Us guys mostly prefer you Gals to be clean down there. I don't say shave it all off, leave some for a bit of fun. From my point of view, I make sure to return the favour and present my lady with a smooth shaven pubic area. Plus it feels really good!
DirtyKnight is a Ferocious Dominator
Our Gym is quite the spot. Some big names visiting us come to work out there. The owner shuts the gym and the Celebs can work undisturbed. I work out at least four times a week.
My Upper body routine vary between Shoulders and Arms and sometimes my session includes Ab training as well as Upper body in one session. Depends on how I feel.
I sometimes include a Warrior strength work-out as well.
They say not to skip legs but I do quite a bit of roadwork so I am not too worried about that. My roadwork after a gym session gives me about 20km a week but sometimes I do a 10k road just to clear my head
Salad is a frequent dish at my table ad with it a selection of dressings such as Honey Mustard, Greek or Italian.
For some types I prefer Wild Berries flavoured Modena Balsamic Vinaigrette but it really depends on my mood.
In SA we also get a local brand Creamy Blue Cheese dressing
I prefer BB but in this day and age, even hetero sex can be a risk. I am fortunate never to have had a scare or a need to get t a doctor; and I have been to places...
YES!! Love doing it for my Lady. Nothing like her warm, musky taste on my tongue.
For me its a matter of serving her
I love it cowgirl... reverse cowgirl is an option.. then I can force an orgasm on her by stimulating her pinkie
I saw FHM the list this morning as I got to the office. Nice line-up of the Sexiest and some of the most Beautiful.
I scrolled down, some of the listings surprised me, some I did not know. There was one Sexy from South Africa (YAYYYYYY!!) Candice Swanepoel. But honestly I would have listed a few others above her. Now, one question... I am sure there are others? 100's perhaps? But the Kardashians?? WTF!!
I like her to be trimmed.. in fact, it should be a landing strip that is left to grow longer.
The nice thing about longer growth on the landing strip is the way you can twist, tease or lightly pull it, twirl it between your fingers to effect a light but very effective tease. It makes her unbelievably wet with her noticing.
Unbelievably clear blue skies here. It might be a High Pressure system that's drawing in a Cold Front.
It sunny with gusting winds blowing everything into any direction.
Of course, it tastes delicious. I have tasted my own cum and its not bad tasting, mixed into an exotically sensual cocktail with my lady's juices..?
Now that is what a man needs after working hard to please his Woman.
Cats!! A brilliant piece with a superb finale by Elaine Paige!!
I get off on getting my Woman off. I love eating pussy, I love watching from my pov how she builds up to her orgasm, the contractions around my fingers as I slowly finger her wetness while I suck on her clit. Finally, tasting her cum as she tips over the edge
This is sooo funny!!
I am sure there are coffee stains even on the inside of the Lush Main Server!!!
Guy, what is the reason you eat pussy? Is it the personal satisfaction, duty, getting off because your partner gets of? Tell me why you like doing it, please?
I am busy with a series in which one character is gay/ lesbian. I am trying to come out politically correct on this one and need to know if there is in fact a difference for women between being Gay and being Lesbian. Please Ladies?
I quite enjoy a cock every now and then. However, not all guys are that expert in chomping man meat as most men lacks the finesse women have. So, Cheers to the cocks I have swallowed (and their cream) and the Troopers in Pink who will outdo most of us guys.
Take your time and explore what she likes and what does not create havoc in her body
In my best friend's mother's bed...
My quick and sometimes very dry wittiness. It comes natural, just rolls over my tongue and everybody is in stitches. But it does not come often and takes even my by surprise...
Cowgirl is a good position for a "social" session. You can talk sensually while you are busy. She can see if the flicks the right switches while I can tweak her nipples or just caress her breasts. Reverse cowgirl has the one advantage that when she gets close to her orgasm, I can either manipulate her sphynctre or even slip a finger inside her to push her over the edge
Ohh, Absolutely!! Especially when nibbling gently as well.
Once had a girl who bit me very hard just above it and it pushed me over the edge almost immediately.
The Mystery of the Female Species
The warm softness of her skin against mine...
The soft smell she has in the morning
Me! Me! Me!.... In a forest, under a cool waterfall...
The ideal age for a partner is actually calculated on (for guys) your age divided by two and add 7 years.
For girls its a bit different but the ideal partner age for a woman aged thirty would be about 42 to 48. Not sure about the formula
However, I have seen guys in their sixties happily married to a woman of thirty... both happy emotionally and physically.
Depends a lot on health, lifestyle and all sorts of factors