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I once went fishing with PETER GREEN who used to be in Fleetwood Mac...

I was once SLAPPED IN THE FACE by Debbie Harry...

I had a pint in a nightclub with BILL CLINTON and Bono... (At the same time...) My friend John Moynes was there too...

(The Winona Ryder story...)

(The Kylie Minogue story...)

I once went swimming in RONNIE WOOD'S swimming pool...

I can fly an aeroplane.

I did drugs with EVAN DANDO...

I shagged a PLAYBOY model... (Tara something???)

Michael Hutchence from INXS once stayed in my house...

I dated Sinead O'Connor...

(That's enough for now!!!)

xx SF
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.

Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.

I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.

All those moments will be lost in time, like

Time... to die.
Spent an evening with Mean Joe Green at a party and we had a bottle of great wine. There are not many people on earth I found to be a nicer guy.
Quote by stephanie
(That's enough for now!!!)

xx SF

If you don't write an autobiography I'm gonna slap ya.

L x
When I was living in Arizona at my elementary school I walked out to fine my class that supposedly on a field trip. I walked there and they weren't there so I walked back like nothing happened
I have lived and died a thousand lives...... See and done everything and won't share most, it will just be a smile on my lips when the final chapter is written......
Quote by JC72
I have lived and died a thousand lives...... See and done everything and won't share most, it will just be a smile on my lips when the final chapter is written......

Oh, go on! Just a little story?
Quote by Liz

Oh, go on! Just a little story?

Maybe when we are better friends, which I have no doubt we will be after reading your well done bio......
Quote by BethanyFrasier
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.

Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.

I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.

All those moments will be lost in time, like

Time... to die.

The reference is obvious BUT it's funny how things INFLUENCE how you write...

I wrote THIS in a song once:

"Watching... As the rain rolls down the window... You could cry outside and nobody would know..."

(That's TOTALLY ripped off from the BLADE RUNNER quote...)

xx SF
Well does rolling your car off the side of a 100 foot cliff in a blinding snowstorm count? Because that's how I got out of work one day! LOL! I didn't see the semi ahead of me until I was damn near part of it. I slammed on the brakes to keep from getting killed and then I started spinning. I went over the side rolled a few times and ended up kicking my way through what was left of the sunroof to get out.

Thank God I was wearing my seatbelt that morning. The real funny thing is that my wife (Sugarbaby) had a dream that night that I was involved in a car accident, so when I came home and woke her up, it scared her half to death! She thought I was a ghost!
Quote by Jonathans_Fantasies
Well does rolling your car off the side of a 100 foot cliff in a blinding snowstorm count? Because that's how I got out of work one day! LOL! I didn't see the semi ahead of me until I was damn near part of it. I slammed on the brakes to keep from getting killed and then I started spinning. I went over the side rolled a few times and ended up kicking my way through what was left of the sunroof to get out.

Thank God I was wearing my seatbelt that morning. The real funny thing is that my wife (Sugarbaby) had a dream that night that I was involved in a car accident, so when I came home and woke her up, it scared her half to death! She thought I was a ghost!

Thank God you are safe and not a ghost!!
Click below to see

Elvis Presley and I share the same Birthday(not year of course)and I sat on his lap on our Birthday when I was 2 years old.
Click below to see

This is mild by comparison, but I had a pet monkey when I was a kid.
that awkward moment when you realize your life has been virtually uneventful and you envy having a pet monkey.

Say. Her. Name.

When I was three years old, my face was chewed by a dog. Even though the dog was not rabid, I was given the full treatment for rabies, which comprised fourteen daily painful injections to my umbilicus -- my belly button. Six shots in a circle, then one through the center, and six more around and the last one through.

The bite to my lower jaw rearranged the seed beds of my adult teeth. If you look at how they grew in years later, you can see where a couple or three of them were realigned as the result of that bite.

OK, so this isn't something I DID, it's something that happened to me. Sue me.

The unbelievable part is, I'm not afraid of dogs. Or needles.
I once stuck my tongue out at the Queen Mother, and she saw me (she made us all stay out of the way so her car could get past).

And I made a point of turning my back to Margaret Thatcher, and she saw me (she stole my milk and closed the Egyptian exhibit at the museum on the only day we were able to go, just so she could ponce around with some of her mates).

