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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 40
United States


All of the previous mods said it right. Another thing to note is that since we've gotten rid of the old A-Z list, some people post stories with content we no longer allow on the site. If those stories come across and they're multi-part, it can not only get your stories published out-of-order, but can also back up the queue even farther.

I try and wait a few days, even a week before sending in a following chapter to a story. Gives the previous time to settle, and a little build on the next one.

We ARE volunteers, so wait times can vary. But, like has also been mentioned ... getting the shiny badge fast-tracks your stories to the front of the line, and you even have a special VIP section, to boot!
Quote by Magical_felix

You'd think that instead of surrendering to the internet they would up their game and throw in some gaping asshole and full spreadage of the labias major and minora.

Little bit of Goatse and some Blue Waffle to compete, hey? How's my fave cool cat these days?
The attitude of subs varies greatly. Some are more quiet and demure, where others are boisterous and fun. I find myself bouncing between the two types. I'm too mouthy to be quiet all of the time, but sometimes I'm also attentive and serene.

Subs are a diverse group, and you'll get about 90 different answers from 65 people.
So ... you're a brat. Really. Mouthing off, being ornery,impish and generally mischevious. Disobeying to get His attention. Congrats. You're a brat. And that's not a bad thing. There are LOTS of Dom/Dommes and Masters/Mistresses looking for their perfect little brat.

I've been involved in the Lifestyle for a decade now, and have found that yes, there are varying degrees of subs.

But what I think is a good thing to note is the difference between a submissive and a slave. A slave is there to subjugate themselves entirely to the pleasures of their Master/Mistress. THOSE are the ones who's pleasure is serving Someone's every whim. A sub merely submits, giving control of the metaphorical reins to their Dom/Domme. (I don't use merely to lessen the sub in any way; I identify as one myself. I simply use it to denote the difference between the two types of BDSM bottoms.)

Every relationship when it comes to D/s is fluid and changing. There is no 'wrong' or 'right' way to be in a BDSM relationship, so long as both parties consent, scene safely, and remember limits. The key is just to find the place that you fit. No REAL Dom/Domme will ever force you into a mold that you don't belong in.
I was away for a few days with work ... Oct 21, 2015 was also Back to the Future Day ... Do you know why this specific date is DD/lg day? I'm not asking to be facetious, I'm genuinely curious.
The thought is indeed erotic. My one threesome encounter was FMF so that wasn't an issue ... but the question at hand?

I'd say it would be amazing. I doubt it will ever happen, and don't know for sure I could do it, but the fantasy of it makes me pretty hot.
I tend toward soft pinks/mauves for daytime when I work, but I go for bright pinks/deep reds when I go out. It depends on where and what I'm wearing, too. But for everyday? A neutral pink can't be wrong.
I'm more than happy to clean his cock off after he's cum inside me, and get this delicious thrill when he bathes me with his tongue ... Tasting us both on his mouth is amazing, and I love it!

Just knowing he wants to do that for me adds an extra layer to the entire experience, and that's pretty damn sexy.
Until a few weeks ago, I didn't know what this joy was like. Luckily, my current bf LOVES eating me out.

My current fave is courtesy of a stay at a Days Inn ...on the edge of the bed, and he was on one knee with one arm wrapped under one of my legs and the other holding my opposite knee up and out as he feasted on me. There was an added thrill because I apparently get a little loud when he's eating me, and I could hear our neighbor's TV through the wall, so they could probably hear me moaning the whole time!

But so far,I've loved it all... that's just the one I've found I like the most.
I've had a few interracial partners; in fact, my current man is Mexican.

I had my first black lover when I was 19: he was the second man I'd slept with, and he was mediocre, even looking back now. It didn't make me swear off black men, I just haven't found one I want to be with. Black men are sexy, regardless of their age, so they've got that going for them, too!

I do have to say that there is something erotic about seeing a man's dark hands on my lighter skin: some people hate that the difference is sexualized, but I get it. It's not something I seek out, really; it just kinda happens. My current guy and I got together because my cousin in nosy and I didn't wanna hurt her feelings by bailing on the blind date she set me up on.

I'm pretty sure I'll have another go at a block cock in the future, and when it happens, I'll make sure to come back here and take another look!
If it's a 'Free Pass' then it's really not cheating. That being said, the thing that men have to deal with is that my Pass involves three people:a friend I've had in my life for 15 years, Glenn Hetrick, and Dave Navarro.
I can honestly say that I'm not all that surprised. What gets me is that it took so long.

