yes I like it.
Yes, I gave it to her! And it took me way to long to learn to enjoy it, so i dont think I would be a good teacher
how many people seem to be here just for the cybering. I got on to publish my erotica.
hurts, but cant change a person and what makes them happy.
its over rated... Its like paying for a place to fuck...
the back of a fire engine
of course... if you dont like your own taste, then why think anyone else would?