Honestly, with my recent experience with OS/X 10.8, I'd have to say I prefer Windows. It could simply have been the configuration I was using, but I seemed to have a LOT of problems using Macs that I didn't have with PCs.
At least one of your top 5 favorite shows isn't from your home country.
I'd say the dew-soaked grass, although I'd recommend doing it nude if possible.
Would you rather be able to walk around nude in public, or be able to see ten movies of your choice free each month?
Using my 1000th post to reclaim my throne.
I wish.
TPBM has a family reunion coming up soon.
Fooled around or had sex in the parking lot of a supermarket during Saturday afternoon. (any Saturday)
Gonna go with above here.
Yeah, gotta agree with that.
Being nude is the greatest non-sexual feeling in the world.
Having never been able to actually enjoy a long nude car ride, I would have to guess. But I guess I would, so...
TPBM has showered outside using the rainfall.
The first thing to make sure of is that you're staying hydrated. A guideline I heard somewhere suggests that a person is supposed to drink 1/2 oz water for each pound they weigh. (A 150lb person would drink 75 oz of water daily, for example.) This should get most headaches.
If that doesn't work, try ibuprofin, which is sold under the brand names Motrin IB and Advil. (Generics are widely available and exactly the same as the Advil.) I've tried Tylenol and Aleve, and I didn't have any luck. (Doesn't mean you won't, though.)
There's also supposed to be a simple acupressure point on your hands to help eliminate headaches, but I can't remember exactly where it is.
It's amazing the length people are willing to go to remain "dressed," yet wear less and less. It's why I'm glad I'm a nudist.
I'd say energy manipulation like Dragon Ball Z: fly, shoot energy beams, super speed/teleportation, etc. (Although invisibility would be nice once in a while.)
This is a tricky one. Part of me would like to travel to someplace really exotic (Tokyo, Paris, Caribbean islands, etc.), but I wouldn't want my last days on this side to be spent waiting to get somewhere. Of course, I wouldn't want to walk around my neighborhood nude and wait to spend my last sixteen hours or so in jail.
I'd have to say about 25-30 GB, not including about 10 DVDs. (All except one were downloaded, then burned.) This includes stills, videos, and stories.
So far, I haven't found a bad one.
TPBM is nude and still warm.
(I know OP isn't here anymore, but I figured I'd answer like I was talking to him/her all the same.)
If they have their curtains open, then you can't be at fault for looking. If they're not comfortable with the idea of being seen nude, they can close their curtains. If someone complained, they would actually be held responsible.
I would actually recommend trying to strike up conversations with them if you see them outside at all, and don't go out of your way to watch them (someone mentioned rearranging furniture, others mentioned hiding in bushes; stuff like that).
I prefer smooth over anything else, although trimmed comes in as a close second. My problem is that, for me, if I remove the hair around my dick, I have to remove more, otherwise it looks weird.
I guess it would depend. I know that some of my friends would cock-block before hands even started going under clothes, but I don't think I would do cock-blocking. (Maybe a whispered "be cool" if we passed too close to a police cruiser...) If I wasn't driving, I think I'd even be interested in joining; depends on who it is, though.
You have masturbated on a public trail--and got caught.
I can't really agree with this. Sex is a skill; some people can learn it, others are born with it, but it's the best when you have passion behind it.
It's already WAY too hot.
I have never masturbated in front of more than one person.
Both earlobe and neck are good, but I think I prefer earlobe.
Hottest sex: in bed, or out of it?
Can't say I've had FWB or fuck buddies, but I'm open to the concept.
@Dancing_Doll: Thanks for the clarification. I didn't know there was a difference between FWB and a fuck buddy.