I love erotica, and writing. These two brought me here.
I'd been browsing erotica for a long time and, at some point, I realized the quality of the material in videos and other type of media plummeted.
I spent too much time I didn't have, looking for something that's at least not cringy or downright tedious for me. It's hard. It's time-consuming. It feels like a treasure hunt. That was until I learned about stories; these type of stories.
And yet, sometimes, browsing my favorite category is traversing through the blatant and the cliche -- another treasure hunt. So I decided to work on some of my own 'reluctance' and 'hotwife' content.
If this is the kind of stories and style you'd like to see more often, you can get me a burguer, or a coffee as a token of your approval:
My laptop knows how much I need caffeine.
I aim to grow; for I do love writing. I am a novice but, even though it's my first time, with your support I'll dedicate even more time and effort in producing quality, stories. I have many yet to develop.