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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female
United States




where is that one?

...naked, totally exposed. mist rises from hot breath meeting cold air. my pussy steams  as I walk streets  empty of you and seek someone  to drink my hot soul. there are no fingers  to slide over my sex  and bring me home.  no mouth to draw wet circles ...


there is only you

here, now,in the smoky magic of dreams,i call your true name. come to me.let us sing of the faithfulness of desire,need never sated, the precise moment that I am completely undone by the spell of your body on mine.each moment of revealing still mysterious...

moon shine

the night sky sings a sad song.

I hide... every day. from hurt, from love, from myself. when my body longs most to feel your breath, to share your space, to be owned by you, I remind myself  why love cannot be, why joy is perilous,  why I will never be enough. the full moon breaks  into...

all i am

it is good to know who you are

fuck me now. you will be glad you did. there may be no other value in my daily trip  through space and time but I can make your cock hard and your body sing. I am  a good fuck. I will touch your body, hum against your most sensitive parts. I will take you...

storm signs

i want you

there is lightning in the air and screaming dreams  biting at the edge of my soul.  drug me, beloved, with wine and kisses. let me caress your thick length. I will tease the head of your bold body across my wet slit as I pull you thrusting  into my fierce...

say it

saying my true name matters

say my name when you wake in the dark warm hours and your hands touch the soft, breathing flesh of my heart. say my name when you think of me, or have a silly thought and smiling together appeals. what miraculous oneness as souls touch. say my name into m...


there are no words

The surprise is I was not surprised when you stepped into my path. Visions of hot, striving bodies flashed through my mind. Your mouth owning open and willing lips. Your fingers twined with mine. Your erect length pinning me to crisp white sheets. My enti...

The Never Farewell

a reminder to speak love

She lit a candle. Read some words. I listened as she grieved Private moments shared, Wild togetherness That would never be again. She spoke of travels And poetry, Of music And slow kitchen dances. Tears fell for moments lost to love Because of marriages l...


there is only you

come to me softly and peer intently into the deep, dark of my love for you. I hide it here where no one will see how passionate the longing, how beautiful the song, how long this forever truly is. come to me quietly and drink deeply of this sweet, cool we...

Drink Me

I love your morning pleasure.

drink me softly as I sleep. kiss joy from my body in lucid dream become real. demand your portion of my soul  as morning whiskers  chafe tender flesh and my heart  screams your name. your tongue calls me through my moans.  this quivering moment becomes a...


this is who we are

Here we are Across the miles.Camera in. Camera out.I see your face only dimly From the darkness of your room. Your voice assures my heart I am beautiful And desirable. Candles illuminate my bare silk In flickering shades of gold. I spread myself before yo...


even a little hope was too much

It must have been an enchantment. No other word can explain How I allowed your Whisper to infiltrate my defenses And capture my thoughts And my heart. My fingers touched To match your words Which called me to orgasm And joining. There was never hope for m...


i am worth the price

You are awake And I come to you With my skin tasting like peaches And my heart  Offering you everything.  Brittle stars sparkle  In quiet and awestruck joy  As you touch my body  And call forth wetness  From this stone. Open flesh begs your entry. I move...

Nature Walk

we are a part of all we see.

Soft days of perfect light Filled with earthy sights and sounds Bring joy And peace. Walking though the day Holding your hand, Seeing your mouth curve just for me, And sharing this sensory heaven Makes my heart race. The evening will be full Of skin And k...

shooting star wishes

The universe sings

Tonight I heard my own voice Being sung out of the stars.The verses werePassionate calls For your hands on my body,Your mouth on mine,Your erect length worshipping The ebb and flow of my heart.Notes pulsed with Heart Stopping Orgasm.The chorus, however,Wa...