I was under the age of ten both times, and I'd do it again if I could.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

********************************CLICK THE BANNERS TO BUY THESE WILLY-STIFFENING BOOKS!********************************
I got a back seat ride in an F-4 Fantom with Hubbie in the front seat when we were in the Air Force. It was neat until he rolled it upside down with out telling me. I knew we would be doing acrobatics but thought he would let me know first. Then we did a few loops, aileron rolls, tight turns, figure 8s, then a max performance climb with after burners. He was trying to make me sick, but I managed to keep every thing down. It was not my first time doing acrobatics with him. He took me flying while we were dating and did some in a LOT smaller and slower plane. In the F-4 he pulled a few more Gs and activated the suites several times.

Quote by Simplicity

Thank God you are safe and not a ghost!!

Thanks hon... it does make it easier to write stories when you can actually touch the keys! ;)
I have met Nigel Mansell

I have done a parachute jump

I have snogged Pearce Brosnans son at Cafe de Paris

I have slept in a Museum

I have had sex in the space gallery of "said" Museum

I have met simplyjohn in real life

I have never burnt a pizza LOL
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
I share a birthday with Jim Morrisson

My birthday is the day that John Lennon got shot in 1980 then in 2004 Darrell " Dimebag" Lance Abbott was murdered

I've taken a tour of a plane the Vice President uses
Quote by Porgy87
When I was three years old, my face was chewed by a dog. Even though the dog was not rabid, I was given the full treatment for rabies, which comprised fourteen daily painful injections to my umbilicus -- my belly button. Six shots in a circle, then one through the center, and six more around and the last one through.

The bite to my lower jaw rearranged the seed beds of my adult teeth. If you look at how they grew in years later, you can see where a couple or three of them were realigned as the result of that bite.

OK, so this isn't something I DID, it's something that happened to me. Sue me.

The unbelievable part is, I'm not afraid of dogs. Or needles.

I can believe it!!
Quote by Simplicity
Elvis Presley and I share the same Birthday(not year of course)and I sat on his lap on our Birthday when I was 2 years old.

How cool is that?!!
well as my friends have often commented I've lived most of my life in Fantasy Land and here are a few examples:
1) I've lived in 15 states and DC.
2) I've also lived in 6 different countries.
3) I smoked a joint at a stones concert with Joe Walsh.
4) I had made my first million by 25.
5) I retired at 47.
6) I was young, and it was do to my dad but I flew on Air Force One to Europe
7) I drove the Alaskan highway when it was still 1100 miles of gravel in 1979
8) I've done LSD 250+ times. Many will think that's a bad thing but my IQ was measured at 118 at 14 and 144 20 years later.
9) I'm very philanthropic and likely give more to my causes every month than most folks make in a year.
10 I've visited Disney World at least once for the last 10 years
11) Before I quit smoking I bought a light jet (citation 1) so I could smoke and fly
I know my list is pretty over the top but these are things I've done that no one would believe and they're all true.
Went Cow tippin...and won
Quote by zona1805
well as my friends have often commented I've lived most of my life in Fantasy Land and here are a few examples:
1) I've lived in 15 states and DC.
2) I've also lived in 6 different countries.
3) I smoked a joint at a stones concert with Joe Walsh.
4) I had made my first million by 25.
5) I retired at 47.
6) I was young, and it was do to my dad but I flew on Air Force One to Europe
7) I drove the Alaskan highway when it was still 1100 miles of gravel in 1979
8) I've done LSD 250+ times. Many will think that's a bad thing but my IQ was measured at 118 at 14 and 144 20 years later.
9) I'm very philanthropic and likely give more to my causes every month than most folks make in a year.
10 I've visited Disney World at least once for the last 10 years
11) Before I quit smoking I bought a light jet (citation 1) so I could smoke and fly
I know my list is pretty over the top but these are things I've done that no one would believe and they're all true.

omg!!! number 8...
birth to 14yo u had an IQ of 118 = 8.428 of IQ per year
14yo to 34yo (20 years) u had an IQ of 144 ... 144 - 118 = 26 in 20 years = 1.3 of IQ per year !!
just my opinion... but without the LSD u would have been a genius ...

