KellyRandom 28 Feb 2024 I Only Cum When A Dog Watches An inspired trans girl solves a strange sexual problem … he says. It’s been a strange week. October is always a bit weird – neither summer nor winter, it’s that liminal month between the joys of sunshine and the dense, dark rituals of year’s end. This one is relatively mild, but at the office on Thursday, it rained so hard water squirted through a closed sash window. I picked up the phone, pretended to dial, and then said, “God? It’s Kelly. Yes, that one.” I winked at everyon...
KellyRandom 3 May 2022 Mary-Jane Avatar - Part 6 A sexy trans girl gets high and is taken advantage of Schrödinger's Twat We stand in the garden. I have got through half the bourbon, and I am smoking the rest of the third joint. My underneath is cool and still damp from its extreme treatment, followed by a soothing immersion in the bidet. From time to time, Mutant John will lift my skirt to accelerate the drying process. He will invariably touch me ‘by accident.’ Neither of us will mention this. Instead, we discuss literat...
KellyRandom 8 Apr 2022 Mary-Jane Avatar - Part 5 A trans girl is piss-filled, sucked and tested Streams of Pleasure He doesn’t say when he’s going to do it. Instead, he lubes up and fucks me again. Continuing the theme of life going on as if I’m not being intimately penetrated, I smoke and get higher. Mutant John truly is a master with the stuff, because at no point do I feel overwhelmed by it. I ask if I can check my makeup in the mirror over the sink, and he gently moves me sideways as he continues to shaft me. I...
KellyRandom 5 Mar 2022 Mary-Jane Avatar - Part 4 A trans girl has her back pussy filled with amber nectar Treasure Cunt Mutant John is naked. He has lost weight, and is more toned. I seek a scar on his chest, but the surgery on his heart was via keyhole, so there is nothing beneath the grey-black mat of hair across his broad chest. His cock, however, does sport recent injury. It is softer now but not inert. The reduced erection means that where there were many individual marks on the shaft, now there is merely a general redne...
KellyRandom 22 Jan 2022 Mary-Jane Avatar - Part 3 A Hell's Angel sends a trans girl on a drug-fuelled sex odyssey MARY-JANE Mutant John’s ground floor flat is part of a fifties-era construction that includes five others built to last by the council in the days when councils did things like that. It has a tiny conservatory that opens onto a small, paved garden, one end of which is occupied by a lean-to wooden greenhouse of indeterminate heritage that backs onto the garden wall. The tomato plants nearest the flat don’t quite mask the m...
KellyRandom 14 Dec 2021 Mary-Jane Avatar - Part 2 A trans girl in PVC is given a very warm welcome AVATAR Mutant John doesn’t smile much, but when he opens the door of his ground floor flat and sees me he beams so widely and toothily that he looks like someone else. I slip off my sunglasses, stow them in my bag, then look up at him. As we stand there it feels as if we are two shy people meeting on a first date. He goes to say something, shakes his great shaggy head, then smiles some more. Then he opens his arms. I cros...
KellyRandom 12 Nov 2021 Love in the Time of Covid A trans girl comes out of lockdown in more ways than one After lockdown eased, I needed to be fucked so urgently I could barely think. At first I was nervous, but then I reminded myself that not only had I been double-jabbed, I also hadn’t been anywhere. After several cups of tea to get my courage up and a rearrangement of bookshelves that I didn’t even try and pretend was anything other than procrastination, I ignored my pounding heart and signed onto Grindr. I hadn’t been on...
KellyRandom 24 Sep 2021 First Time Dressing A trans girl gets a hot surprise when she takes her first lady steps I was at home, upstairs in the bathroom where the light is best at mid-morning. My hands shook slightly as I put on makeup, desperate not to smudge it or get one eye different to the other. As I worked, I remembered online tutorials and the advice of girlfriends. There was so much to consider! From foundation skin tone to the amount to apply; from the right shade of blusher – which I’d learned should match my natural inne...
KellyRandom 20 Aug 2021 Mary-Jane Avatar - Part 1 A trans girl has sex to prepare for more sex later Smelly Little Tranny Mutant John tells me not to shower before I come over because he wants to smell the real me. Ever loyal and thorough, I spend the Friday before I visit him in a series of nerve-wracking sales meetings that burn my deodorant off in seconds. I then head out for a few drinks with workmates, which inevitably turn into quite a lot of drinks. At the end of the evening, I cop off with a barman who’s had his...
KellyRandom 15 Jul 2021 Traded on the Love Exchange - Part 3 After a dramatic rescue, a sexy trans girl is milked by a rugged farmer 6. Farmed Out The farm is dark and silent. The light I saw comes from a lamp atop a huge empty barn with a corrugated roof. The other buildings slump around me. Some are ancient, some more modern although those are shabbier. There is a thick, fertile smell of hay. The silence unnerves me, even as I stand panting in the courtyard. “Hello?” I call. This is ridiculous – I am calling like I don’t want to disturb anyone out of...
KellyRandom 8 Jun 2021 Traded on the Love Exchange - Part 2 A willing trans girl is stalked through a moonlit wood 4. Soon Kelly, Soon I stand by my car under the bright winter stars, smoking a spliff. It is not the same cigarette I put out on Ronson’s arse but a new one, rolled by the man who stands beside his motorbike near Ronson’s trailer. “Soon, Kelly, soon,” the man says. Ronson is inside, probably asleep. Before that, he asked what relationship I had with Dave and why I would do something like this for him. I explained that I h...
KellyRandom 4 May 2021 Traded on the Love Exchange - Part 1 A sexy trans woman stalks a policeman 1. Watching the Detectives “Do you know why I’ve stopped you, Kelly?” “Because my car is better than yours.” “No, it’s because –” “It is though, isn’t it? An Astra estate? What kind of police car is that?” “Have you been drinking, Kelly?” At this point, people usually adopt a forced innocence as they mention a small half lager they had at exactly 8:43 pm. I had a white wine spritzer five hours ago. “No,” I say. “Only it’s...
KellyRandom 31 Mar 2021 Things That Shouldn't Happen to a Little Black Bob A pretty trans girl with a black bob is dunked and made to wash up This chapter is from My Black Bob - a novel of trans erotic adventure. Click on my profile for a link to the rest! x I drift through Brighton, the fresh morning light clean and almost platinum in its glorious pale intensity. It’s Sunday and I have been conscious – often more than conscious, thanks to a cocktail of chemical enhancements I barely remember – for at least twenty-four hours. My underneath is a lovely combinati...
KellyRandom 27 Feb 2021 London to Brighton A trans girl with a little black bob gets an extra ride on the train I sit in Dylan Rey’s hair salon on Tunbridge Wells High Street and stare at my new little black bob. I worried it wouldn’t suit my face, that I wouldn’t be able to manage the upkeep, and that at thirty-six I was too old. Scariest of all, if I didn’t have long hair would I look blokey – the perennial risk for a transgender woman? But it is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. A chunky, straight fringe hangs from a smal...
KellyRandom 8 Jan 2021 New Pony A trans pony girl is ridden through a series of strange relationships Today I am a pony girl, and will be ridden by Jenny. I don’t know Jenny that well and have only met her twice. She is my pal Liv’s girlfriend. Liv and I used to work together, and have been friends ever since, even though Liv got sacked for saying a colleague looked like a paedophile, because he did. I was annoyed with her about that. It’s not often one has genuine allies in the workplace and Liv was one of them. She is a...