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Are You A Different Person When Drunk?

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I saw this, laughed my ass off, then thought I'd ask the fine people of Lush the above question.

I've been known to go into my other persona Miss Kitty Meow (that's me/her in the avatar btw). Of course I do seem to have quite a variety of personae when I'm drunk, each with their own back story and peculiar way of communicating. I've also been known to have conversations with my personae on Facebook when I'm drunk, when I wake and look at Facebook, I realise what I/we got up to. My friends all know when this happens and just leave me to my own devices. Somebody did get involved, but they got confused and left after a few comments.
Depends on what I drink and who I'm with sometimes.
Here's a clip with a "lady" make makes up her own language when she's drunk.

i become 6 feet tall and bullet proof..
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
the only "problem" alcohol is ..... tequila ....

and that can be a good thing .... or a naughty thing

Quote by littlemissbitch
i become 6 feet tall and bullet proof..

Snap. Although for me that only means growing an inch (I'm already bulletproof).
Not really maybe a little louded but overall no
Of course!! Fortunately I just want to talk, have sex or go to sleep.
Well I only drink beer and wine and occasionally the odd 'safe' liquor such as Baileys Irish Cream.

If I drink too much I tend to do two things ... I get really tired and I go all mushy like soppy and god help any ladies in the vicinity ... just want to smooch and tell them how much I love them !! God how pathetic.
Since I still remember what I did last night I think I can say safely that I don't become a different person when drunk, I'm just more open and I might tell you some of my dirty little secrets. I can also become very physical in the way that I give hugs and kisses to the fairer sex. But I won't roll smokes with acid in them. My rolling sucks when drunk anyway...
I'm not a different person but I do become Jack to the max! I will tell jokes ten times as often, smoke ten times as often, tell you I love you ten times as often, laugh at everything, ask my girlfriend, if I have one, or a friend to slap me in the face for fun, crave 3 am breakfast then I start pouting about my bed by 6. That's pretty much drunk me. I suck at fucking if I have had too much... I'm awesome at getting blowjobs until the chick gets frustrated that I'm not even trying to cum then flicks my balls and rolls over though.
Reading Felix's confession above me
pretty much nailed me on the head.

I quit smoking and do not crave being slapped about
but I do enjoy humor much more with a few drinks and admit to having a fondness for extended oral sex.
Beyond that I tease my friends without mercy, fondle my newest love with lust and generally become a horny pest.
I'm a very happy drunk... I laugh a lot and get very touchy... I guess I don't really change that much.. Just become more fabulous!! smile

(I tend not to actually get drunk though, just merry)

(oh and I'm not allowed cider!!) hahahah
I stay about the same when i get drunk (which has only happened a few times) apart from being slightly more likely to dance and i get better at playing pool haha.
A lot of times and in certain bars/clubs I can look a little stand-offish or 'guarded' sometimes (not snobby/bitchy but I'm sure some people take it that way). It's more just to be able to do my own thing without getting hit on. I'm definitely not that way when with a larger mixed group, with a guy, or at a private party though.

When I'm drunk, I forget about surroundings/people and just 'do me'. I'm friendly, fun, very flirty, I make new friends, I talk a lot, and in a way I guess I'm looking for the attention - look at me, listen to me, yeah that whole thing - but not usually to the point of uber-obnoxious - or if I am, everyone else is drunk too and they don't seem to mind. I guess I'm just more 'act first, think later'.

I've never been the slurring, fall-down drunk, or the type that gets confrontational. I have a friend or two like that and they are very messy to look after when the drinks start flowing.
I'm the friend who looks after the others when they've had too much. I love a glass, just like they do, but it doesn't change my persona.

Strange though - when I've had a few, my command of the French language becomes so much better !!!
Sadly, I get more vocal, more clumsy, more tactile, more open, and more annoying. Or, I get really sleepy and annoy everybody by giving up and going to bed.

I very rarely drink.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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no im not really different when im drunk. alot of time my friends ask me if im drunk when i'm sober. when im drunk i fall more often and i like to dance/sing when im drunk and get very flirtatious... but i do that all while sober so no im the same just more extreme
I've ended up having sex with guys I wouldn't dream of in the cold light of day. So I suppose I must be a different person in drink.
nope, well maybe a little but, I'm definitly not as smart as I am sober!! and I slur my words more but other than that Im the same guy
Quote by swollen
Strange though - when I've had a few, my command of the French language becomes so much better !!!

Last time I was in Munich, had a whole conversation with a German guy in a bar, fluent as you like. Next morning, struggled to order a hotdog.
I am a happy drunk, in love with the world, and happy as a clam.

Except when I drink martinis or gimlets- the combinations of gin and vermouth or gin and Roses Lime Juice make me want to argue with everyone about everything. So I only drink martinis if I am alone, or with a really good friend, who knows how I get, and doesn't mind. (I don't become violent - I just want to argue, and have to be right and have the last word)
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
I'm Barrack Obama when I'm drunk. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I am a happy drunk, but tend to talk for england unless i mix my drinks when i become morose about anything and everyone. Mind i have also been known to think i'm supergirl at timesl.
I'd say drinking only enhances my true self, it maybe gives me a little more boldness. I rarely allow myself to lose control in that manner, but I do enjoy the drink every once in awhile.
I get a little louder and tend to say what's on my mind with less...tact? But I've never been one to black out or get too crazy.
Most people are.
I don't get drunk...I get AWESOME