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Where do you gals think all that extra cock goes?

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seriously? When a doctor performs an "internal", he can reach your cervix with his gloved finger, about 4". Of course your partially sitting up, which reduces the distance somewhat, maybe and inch or so. For those of you that enjoy 7", 8", 9" or more inches of cock or dildo, where do you think you take the extra lenght ? Do you think you take it under the cervix or above the cervix(while laying on your back) or do you just not take it all ? I understand that an aroused vagina allows for a cock to go past the cervix. Do you have an idea where it feels best for you, above or below? sincerely, Richard

P. S. my first post, hopefully of many.
Quote by DickBrobdingnagian
seriously? When a doctor performs an "internal", he can reach your cervix with his gloved finger, about 4". Of course your partially sitting up, which reduces the distance somewhat, maybe and inch or so. For those of you that enjoy 7", 8", 9" or more inches of cock or dildo, where do you think you take the extra lenght ?

The length and expandable diameter of the vagina increases as arousal works its magic. Therefore, what feels like a tight squeeze on a doctor's finger, becomes a tight squeeze on a thick penis, and the cervix recedes deep into the body, still reachable by a longer penis but not typically with a finger.

Quote by DickBrobdingnagian
I understand that an aroused vagina allows for a cock to go past the cervix.
Depending on the angle, this can happen anyway, though not nearly as comfortably when no aroused. When on my back, it will often graze it but not make direct impact.

Shorter Answer: everything down there expands and flexes. It's made to accommodate a variety of shapes and sizes.
Some of the guys asking questions must have been in the bathroom jacking off during health class.
Quote by alliebug69
Some of the guys asking questions must have been in the bathroom jacking off during health class.

or they don't know & are curious.

What is common sense to one person can be a wtf moment for another
Maybe this will help you. I'm serious!

Nice one Nikki!

Good reference!

