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Over 90 days ago
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Almost all the time. It depends on how good and descriptive the person I'm doing it with is. Case in point, I'm straight, but I decided to cyber with a girl I have been emailing back and forth for awhile. I in't think I would be into it because I'm not into girls. But she was so good that I came twice. Not sure I'm into girls, but I am very much into her.
Quote by 1ball
Are you proud of what you've accomplished? Should you be?

proud or not, it happened again yesterday and it's going to happen again tomorrow. it felt great being appreciated and fucked like you're wanted by someone. i like how this feels.
Cybering is definitely preferred. I can get so wet imagining a scene as I cyber. it usually always leads me to have a great orgasm. considering the person im cybering with is good at it.
It is done! We did the do yesterday and although i'm still processing everything that happened? I can honestly say I have no regrets. I do now see why women rant and rave about the sexual prowess of black men. I don't think I have ever been fucked so passionately or intensely than when I was fucked yesterday. I am a little sore to be honest. But I want to see him again. Thanks everyone for your advice and input.
Quote by 1nympholes
OMG do I love it. You wil never have to ask twice and I have girl friends who feel exactly the same as I do.

But I also have other girlfriends who are sure I am completely crazy. I would recommend all you ladies try at least once or twice, but I know many of you will not.

I must wholeheartedly agree with you. Anal sex is a great feeling. The appeal for me is knowing that it'd the forbidden zone and it's naughty. I also get a huge rush out of the reaction of the guy fucking me. men seem to moan more and fuck more passionately when they taking you forbidden fruit. My husband does not like anal sex. But yesterday i fucked a man who treated my asshole like it should be treated. And it was wonderful after so long to feel that rush again. I'm not sure about other women, but I am able to have an orgasm while being fucked doggystyle in me ass. His balls hitting my clit as he fucks me helps that a lot. Sister's open your mind and let him in your ass. He will be your slave after that, lol.
I am meeting him for Breakfast next week wednesday. We will have his place to ourselves. We have both made the decision that we are going to be intimate. I indicated that I "wanted him" but to be honest I'm still on the fence about this.
Everyone's opinion has been very helpful. I have actually started talking to mu husband about having more sex and he said he would try. ( I have to convince a man to have sex with me) never thought that would happen. But so far everything is status quo. No extra effort yet. Not even when I touch him in the morning. I'm a little fed up. I have been texting with my new friend and we even had lunch. HE wants to meet at his place in the morning for breakfast when no one is there. Which to means he wants to do the do. I'm excited and afraid at the same time. But the idea of a man wanting me, and showing it like I know he wants is going to be fun. I didn't tell him if I'll meet with yet. but I am thinking about it, and i have already masturbated once thinking about this beautiful black beast fucking me. Maybe its like what some of you said, i've already made up my mind, its just a matter of time and convenience.
Quote by Shylass

We? Royal we? Simple mistake from "I"? Or "We swapped numbers"?

The sceptic in me thinks this is an elaborate ruse to get people to read the subsequent story that will follow this thread.

If it's not, I can see there will be some very disappointed Lush readers.

Never really thought about it that way but this would make a great story. But it's happening to me right now so not really feeling the "story". I know I'm excited and terrified at the same time about this. would've been better if I was making it up. My life would be so much easier that way. FYI we shared a few texts back and forth today. It feels nice to have someone excited about every word you say and how you look and just to talk to you again. The feeling of being appreciated is very nice.
Quote by Desi007
Just dont forget to tell us all about it! . . .lol

The first step is done! we took his phone number. We agreed to meet for breakfast tomorrow. oh shit, am I really doing this??!
Thanks everyone for your many advice. The truth is I have spoken at length about sex with my husband. What I got from him is that duty is more important than sex. So he would work all day, but not make me his job. I am very giving in bed. Not selfish at all. I do all the things he likes and still, it's home from work for him. Then dinner, then bed. I saw my flirt today again and it made me so excited to think about him fucking me. We chatted for awhile and i found out he's not married but is living with his two kid's mom. He asked me today " so when are we going to hang out?" I smiled and laughed it off. But i wanted to say something. But chickened out. I think next time I will ask for his number and take this a step further. Should I or am I asking for trouble? What does everyone think?
Thanks guys, Felix, if yo must know I'm one of those girls that beg, literally beg for greek style. I seemed to have married the only guy in the universe who thinks it's "gross" and When or if he ever does it, he does it like he's doing me a favor. lol. Nymph guilt is not the factor, I think If i enjoy it, I won't feel guilty because Im fed up. but i's just the idea that this may be the gateway to either more sex with this beautiful black warrior, or perhaps an on going affair. either way I need something more than my vibrator inside of me. I need something living. And I know i would have no problems "going greek" with a black guy. The guy I see every day adores my ass.
Sex at home is almost non - existent. I've been running in the park every morning and have met a really hot Black guy who has expressed interest in me. He says I have a black girls booty and I'm sure he fantasizes about having sex with me as I do about him when I masturbate. But It's not something i've ever done before and I can't imagine ever cheating on my husband, but I want to feel a man who appreciates me thrusting into me so badly. Plus I know he has a big penis from the bulge in his pants. I really want to feel it inside of me. But I'm afraid. I am married but it just seems like I'm living with my brother and not my husband. Advice? anyone did this before? Been in this situation? I am greek and would be completely disowned by my family even knew I was thinking about a black cock. I need advice. Live? or let it go? help me sisters!!!