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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 54
United States


I am so much an ass man. I was a breast fed baby just like many of us. Every where you look women are making ways to show their breast, low cut blouses, push up bras, shirts with slits cut in the breast area.....just anything. But the ass is like thighs. Hidden and a mystery and who doesn't like a good mystery. Something covered and undiscovered. Leaving you with the thought "is it round', "have dimples", "does it hold a hand print", "how well does it shake when not being held with panties", "is there a tattoo back there"......omg so many questions. So I'm definitely an ass man.
I have dated a cross-dresser but never a transgender girl but would I. Of course I would and any man who says he wouldn't is a liar. There's this certain , thrill, fetish that all men have in the back of their heads. A desire, need, craving for something different, magical and kinky. Oh yes you guys who read this know exactly what I'm talking about and those who say I'm wrong are lying to themselves. So you were once a man. So what. If you have always had the feeling of being a woman go for it. Shit a transgender woman may be more understanding and passionate than most women. Shit they get and understand both sides of the spectrum. Most women claim to be great and know what they are doing. But imagine a woman who actual knows what we want, feel and need as men. Not just in the bed but out. Hmm that a thought.
I have a G/F who is a cross-dresser. It's an amazing feeling and we have a great relationship. I used to fantasies about being with one for years and never had the opportunity to be with one, sleep with one, have an affair with one. I must admit it is amazing. I'm a Dom so I'm always in control and she knows this. I get it how, when and where I want it. She's absolutely beautiful when shes dressed up. I love going clothing shopping with her and no I have no shame of being with her in public when she is dressed. She wears some fierce suits and amazing skirts. Her legs are perfect, shes shaved in all the right places and is awesome in the bedroom. Her penis is a great size and she has amazing skills. Trust me if you think your wife and or girl friend is great prepare yourself for amazing.