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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 155
United States


My son has built three computers using PCPartPicker

It helps to verify what components play well with others then gives you links on where to buy the components at the lowest prices.

I am in IT and I am impressed with the site. Latest build was for my wife and she loves her new computer.
Anything by REO Speedwagon! If you are too young to know them, then you are very, very lucky.
Anything by REO Speedwagon. If I am listening to the radio and they come on, I can't change the channel quickly enough!
It's 3:21 in the morning here - just the clock ticking away and the sweet sounds of my family sleeping.
Just posted a new story! Fingers crossed that it will pass muster with the powers that be. Fingers and toes crossed that readers will actually enjoy it
1. I have fished in Alaska
2. I know a woman who had sex with a dolphin
3. I love Sushi
4. I have fucked a woman in a large commercial cooler
First - take picture/vid with iPhone. Second - post to Lush. Third - strip and join. Fourth - see first, second and repeat third
Most guys are just thankful to see a pair of boobs that size difference doesn't matter.
Pretty kinky!

I'm 67% kinky!
"Your kinkscore is pretty high. Most likely you're up for trying anything at least once, which show open-mindedness. You're probably a great lay, so just keep doing that thing you do!"
Steeley Dan - their first album, "Can't Buy A Thrill". Spectacular album. Favorite song is "Reelin' in the years"
Am just about to start writing my next story on Lush. It has been on my mind for a while now and it is the perfect time to get it started...and that is making me very happy =)
Fuck what the rest of the world thinks. I have some great friends who are TG. Go with who you are...not simply the physical body with which you were born.
Same nice perverted/twisted/lust-filled kind of a guy...just more so. = )
As long as they are natural, it really doesn't matter to me. However - big boobs are like string to a kitten for me - I will stare and just want to pounce and bat them around!
Definitely HOT! Never been with a woman who could squirt...need to add it to my bucket list.
Great question - different for everyone. Anal is a real turn-on for me.

My wife hates it - she tried it once and that was more than enough for her.

Had some GFs before marriage who were real anal enthusiasts...good times for all.
Commercial freezer box (not running at the time) in the back of a bakery.

In a 100-year old cabin in the Badlands of ND on the Missouri River next to a herd of Buffalo!
There are some absolutely amazing and sexy matures in this post. Love the pics!
I see a Lush story in the future on this about the beautiful exhibitionist reporter who was dared to show off on the air! Might be a fun one to write...hmmm
Maybe they are why hallucinogens became so popular back then...just sayin'
A woman's eyes - amazing eyes get me every time.

Ear lobes! I love to nibble, suck, kiss, and flick them!
The Demons...and yes, they do come back to haunt me every now and then = )

My college was the Geoduck - I kid you not. It was a liberal college.