People always ask "what's your number" referring to how many sex partners one has had. I'm curious about cybersex partners... How many different people have you played with online?
I've created a poll, so that you can be as anonymous as you want to be.
cant count that high,, but like the phone better,, great profile,, thanks for your time,, charles
Oh god i never even kept count! If i had to say it would definately be below 10 though
Lots. When I first came online and started writing erotic stories, I got right into it. Then i got bored.
These days, I'm much more selective ... to the point of being "monogamous"
2-5 for me, and 3 of them, I have been in a relationship with them. I know all of the people who I have cybered with by their 1st name,
It is 2-5 for me. But that does not include masturbating while chatting about fantasies and experiences. I do that often but sometimes the person I am chatting with is not aware of it. But sometimes they are doing same thing. In my mind that is not cybering. I think a lot of people here do the same thing.
For me I had to think sadly the first time was in 93'....but I still know them all by name and it includes a person who tricked me by asking me to cyber under adifferent grand total is is less than one a yr
The ? was how many different people had two ladies friends that I could guess how many times we but still only 10 people in 18 yrs isn't too bad
whats the difference between cybering and hot sexy chat? i prefer knowing i'm turning you on and that you masterbate while we talk.
Honestly have no clue. Somewhere between ten and thirty I guess.
More than a couple. Less than a bunch. Who keeps track?
I would have too much trouble typing with just one hand.
i think that people might be surprised at how low my number is - somehow, i am certain there are those who expect it to be in the thousands - i'm trying to work it out, but i'm pretty sure that girl on girl, i've had 7 partners, only 3 of those more then once, and girl on guy, probably 8 or 9, one of whom was more then once... that's counting from June of 2010 until now, so umm.. if you're one of those, you should probably feel somewhat special... or perhaps a little dirty? anyways, i might be a little off, but not much...
edit: make that two more then once guys, not one, as i was recently reminded.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
In the beginning, if the guy caught my attention I would give him a try. If it flowed and was mutually good for both of us then there might a reoccurrence(s). But after a little bit, it got boring and only a few became regulars. Today only one gets me online or on the phone. Having a deep connection with someone is really the only way go. I have found it to be more fulfilling and satisfying on so many levels then the casualness of random partners. Yes it has become a real relationship now. Hmmmmm…seems to work just like real life, face to face relationships. Imagine that!!!
Lost count long ago! Many have cum and gone but my I've had my fav's for quite a while.

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off! I have never tried cyber sex and now that I am married I would feel really guilty if I did. I have to admit my wife and I do sexting a lot and in the past girlfriends and I sexted. My wife especially loves to sext me!!!!
about 7 total(men and women), and that includes some people i know irl that i have cybered with.
I've cybered with one guy from RL that I also know on FB..
When I first joined Lush I did it with a few, but I have to say that I kind of regret that and it got boring pretty damned quickly...
There's only one person I cyber with at all now and it's great...
The chemistry would have to be pretty amazing for me to consider it with anyone else...
I can honestly say I have nvr cybered with anyone before. It is why it took me so long to create an acct here on Lush but now that I have, I still have not had a cyber encounter and do not plan on having one unless ofc the correct woman cums along (pun intended :P) and can arouse me enough to do so. I am relatively shy and when in the chat rooms I just watch all the other chats. I'll throw in a HI here and there but nothing more. So if any of the sexy women of Lush think they can get to me, give it a shot altho I may not be any good at it as I have nvr done this sort of thing before!!! Happy jilling girls!