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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 155
United Kingdom


I get turned on by 'dirty talk' during or just before sex (BTW I hate the term 'dirty talk' because there is nothing 'dirty' about it but that is the accepted term).
Both speaking and hearing excite me and I'd be interested in what women here like to be said to them or like to say to a man.

One specific question, 'pussy' or 'cunt', as in: -

'I want my cock in your pussy/cunt'
'I want your cock in my pussy/cunt'.

'Cunt' has a very crude sound to it, at least in the UK but is explicit, say. Pussy a bit weak. What do you like? any alternatives?

Interesting to see if there are national differences.
I would think the "ILF' part of the acronym makes it a compliment?