Venturing into a world of erotic literature in regards to reading and writing. I've posted one and hope it's up to standard. A closet liberal in the sense that I'm mild mannered man during the day and a freak at night. LOL I'm straight as a arrow so please, I have to say a big "HELL NO" to propositions from dudes. LOL There isn't much that I've not tried at least once when it comes to sex. My cock stays hard until I literally pass out. My last GF had twenty-three orgasms with six squirting explosions before I filled her full. I'm attracted beautiful younger women and my stories are completely fantasy unless otherwise stated. Nice to meet you.
Interests Harleys, Women, Sports are some of my interests. I'm a typical male, I guess.
Favorite Movies Independence Day, Debby Does Dallas, Godfather, Godfather II I have over 3000 movies in my collection so it's hard to pick a complete favorite
Favorite Music All genres however, I sing country. My music listenings depend upon my mood mainly.