I'll have to agree with Lisa, big trouble. If a partner gives you a hall pass, wouldn't that mean they get one too? I smell a trap. And a question for Nikki703, is this question in responce to the new movie "Hall Pass"?
I personally try not to judge people before I know them. "You can't judge a book by it's cover" I don't think you can judge a person by what friends they are with either, at least not accurately.
Nope, can't do it. It may sound corny but, I'm a one woman kind of guy. Other women don't matter (in a romantic or lustfull sense) when I'm with someone.
AHAHAHA thats one of the best commercials I've ever seen. Hell they should keep the teacher, hehehe I'd bet that almost none of the students would be ditching school if they had her class.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA!!!!!!!!!! From experience as an electrician, getting shocked by 120volts isnt that bad getting hit with the white wire from flourecent lights is MUCH worse, I've been shocked multiple times and have even destroyed a couple tools by shocking them. Incredible pain in the nipples, yes. Heart stopping, yes it can happen. Brain damage, no the current would have to travel through or accross the brain for brain damage, however nerve damage on and between his nipples can happen. This is just another example of not only how stupid people are, but how desperate people are to get money from a source when they don't deserve it.
Fun fact: electricity always takes the path of least resistance. Meaning, if you contact eletrical polls on your index finger and thumb, thats where you get shocked because thats the easiest path for the electricity to go.
I know I'm on the "ask the gals" section but I do have something to say. Sorry ladies.
I too must agree with Rocco, red flags went up when I read this too. Consider this, what if she is asking you to have sex with another woman so she can turn around and ask if she can have sex with another man claiming that because you got to have someone else she should be able too? Sounds to me like a trap, but maybe I think too much.
But there is another side to this as I see it. I have heard of couples doing things such as seeing other people, even splitting up for a short time so that they can see how much they would or did miss each other or how the sex and or feelings would be with someone else. Your girlfriend may be hoping that the sex with her is better than with the other girl and may be using this as a way to keep the thought of cheeting on her out of your mind.
I don't mean to insult or offend anyone with this, just to point out a couple options. As WHR43 said, you need to have a serious talk with your girl.
adam is walking through the garden of eden when he is stopped by god.
god- where is eve
adam- we just finished having sex so she went down to the river to wash up
god- oh no, ill never get that smell out of the fish now.
what could your lover do to make your valentines day perfect?
wow kinda late for a reply but what the hell.
yes "blue balls" does exist, the term for it is "testicular conjestion" (may have spelled it wrong but dont care at this point). Not all guys get it, just the unlucky ones. and if you want a point of view, a soft touch is all it takes to cause pain, even walking can hurt.
i would leave the country as soon as possible. well at least he is honest....
what if alcohol was banned from the world?
o.0 ok one question: where do you get a can of baked beans that damned big? I've never seen them before.
then i would be lunch
what if it was mandatory for polititions to take a lie detector test when they gave a speach?
then i would be inside for the day, snowing mothers is a terrible weather condition.
what if you got bit in the privates by a rattlesnake?
hm only $95. well only 95 if you count each crime only once........
good point, the snow doesnt bother me either i know how to drive in it. its the people from places that dont get snow that dont know how to drive in it, is what makes holiday traveling dangerous. hint- just because you dont "see" ice, doesnt mean its not there.