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Over 90 days ago
Lesbian Cis Female, 30
0 miles · United Kingdom


I do as i am told and the women that dom me call me a good girl. does that count?
Quote by Ginaisacougar
Love to if Erin agrees
Oh I would very much agree teehee
Hay there I don't writer either but I just submitted my first story. Mine is something I wanted to have happened rather than first a hand exp but what I did was with every line close my eyes and picture the moment then either descriptively write what was happening I.e; "She bound my wrist together with the rope in an intricate pattern. Looking down now and then her moments quick and smooth" instead of "She tied me up". or I described how I felt. maybe try that. And don't expect the words to just come, I spent 15 mins just looking at the screen at one point trying to find the next line.

Hugs and kisses and give it a go, you can do it
Thanks I just did, but sadly no ladies have contacted me yet sad
Am new first came looking for stuff I could not find on another site, but got chatting to a random person whom I found I really click with now I just look forward to seeing her come online
Since discovering this place I have spent the last 4 days here in between watching youtube and wrestling
Hi I am new to the site and am just looking for other women to chat to x rated or not (Dommie's extra welcome teehee)
P.S I only talk I don't share pics so if thats your thing you will be disappointed.
She knows i read porn but not that I talk to other girls or what we talk about