If you think about it, their broadcasted station (Playboy TV) and such, the website, the stores ... Those places are the money, especially the website. I used to collect the magazines, and just gave most of my entire collection to my best friend's dad for his last birthday, including my special anniversary edition featuring Marilyn Monroe, 'The Naked Marilyn'.

I'd wager they'll keep the full nudity on the websites and the movies, et cetera,but maybe make the magazine more like the Rolling Stones of pornography?
The test results should be in next week ... But don't worry, I haven't felt it ooze at all in days!
While interesting in theory, it's pretty much something that will never occur in reality. I've been following this, and also need to be counted among the "not pissed list" ... However, mildly irritated does apply.

Even the proposed idea of removing art (yes, art ... Dr Sprite and I concur on this) from the site just because it's been some time since submission and the views/votes don't equal to something someone seems ... worthy? I don't like it. Not as a mod, not as a reader, and for definitely sure not as a writer. There's no quantifiable way to show how much time was spent on any one poem/story. Some of mine takes minutes, hours, weeks,months ... and each are part of me.

Likewise, scoring a story based on it's written skill or eroticism just doesn't cut it with me. What I find erotic, you may not. Just because I find one story in a category arousing doesn't mean I find all stories there as titillating. Same with the writing style ... many writers, many different styles. I'll promise you that as a story mod, I see dozens--ne, hundreds--of different writing styles each month. And what I personally may deem an amazingly-constructed story ... the next person may think it's crap.

Where it can pose an interesting thought, the practicality of this makes it pointless. But it's been interesting reading other people's opinions, for sure!

(Ignore any nonsense: it's 4am and I haven't slept since 7am yesterday.)
Hello, Lush writers! I'm one of your local friendly story mods!

Right now in dealing with the monster that is our submissions queue, I decided that it might not be a bad time to remind/tell you all a little something.

When submitting stories (and that's what you're here for) please only do so ONE AT A TIME.

This isn't just for our benefit (I won't lie, it's really nice) but also YOURS.

Each member will only have ONE story published to the front page every 24 hours. No matter how many stories you have submitted, that won't change. It doesn't matter if it's a poem, either. One publication per writer every day.

We have a monster of a submissions queue right now, and I've already seen three members with multiple stories posted in there. I'm not saying don't post ... god, no! I'm just saying keep this in mind when you do. The more each writer has submitted, the longer it will take for us to get through to everyone's writings.

And if you have a multi-part story, well the same still stands ... Actually, don't submit numerous parts at the same time. Get the first one published, then submit the second. As soon as you get your "Congrats!" message, submit it. But don't submit them at the same time. Back-logging the queue only hurts YOU, the writer.

If you ever have any questions, contact us! There's a way to see what story mods are online, and I'm sure any of us would be more than happy to answer any questions that you might have. We're all pretty approachable folks. Our jobs here are just to make sure that all writers follow the site guidelines, and to help ensure that we can continue to provide our readers the highest-quality erotica that we possibly can!
Fixed it! LOL.

As I laid blindfolded and bound, he moved against and over me. Quivering, gasping, I came around him, milking his cock as he came inside me.
139 characters according to the counter you posted:

I laid blindfolded and bound as he moved against and over me. Quivering, gasping, I came around him, milking his cock as he came inside me.
I'm a big girl, and don't get off on the option of potentially suffocating my lover. I'd gladly sit on the edge of the bed/chair/sofa though, to give him a little more access to the back side, of me. But me on his face? Not my thing. Hot to watch on porn, though.
My neck, especially along the muscle directly below my ears. Also, my shoulders, and the backs of them. It causes special tingles that make me crave so much more than just the light brush of his lips!
What's not to love? Especially during a sexy makeout session when you're plastered together, and feeling him harden?

