I'm back after taking a well needed break from Lush to rediscover myself and my priorities in life. Hoping to reconnect with some of the wonderful people I was friends with previously. I plan on keeping my friends list short as I like to get to know people properly, and not be just a number on someone's list and vice versa.
On Lush I'm looking for friendship only. Not interested in cybering, sexting, swapping dirty pics, camming etc. - if that's what you're looking for, I'm not the girl for you, so save yourself a wasted friend request! Respect goes a long way with me, so show me some and we’ll get along fine. I also have absolutely zero interest in the childish drama that seems to accompany Lush - we're not in the playground so let's not behave like we are! I’m here to read, maybe write if the mood strikes me, and to chat.
I'm a blue eyed blonde with a zest for life. I love to travel and dream of exotic places, a far cry from the clouds and rain of my homeland! I love the sun, and am at my happiest laid on a beach with a cocktail in hand!
When I'm not daydreaming about bluer skies, I'm usually found in the kitchen cooking up a storm. I love to cook for family and friends, and baking is a huge passion. These days I'm often surrounded by a cloud of icing sugar, as I hone my cake decorating skills!
I consider myself to be a sensual, passionate, romantic woman with a love of erotica and erotic art. Crude images do nothing for me but a black and white image, particularly with a splash of red, can make me weak at the knees.
Happy Lushing!
Interests Good food, good wine, travel, reading erotic stories...and everything that leads to!
Favorite Books Anything by James Patterson, especially the Alex Cross series.
Favorite Authors James Patterson, Wendy Holden, some of the very talented fellow Lushies!
Favorite Movies Dirty Dancing, Sex and the City (a cliche I know but who would n't want to spend their life drinking cosmo's and strutting around New York in designer heels), Pretty Woman, Legally Blonde, starting to see a theme developing here?! Pretty much most chick flicks! I do have a brain, just don't need it to be stimulated while watching a film!
Favorite Music My iPod has a very eclectic mix. My favourites tend to be anything that I can turn up loud and dance around to.