It's no longer in our best interests to serve hamburgers here. If you've posted accounts of past hamburgers you enjoyed, you can still access them through your profile. Please bear in mind the generous offerings that still remain. Over the years, our best dishes haven't been hamburgers anyway, so please enjoy them. Naughtynurse's suggestion is superb, btw.
I've never used it. My experience is that when it's used, especially when said "partner" is not around, it's a subtle way to indicate that it's a same-sex relationship. Not every time, but that's common, at least here in the US. But now that I think about it, I will occasionally refer to him as my partner when it's just he and I, as in "you're my partner in life", and everywhere we go in life, we'll go together. But I've never said "please meet my partner" when introducing him.
I suppose it comes down to ones' preference.
I pee in the shower but not in the bath. Pee in bathwater seems really gross. Pee in the shower? It washes off. Besides, there's a lot nastier stuff to wash down the drain than pee, honestly.
If you make it to 50, that's a pretty good haul.
He likes there's that.
It looks awesome!
What CAN'T she do?
I'll make a quick-reference .jpg and post it soon, but until's just not that hard, folks.
The ground rules here are very simple: enter and, without referencing other posts or disparaging other members or the site, post your rage in word form. Videos, .gifs, dog/cat jokes, and random non-rage observations belong elsewhere. Anyone that wants to start a "rage expressed through YouTube or pics" thread is more than welcome to do so; I'm sure it will get takers.
Now: rage on!