[i am a terrible tease] ... giggles

Went without uttering one single word for over 2 months
Had a really long conversation with Mrs America ( 1990 ) which was mostly just me telling her how much she looked like my Barbie ( I was like 3ish )
Started talking only a couple of months after I was born
could spell every single curse word in the book by age 4
had to jump out of the way of a moving train ( after I had just gotten done quoting Stand By me )
Went two weeks without eating just to see if I could.
ate several poison Mushrooms at age 3 while pretending to be Alice in Wonderland
rode my bike on a roof of a business ( long story )
got beaten half to death by a group of 5 people who were on some serious drugs

and for good measure
Once had a 12 hour non stop sex marathon ( HS days )
1. I went swimming in the Gulf of California off of Baja, and a California Grey Whale surfaced about 5 feet from me. I could see his barnacles and he looked at me and I looked at him. I wasn't at all afraid, I think he was as curious about me as i was about him.

2. I was almost kidnapped by a serial killer who was abducting and killing women in the San Bernardino and Orange County area when I was 23. I was on a pretty deserted road and he drove by and asked me if i wanted a ride. When I said 'No, I'm almost home', he pulled over in the dirt blocking me and got out and began walking towards me. At that moment, a black and white cruiser pulled in between us. The guy, whom I found out later was Greg Marlow or 'The Folsum Wolf' and he even had a body buried in the vineyard across the street from where I was walking.

3. I talked to a ghost. I was in San Francisco with some friends, and my friend, Michelle, and I were on our way back to meet our guy friends at their bar. There are a lot of homeless people there, and being the immature and insensitive as we were, we thought it was really funny to ask everyone we saw for a quarter. Well, when she and I were outside the bar waiting for them, an old lady just came out of nowhere and asked us for a quarter. She honestly just was there one second and gone the next. It was a long hill with no turnouts at 2am. She could not have gone anywhere nor could she have gone into the bar. No women allowed it was a leather bar. I never ever made light of homelessness after that.

Oh, and I forgot, I was robbed at gunpoint twice when I worked in the fast food industry. The first time, I was walked out to the car with them (4 guys in total) but, thank god, they left me standing by the car when they drove off....The second time I was just like "Ok, here's the money'

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Drove a perfectly good Humvee over a suicide bomber to protect a convoy of scientist's from the UN looking for the infamous WMD that never existed. Spent nine months unable to eat anything, ate only through a tube and IV, lost 153 cm of intestine and had to relearn new digestion. My lower right leg has a titanium hip and knee and I get to go through a special line at airport because of the metal lol... Won a silver star, told Bush to shove it up his lying ass in a letter.... Ok, done lol...
Quote by Simmerdownchick
1. I went swimming in the Gulf of California off of Baja, and a California Grey Whale surfaced about 5 feet from me. I could see his barnacles and he looked at me and I looked at him. I wasn't at all afraid, I think he was as curious about me as i was about him.

2. I was almost kidnapped by a serial killer who was abducting and killing women in the San Bernardino and Orange County area when I was 23. I was on a pretty deserted road and he drove by and asked me if i wanted a ride. When I said 'No, I'm almost home', he pulled over in the dirt blocking me and got out and began walking towards me. At that moment, a black and white cruiser pulled in between us. The guy, whom I found out later was Greg Marlow or 'The Folsum Wolf' and he even had a body buried in the vineyard across the street from where I was walking.

3. I talked to a ghost. I was in San Francisco with some friends, and my friend, Michelle, and I were on our way back to meet our guy friends at their bar. There are a lot of homeless people there, and being the immature and insensitive as we were, we thought it was really funny to ask everyone we saw for a quarter. Well, when she and I were outside the bar waiting for them, an old lady just came out of nowhere and asked us for a quarter. She honestly just was there one second and gone the next. It was a long hill with no turnouts at 2am. She could not have gone anywhere nor could she have gone into the bar. No women allowed it was a leather bar. I never ever made light of homelessness after that.

Number 2 is is like my worst nightmare sad
Quote by vanessa26

Number 2 is is like my worst nightmare sad

Me too, I really know I have a spirit protector or guardian angel. I looked up some of the things he did, and I am so lucky....

James Gregory Marlow was sentenced to death in 1989

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.