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Over 90 days ago
Female, 155


I remember always being very sexually aware, and fully enjoyed masturbation I was very keen to start having sex. I recall rolling up socks and placing them between my legs I would rock back and forth on them to stimulate myself, I found old teddies and stuffed there little faces between my legs and humped them, really anything worked for me at first, eventually I moved on to rubbing my pussy with my hand, and inserting fingers. When I first stated to do this, a gentle stroke of the fingers against my pussy would be enough for me, but it wasn't long before I needed more, much more! I needed more fingers, and I needed them to move harder and faster, and I needed them to be someone else's fingers! I soon became sexually active and enjoyed letting someone else do all the hard work of getting me off, and of course I was always happy to return the favor! Without having full sex with anyone, I enjoyed being pleasured and pleasuring others, and had such encounters with several males but craved full sex badly! When I did eventually get what I so badly wanted it only fulled the desire in me, and from then on I fully enjoyed sex with men, and I could never have enough sex, if I got my way id spent all day having sex, failing that I would spend it masturbating. After several years of being with men, I went on to women, I had always found women sexy and was always curious about sex with females, I often read stories about lesbian sex and throughly enjoyed lesbian porn. When I first slept with a female it felt amazing to run my tongue over another girls pussy is simply amazing, and I have since been with only women, however I must admit I do still fantasize about men!

I like a bit of a thrill, and enjoy the risk of being seen, or caught so I often have encounters outdoors in the hope that someone may be watching and enjoying what they see, very often, I set up my web cam and head into chat rooms where I spend plenty time playing with myself while many strangers watch me, I exchange photos or videos with these people and just knowing they can press play and watch me anytime they want is such a turn on, I love to masturbate at home near open windows where anyone passing by could hear and maybe even see me. The thrill turns me on so very much. Over the years I have had sexual encounters in parks and toilets, cars and cinemas, to name but a few as well as the odd occasion in a bed! I have had 3 somes, I have had photos and videos taken, I've used sex toys and food items. And I have enjoyed every minute of it, and I'm sure I will continue to enjoy it.

In the stories I plan on writing, I will detail some of my sexual encounters, all of which are 100% true as well as sharing some of my fantasize all of which I hope to act out in time. I do hope you enjoy reading them, and please feel free to give me some feedback!