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Over 90 days ago
Female, 58
United States


Active Ink Slinger
I cum in my sleep a couple of times a month. I'll wake up with my hips rocking and cumming. I'm never touching myself. It blows my mind how powerful the mind is
Active Ink Slinger
My favorite Disney movie is Pinnochio and I relate to his desire to be a real boy. I dont want to be a real boy lol, but I like striving to be true to myself and still trying to be a good person.. Kind of tricky sometimes
Active Ink Slinger
Tattoed heart . Last week got a new one, a nesting doll with mamas name. Working on a sleeve on my right arm
Active Ink Slinger
Raspberries, nibbles of sea bass, a spoonful of rice pilaf, half a creme brûlée, taste of Marsala sauce, bite of salmon, one bruschetta, a bite of imported Brie, more raspberries ... I'm a chef lol
Active Ink Slinger
" I noticed that you have really good posture" , I don't know if it was good or bad, I laughed and that's a good thing
Active Ink Slinger
I ll put on GUMP when I want to veg out and nap. I can recite the movie, so I lie under my covers with my eyes closed and speak the lines of the movie
Active Ink Slinger
A Shrew ??

The diminutive shrew is the archetypal insectivore.
A shrew's gotta do what a shrew's gotta do.

Sharing does not come naturally to shrews.

They perform best in chaotic jobs and thrive on the unpredictability of disorder.

Shrews' sharp eyes have a knack for spotting the hole in the fence, and with their ability to make instant decisions they impetuously seize the moment and scuttle on through. Their smart mouths and high energy are put good use in the workplace.

I guess these parts might be a little true
Active Ink Slinger
I got out of the kitchen with my ass intact.. So it was a good day
Active Ink Slinger
Summer !!! Love summer, love the sun !My birthday, fireworks on 4th of July, the beach, swimming, biking, bbqs & beer with friends. Ooo how I long for summer
Active Ink Slinger
The sound of leaves rustling in the breeze and waves crashing
Active Ink Slinger
Lol funny question, if I'm pissed then allowing him to beg and work for it can be fun. I wasnt that pissed I guess
Active Ink Slinger
I've found that I'm the same here as I'm in life. I like the sweetness of it all, not into random sex. I've been lucky to find two here that give me the sweet i crave. With them I enjoy cybering immensely. It builds slowly after lots of flirting, and happens very naturally. It's way fuckin Hott, so yea, I enjoy it
Active Ink Slinger
His desire for me, ofcourse . His his words & action can make me melt like butter
Active Ink Slinger
Need Four arms to cook faster. Need to curb my foul lil mouth in the kitchen.
Active Ink Slinger
Need Four arms to cook faster. Need to curb my foul lil mouth in the kitchen.
Active Ink Slinger
Personally like some hair and I don't like shaved men. It's not masculine to me
Active Ink Slinger
My mother is 4 10" & and dad is 6' , I'm 5 1" and she always told me if I had a baby with a short man my kids would be too short. I've never been able to date anyone seriously unless they are atleast 5 10" , although I prefer 6 -6 2" .. Thanks mom
Active Ink Slinger
Kiss, kiss, kiss, the sensation is an extreme turn on for me
Active Ink Slinger
I take pictures of people when they stupidly stare at me