Not sure why that would be an issue... if the shoe fits, who cares if she had sex 10 days or 10 years ago?
Really not... The chase is a lot of work so why give up your reward?
And in many cases if she's worth the chase, she's worth catching.
0/7 ... must do better lol
Physically... better than I've been in years
Mentally... the worst I've been in 23 years of life.
Obviously a big house is up there but the ABSOLUTE first thing I'm going to buy is a plane ticket to see the woman I love!
I don't see the obsession with Cara Delevingne
1) Surely any woman with a kid can be considered a MILF - so with that in mind an 18 year old could be a MILF
2) In my eyes, MILFs graduate into GILFs after age 50
3) Yes. Otherwise they are simply WILFs
I usually accept random friend/chat requests because I'm interested in chatting to new people
Twenty One Pilots - Stressed Out
Saw one on a car earlier today that said... "Gas, Grass or Ass... Nobody rides for free" - certainly made me chuckle!
I'm looking forward to seeing what comes of the Assassin's Creed Movie - as a big fan of the game series, I'm interested to see how the movie compares!
In my head I prefer an equal exchange of ideas so we can bounce ideas off one another equally but in reality it's probably more 60-40 in favor of my partner, that way I know what makes the person I'm talking to click and I can keep the conversation relevant to things their interested in. Plus doing things that way mean I'm less likely to bore my chatting partner!
I'm open to a lot of things but this a flat out no from me.
Reading this topic made me check my own views and it turns out (as of writing this) I'm 2 views away from 3,000!... Hardly the astronomical numbers that some of you have got and it has taken me almost two years to get to this point but 3,000 is a nice number nevertheless!
Like the chap above me said, sometimes yes but not everytime... Although in the majority of cases, the mothers in the MILF stories on here sound like a dream!
I'd choose tits over ass anyday!
(Linda) Friday
Eva Angelina
Jenna Presley
Phoenix Marie
Ashlynn Leigh
They're a few of my favorites! (in no particular order)
Yellow - Coldplay
I'm Blue - Eiffel 65
1) No
2) Yes. Sometimes I'll challenge myself and do it standing up but sometimes I can't be bothered and sit down to do it!
3) All of the above
4) No. It can be slightly painful if it's pressed down by some particularly tight jeans but otherwise no
5) Usually think of something non sexual but it doesn't always work!
To answer your question, I'm a reader but not a writer and I rarely leave a score below 4...
... however I would like to add that this is partly down to how offended writers get if you score anything less than 4. In my opinion the rating system on this site is broken and people leave 5's regardless of how good or bad the story actually is. For example, I rated a story a 4 recently and logged on to Lush later that day to find a scathing message from the author who was furious with the low score. I argued that 4 wasn't a bad score but they were having none of it!
In some cases I genuinely think it's better to leave no rating than give your actual opinion.