I am usually fairly good at math. But this one was a tough one. I got 10976 legs on the bus.4puOJQK3SBUhfOIF
238 unless you count the bus driver. then 240. and if you had said how many legs ON the bus I would have said none, busses don't have legs.
Sassy Red-haired Mod/Beach Kat
If I did the math correctly, there are 10,990 legs. Unless of course this is a trick question...
How did you get that high of a number Tech??
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Sassy Red-haired Mod/Beach Kat
7 girls would have a total of 14 legs.
If each of the 7 girls had 7 backpacks, that would be 49 backpacks with 7 big cats each, making 343 big cats which would have a total of 1372 legs.
343 big cats have 7 little cats each, that would be 2401 little cats, which would have a a total of 9604 legs.
14 + 1372 + 9604 = 10,990 legs total.
Unless of course this is a trick question....which I have a habit of falling for....LOL.
I'm still trying to figure out how Bat came up with 238 legs????
I forgot about the backpacks. This gave me a headache! LOL
Sassy Red-haired Mod/Beach Kat
Who me? I never win anything...lol.
I say 14, just for the girls. Who says the backpacks are on the bus?
I guess I didnt read it right the first time either Chef....
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
I'm going back to downloading porn.
Have any of you ever watched the show? Some of the questions are REALLY hard! I wouldnt want to be in 5th grade in this day and age! I say we do another one!!
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Heh heh I loved that show.
Here's another fifth grader:
Wed Apr 2, 10:10 PM ET
ALLEGAN, Mich. - Is fifth-grader Kenton Stufflebeam smarter than the Smithsonian?
On a winter break trip with his family to the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, the 11-year-old southwestern Michigan boy noticed that a notation, in bold lettering, mistakenly identified the Precambrian as an era.
Since it opened in 1981, millions of people have paraded past the museum's Tower of Time, a display involving prehistoric time. Kenton was the first to point out the error.
Kenton, who lives in Allegan but attends Alamo Elementary School near Kalamazoo, said his fifth-grade teacher, John Chapman, had nearly made the same mistake about the Precambrian in a classroom earth-science lesson before catching himself.
"I knew Mr. Chapman wouldn't tell all these students" bad information, the boy told the Kalamazoo Gazette for a story published Wednesday.
So Kevin Stufflebeam took his son to the museum's information desk to report Kenton's concern on a comment form.
Last week, the boy received a letter from the museum acknowledging that his observation was "spot on."
"The Precambrian is a dimensionless unit of time, which embraces all the time between the origin of Earth and the beginning of the Cambrian Period of geologic time," the letter says.
The solution to the problem would not involve advanced science but rather simply painting over the word "era," the note says.
While no previous visitors to the museum had brought up the error, it has long rankled the paleobiology department's staff, who noticed it even before the Tower of Time was erected 27 years ago, said Lorraine Ramsdell, educational technician for the museum.
"The question is, why was it put up with that on it in the first place?" Ramsdell said.
Excited as he was to receive the correspondence from museum officials, he couldn't help but point out that it was addressed to Kenton Slufflebeam.
In Allegany.
*laughs* the only place this would be allowed is in Asia/ Africa (as animal cruelty laws prevent it anywhere else)
and in these places when you say ''i'm on a bus'' it literally means you are on the roof.
therefore i deduct that there are >2 legs on the bus. as i do not know how many people there are /in/ the bus, excpet the busdriver.
to be on the bus, there must be no more space in the bus......
however... (presuming this is a ''western'' style phrase of ''on a bus'') then we do not know how many /other/ people there are in the bus as well
but garenteed more than 2.
>2 it is :P
*~*xX/ ;) i'm not joking/Xx*~*