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Over 90 days ago
Female, 154


Rookie Scribe
If it is your first story, then I would keep it simple. Once you have finished it, then you can try your hand at something more complicated/convoluted.

Quote by Reprehensiballs
I actually thought about doing a little straw poll and letting readers decide the next step. I haven't noticed anyone else doing this, is it a valid way to proceed?
I tried this once and it turned out to be harder than I thought, so never tried again.

I agree with Woman and Contessa wholeheartedly. I find that once I have the basic idea, and start to write, then the story takes on a life of its own. I think this is why I hated the ‘reader decides’ style as it made my stories stilted and jerky. I write for me and to have some-one suggest changes tends to put my back up and I’d happily completely delete before amend. I don’t do this for financial gain, and as it’s for me, feel no loss in doing so.

As to the balance of sex against plot, I find that the story dictates that for me, some of mine are fuck-fests whilst others are glacial. And I don’t like splitting stories if I can possibly help it, I want to get immersed in a story and not have to go hunting for the next part, it’s like watching tv with adverts- you just get to the exciting bit then there is a break, I find that intensely annoying.

My only really constructive suggestion is to write it, leave it for a few days, then come back and read it again. This I find, helps to highlight overly jarring prose as well as bringing any excessive changes in fluidity to light.

Top This has a good idea. I once wrote a story twice from the perspective of each of the two characters, and submitted both seperately without mentioning it, letting the readers find out for themselves. It went down an absolute storm, so it’s an avenue worth considering if you wish to try a story in two different styles.

Oh, and enjoy it. Writing should be fun and not a chore smile
Rookie Scribe
I'm not sure. It's not listed on my profile with my other pieces, yet the story submission page says its accepted and published yet I couldn't find it. Somewhat amusingly, the only reason I knew it was up was because someone made a comment on it, and I can link to it from my e-mail....

Maybee I should re-name myself as 'troublemaker' LOL

Edit: Though I don't seem to be able to include the link on a forum post.

Edit2: You can find it through the sites search function, yet it does not appear on the 'latest'page of the 'anal' catagorie. Strange....
Rookie Scribe
I did read that bit.

I see that one of my stories has become invisible, Dark Tails: Mick, as it's not up on the main page nor visible on profile. I take it someone complained? LOL.

It seems I am becomeing a troublemaker. Looks like time to stop with the stories.
Rookie Scribe
As it turned out, the story was rejected for being too long (!?!), so that sorts that.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by nicola

Our mods are not the villains in the piece here, 2 of the 3 stories you submitted contained underage characters.

I didn't say they were, and one of the stories got picked up (amongst other reasons) because one of the characters may have exposed herself to a character who may have been of dubious age. I wrote the thing and even I don't know the girls age...LOL But anyway, thats water under the bridge....

What the hell, might as post it and be dammned LOL.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by nicola

Perhaps send the story to one of your favourite moderators before submitting it to make sure.

lets just say that's not an option LOL

I'm actually rather surprised that no Mod has stepped in with an answer so far....
Rookie Scribe
Quote by Magical_felix
I sure hope so!

Doesn't answer the question.
Rookie Scribe
So, since I'm on my last warning, I'd better ask this question first before posting LOL

Beastiality is not allowed, but there is no mention about aliens. Do they come under the heading?