It's awesome to know a guy wants you, but to FEEL how much? It makes me feel like a goddess.
I have, and it was pretty damn sexy. He was TRYING to wake me up, so that was pretty neat. Let's just say as soon as I was awake enough, he got what he'd been gunning for!
I have. But we had a pre-existing friendship before we started working for the same company. Then one day at lunch (we'd driven off-property) we started chatting, and ended up getting our freak on. It didn't negatively impact our relationship (professionally OR personally), but we did get paranoid one day when we snuck off during lunch and had sex in a supply room.
You mean ... him fisting you? That's a tough one. The one time I've tried it, he kinda surprised me with it, and I didn't like it AT ALL. I'm very tight, and he wasn't as easy as he could have been, I guess. I suppose you could try starting out a conversation with "What are some of the things you haven't tried, that you'd maybe be open to?" and go from there.
It's an erotic fantasy, for sure. I've never had the opportunity, and not sure how it would go it it came up. I've tried sexual relationships with women in the past, and it's just not my thing. But I love breasts. I love cock. What would be better than having them both at the same time, with only my vagina in the mix! LOL
I've had both, and have to say that I really don't have a specific preference. I'm more concerned about the relationship I have with the man himself, rather than if he's cut or not.

I do like the fact that I can be more ... vigorous with a cut penis than uncut.

I love the foreskin, though. It's an added sensation during oral, and really, so long as a guy is mindful of his hygiene, then they really taste the same.
Quote by JuneFernan
I just think, if you're going to post some serialized stories outside the Novels category, then the events in each chapter should line up with the requirements of the category. So, you shouldn't post a five-part series in the Anal category if the anal sex doesn't start happening until part 5. Whatever type of sex happens in those first four parts should determine where it goes. If there's no sex at all and it's just a chapter that's building story, then I guess it belongs in the Novels category.

That is also a good note to make. Not ALL chapters of a story are ALWAYS going to fit into ONE category. My own "All in Time" series is over different ones. , Love Stories, First Time ...They mesh, but they don't ALL go in one place.

So when you're doing edits, or putting your story in for submission, take notice of the overall TOPIC that you've written. We have story tags to add other things in. Just make sure that you're putting it in the right category.

I know that I've fixed that on several stories I've verified, but I've also sent messages to the authors, telling them what and why I did it.
You're very descriptive, which is good. I'm not only a writer/editor, I'm also a moderator here. It's kinda my thing to offer helpful criticism.

"The bookshelves that lined the scarlet red walls and the many books that adorned them, from the collection of deep, gem coloured novels embossed in golden lettering, right down to the tiny, iridescent black pocket book on the far end, which read “The Pocket Book Of Curses and Blessing”.

This sentence is just kind of ... displaced. You go from the illumination of the light outside, to this. A suggestion?

The light fairly made the gold lettering on the books glitter. Amidst the gem-coloured novels that sat upon the shelves adorning the scarlet walls, she spied a small black book. She could just barely read the lettering in the glow from the streetlamp: "The Pocketbook of Curses and Blessings."

It's also a perfect example of the run-ons that have previously been noted. Simply shuffling the words around to fit right, you can change a drawn-out run-along into several, more-descriptive sentences.

Another piece of advice: Show versus Tell. You've got promise in that area, I can tell. It's the art of drawing the reader in to the scene, showing them with your words what is there, rather than TELLING them it's there.
To add on to Sprite's methodology ... sometimes I'll make a little note in there about a specific thing, like public teasing, or a flash. Same thing goes there, as well. Different moods can lend an altogether different feel to a scene. I try and write those scenes, in that mood. So the same can go for the entire story, not just the sex.
Quote by Melissa999
I think it should be lower than 10,000 words. Reading a lot of text online is a strain on the eyes, and is tedious and frankly irritating. It's not like a book, which you pick up and put down at a page your choosing.

Not all stories are written equally. There are some stories here that made me seriously lament the maximum word count, and even more where I just sighed and clicked away. If the characters and settings are gripping, then that 10k words is nothing.

You don't HAVE to read a longer story. Nobody is making you. If you're bored, or have gotten off already .. then "x" it out. It's as simple as that.

And, just because I can be a bit of a bitch at times, technically you CAN move away from the story for a bit. It's called "opening in a new tab". A preposterous concept, I know.
My daughter used to get this terrible diaper rash before she finally got the hang of potty-training, and NOTHING we used OTC seemed to help it. A friend of my mother's that does holistic medicine suggested coconut oil, and we said "Why not?" Within TWO DAYS the rash was GONE.

We also found that it's an awesome soothing agent for burns, and any type of rash or irritation. I'm a big girl, and tend to develop a heat rash in the summer time with elastic bands, and coconut oil clears the irritation up in a flash.

Mixed with a little favorite flavoring and frozen, it makes a tasty lip balm/moisturizer, too!