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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male
0 miles · Conroe


I love to eat a good pussy! Shave it bald or at least trim it up and I will go to town on it! That's just good foreplay to me!
Alone or with my mate. Anytime! Doesn't bother me or them from what I can tell.
Anything but laying there and playing dead like my first wife. Damn when we were dating we'd fuck everywhere and she was so hot about it. Then married and she'd just lay there. BORING!!!

I love it when women get into sex. Make some noise, let's change positions several times, talk dirty!
Smoking ANYTHING is a turn off to me. My first wife smoked, after a while I couldn't even kiss her. It was like licking an ashtray.
Yes they can be too big in my opinion. Honestly I like the smaller breasts. They are less likely to sag when they get older too! smile

"Anything bigger than a handful, you're risking a sprained thumb!" - Weird Science (1985) Great movie!

Quote by Skyla425
A couple men were able to make me squirt during sex and fingering.
*Not like in the pornos where it's a stream and had distance
but instead it made a mess and a good portion of the bed was drenched, my waist, pussy, ass, legs, everything was slick, and of course their cocks were dripping wet. Personally, I'm kind of embarrassed when it happens and I want to know do you think it's gross? Do you like it? Does it make the sexual experience different?
Be honest please!

I think its hot personally! Any guys who doesn't I'd question their motives during sex. They may just be in it for themselves. When a woman squirts during sex with me I consider it remarkable. I know she just had a wonderful orgasm and that is never anything to be embarrassed about. After all, I'm never embarrassed when I cum on them. I realize the volume can be different from person to person but hey, bed sheets can be changed!

Quote by daddysweetheart
Would you cherish that love?

Be flattered?

Run fast as the wind?

Not believe her?

Cast her aside like an old piece of gum attached to your shoe?

I'm just curious..


I would be cautious, not run away. Girls, Women, Ladies.... are all fickle creatures. One minute you love us, then you hate us, then you don't know what you think. Love is thrown around too much and means different things to different people plus the degrees of Love...
Re: naughtynurse - Ha! Yeah no doubt!

Re: Eodman- Exactly!

Re: c50t - Awesome comment and completely spot on!

If ANY guy says no then they are seriously naive. Now if the question was have you ever paid a hooker/prostitute for sex... that is a whole different matter! Agreed???
Quote by kinkitten
fucking doggy style for me please

Well I enjoyed The Agents of Shield. Its not over the top but it keeps my interest.

Blacklist is freakin' awesome!

Mom was funny but I don't know if I'll keep watching.

But It's Football season!!! Love me some NFL!
I have to agree, Bad Breath! I will not date a smoker for that reason!

Plus poor hygiene and overweight!
Quote by Marky
Does it really so ?

Ahhhh Ofcourse it does! If she tells you any differently then she doesn't want to hurt your feelings.

Personally I've never worried about it. My ex-wife said I was almost too big for her (petite woman). Others have said similar things.
I have owned both. I prefer my iPhone 4S! I have far less issues with the phone now.
The one redhead I've been with was the hottest sex I've ever had! I look for redheads first now...

Redheads?? Yes please!
Never tried it. I think seconds or thirds MAY be ok but the further down the line it gets I would be inclined to decline....
I like them all! If I''m just have sex without a relationship big tits are wonderful smile However I like smaller tits on women I plan on staying with... Small doesn't sag and I am not fond of surgery.
Trick question..... I love the feel of a nice tight pussy. But if its too tight I will cum faster. I like to prolong the experience. If the pussy is that tight then go slower, don't stay in one position too long.

Then again, I've been with women after they had three kids. They were noticeably looser but the sex was great and went on and on!

If all I wanted was to get my rocks off, I'll take the tight pussy every time!
My Pandora Station: Poision Radio. It playing Billy Idol "Rebel Yell" right now!

Barkeep, I'm going to need more than a beer.

I need my Lush Friends help.... and yes this is a serious post.

I met a woman last year. From the start we both felt it was like a fairy tale. I say both because she expressed this to me on multiple occasions. We both had been married and had kids so we agreed to take it slow. I truly wanted to be friends before getting serious. We waited until the third date before even kissing. But when we did it was like the largest fireworks display on steroids. We both felt it and could hardly talk afterwards.

Six months into this and we both express that we are in this for life. I ask her about moving in together and even bought a ring to ask her to marry me. A week before her birthday she tells me that she doesn't see us in a long term relationship anymore.

I was and still am beside myself. Its been several months and it is still killing me. Literally eating me up everyday. Mostly because she continues to text me about once every 3-4 weeks. "Just check on you, who are you doing" WTF!?!?!

Then two weeks ago she starts texting me for several days in a row. I'm thinking she realized she made a mistake. So I secretly buy and ship her a Valentines day gift.

They arrived today and she txt saying please dont send me anything. I'm seeing someone now.

I finally told her to stop texting me and explained how it was effecting me. Then I deleted every number, email and contact info from my phone.

I've never in my life experienced such a broken heart. I went days without sleep until I finally started drinking again. I can occasionally get a few hours sleep to function.

Though I was married once before, I loved my wife but realized later I was not IN LOVE with her. This one I was IN LOVE with. This is a pain that I would never wish on anyone. I am in such a low place right now that I just need some friends.

Please Help!
* Anal Sex (everyone i've tried it with was to tight or tense for it to go in.... had plenty of lube)
* Sex with three woman in a single day (without each of them knowing, I've already had two)
* Watch a female I know get Gangbanged (Wife, GF, Ex, Friend)
That is difficult to answer... I never counted. If I had to give a number I would say roughly 10-12. All here on Lush, I love this place!