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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 43
0 miles · Washington


Disappointed that I can't fix every problem
A true gentleman with a quick wit that comes out in his writing
Quote by ChuckEPoo

I had warm air invert my chute as well only to have my reserve chute save me at about 1200 feet after cutting canopy away... Thanks for serving.....
Over 200 stories, wow that is impressive.... Well done...

Quote by BethanyFrasier
My friends must be more mature. No one has ever complained where they fell on my friends list.

I have seen few people do as nice a job as you making everyone feel part of your Lush family, no need to get upset when you are so great at giving back.....
Thanks Tilly and Wendy, quite sweet of you both to include me.....
Revised list.....

Jeffrey B
Cecily Jayne
Jc72 of course lol.....
Quote by Simmerdownchick
Pieces of Candy. I worked harder on that one than any other story I've done to date
It's number 1 in the Toys catagory

I read this as well, just can't vote, well done.....
I get more messages about my FL than any other single issue
Drove a perfectly good Humvee over a suicide bomber to protect a convoy of scientist's from the UN looking for the infamous WMD that never existed. Spent nine months unable to eat anything, ate only through a tube and IV, lost 153 cm of intestine and had to relearn new digestion. My lower right leg has a titanium hip and knee and I get to go through a special line at airport because of the metal lol... Won a silver star, told Bush to shove it up his lying ass in a letter.... Ok, done lol...
I was blessed with three great children, Caitlyn tragically left us which is the only part of my life that I would change. A great career and teaching on the side, life if pretty special.
One of my first poems posted.. I have 15 posted on my page come check them out....

Time is drawing closer
Will eyes stay blinded by fear
Reality means full exposure
Second thoughts may appear

Ready to remove our masks
Once caused by distance
Too much love to leave this task
Undone in the hour of coexistence

Setting sail to where tangible meets fantasy
Will dreams wake to true faces
A bold plan, is it just fallacy
Excitement abounds as a heart races

Allow your true self to show
Were we just actors on stage
allowing lingering fallacy to grow
Oceans away, so hard to gauge

Many questions left to answer
Promises to be kept
Will there be smiles or rancor
Chances come, good fortune wept

So many late night interludes
Professions of love in variation
Knowing this stage was the prelude
To a full declaration.

One question please no lies
Need to know if you're
Hiding six inches between your thighs
If yes, heading for the door.

With the Lush costumes now history
Mutual satisfaction for all
Putting an end no mystery
Bells ring to destiny's call
One of my first poems posted here... Enjoy....

Time is drawing closer
Will eyes stay blinded by fear
Reality means full exposure
Second thoughts may appear

Ready to remove our masks
Once caused by distance
Too much love to leave this task
Undone in the hour of coexistence

Setting sail to where tangible meets fantasy
Will dreams wake to true faces
A bold plan, is it just fallacy
Excitement abounds as a heart races

Allow your true self to show
Were we just actors on stage
allowing lingering fallacy to grow
Oceans away, so hard to gauge

Many questions left to answer
Promises to be kept
Will there be smiles or rancor
Chances come, good fortune wept

So many late night interludes
Professions of love in variation
Knowing this stage was the prelude
To a full declaration.

One question please no lies
Need to know if you're
Hiding six inches between your thighs
If yes, heading for the door.

With the Lush costumes now history
Mutual satisfaction for all
Putting an end no mystery
Bells ring to destiny's call
Simple wish of a happy birthday to you.....
Her cherry blossoms
Pick with lustful temptation
Together we feast