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Over 90 days ago
Female, 155


rmy party trick is eating balloons... but they bend quite easily... that was dead impressive
*laughs* the only place this would be allowed is in Asia/ Africa (as animal cruelty laws prevent it anywhere else)
and in these places when you say ''i'm on a bus'' it literally means you are on the roof.
therefore i deduct that there are >2 legs on the bus. as i do not know how many people there are /in/ the bus, excpet the busdriver.
to be on the bus, there must be no more space in the bus......
however... (presuming this is a ''western'' style phrase of ''on a bus'') then we do not know how many /other/ people there are in the bus as well
but garenteed more than 2.


>2 it is :P
smile that's kool. i want one.
when i opened this i thought it would be like the Emperors new clothes
you did as promised Rocco smile good vid... someone wanna get me one? or both for that matter.

i dont mind if whoever gets them watches. :P
dear me... i'd just bring my own stuff.

or make a lot of stupid demands XD
;) mine was fun... the chains were heavy though, especially after writing up my essays
i think if you need to use this service then you have a trust-problem in the relationship already and need to sort it out with your partner properly
One can see the booms moving a bunch after the sling lets go

if it didn't move, the force would break the crane.

looks like fun to me smile
thanx Rocco

just wish more people would understand why we want them to believe, it's because we care... it's not like a point system...
Chrstians believe we know what God wants because of the Bible. we should preach the good news, not the bad, i agree. However, we want as many people to join us in heaven as possible because we want as many people as possible who we care about to have the opertunity, we don't want our friends to be condemned
Due to all the toys hanging around???

biggrin yup!
i've got too many now...
not that i don't use them all... that i don't have anywhere to keep them all anymore
actually, i've been thinking...
it depends what the guys look like and if there's the chance of playing with them later on

i have no idea how they just keep going

deepest respect!
because we arn't watched enough already?!
i hate it!
what happened to my rights??????
pardon? who says i don't?
you can look in my wardrobe if you want the proof.

i believe there are 8 there at the moment... along with other toys
my grandad thinks it's been around longer than that.
he still has some from when he was about 10
(he's in his 80s)
it would be pretty kool if you could see how far down her throat it went... i mean... i dunno... i'd find that kool

so there's more to grip
(though i practically have no arse at all... and what there is is all muscle)