Any of the solutions would work for that (roll around until it goes down, go into the water, etc.) Another option is to go to the restroom (assuming the location has a restroom) holding your towel in front of you and take care of it in there.
In most cases, however, this isn't something to worry about. I've been to a nude resort a few times, and while I was there, I didn't get an erection. In fact it's a very uncommon issue; dealing with erections is a common question in nudist FAQa, though.
It's the same as with anything else. In moderation it's okay. When it starts to interfere with your life (and, in this case, sex life is definitely included), then it's a problem.
I haven't really met too many pizzas I didn't like. But most of the pizzas I come across are either plain cheese or with some kind of meat. I would like to try a pizza with spinach on it though, mainly because I need to get more leafy greens.
No. The closest I might even come now is masturbating in the shower. But maybe sometime soon.
TPBM has taken a date to a restaurant they have never been to.
I wouldn't necessarily say that there is any weird age for losing your virginity. After all, there are some men and women who are virgins and 90+. (As people age, however, the percentage of abstinent clergy does increase, but never becomes 100%).
After all, it's your body; just make sure that you're taking care of it.
Gotta agree with Dex here: I don't see why anyone's taking offense to this. As far as I'm aware, using "lesbian," "gay," or "straight" to describe sex only is an additional descriptive term. I don't really hear people talking about boy-boy sex or boy-girl sex.
As far as the label issue, I think that labels are only there to describe. Not every lesbian is the same, just like not every nudist is the same, and not every Christian, etc. As far as I'm concerned, I'm a guy who likes hanging out nude, writing stories (both erotic and non-erotic), etc. I only accept the labels "nudist," "bicurious," "writer," etc. because it's easier to describe to others.
I can't really say that I have a specific fantasy I keep going back to. More often than I'm willing to admit, it's inspired by something I read, watch, or otherwise view. However, I do come up with my own scenarios from time to time. That is what inspires my stories.
Like I'm hearing, it all depends on the partner. I know something I'd like to try and do is take people I see to smaller restaurants to explore them. (No chains like Olive Garden or Red Lobster.) If it's a bad restaurant, you could bond over ragging the place when your waiter leaves or after you leave (unless the waiters are grossly incompetent [read: keep breadsticks in their pants]).
I can see downsides to that strategy though; if it's a bad place, your partner might think that you're bad, too, to think this is a good "first date" place. Perhaps try someplace not that well-known, but you know it. Your favorite local coffeeshop would be a good blind date place, a good local casual restaurant (read: not McDonald's) for a more established date.
If you're going to a movie on the date, then go to the movie first, then dinner afterwards. That way you're guaranteed a topic to talk about.
[Pulls abnormally large cock out of pants, slings it over shoulder.]
I put 4-5" because I think that's what it was when I measured it. Might have been 5-6" though...
Gotta say that bicuriousity is coloring my view here as well, but I would.
I've actually used the cream above my genitals, but not on them directly, and had no problem. It could be because I was trimming myself instead of going at it from a full bush. Are you trimming before you use it?
It has been a while since I used it, but I figured that the coverage of the cream depends on coverage of the hair. The more hair, the more cream is needed.
First one, then the other.
Bring out the long feathers, to start...
Innocent, but I'm still young.
Had sex in a natural body of water (lake, ocean, etc.).
Where do you get your produce: farmer's market, or grocery store?
Start with a date, see where it goes.
Start with a date, see where it goes.
Yes and no. I have come across movies that I love, but I'm not out at the cinema every week checking out the new releases.
TPBM is nude right now.
There's a lot that people have covered already. I'd have to say exploring what buttons to push on a lover (or, if the situation arises, lovers) to give them the most intense orgasms they've ever had. I'd like to try and get the best orgasms I could, too.
At some point, I'd like kids to come out of having sex, too.fKr7dv0arABuQFyR
Attraction depends on a number of factors for me. I knew a number of girls that were physically attractive, but I simply wasn't interested in them. I had a coworker who fell into this category once; customers and coworkers alike were drooling over her and hitting on her, and I couldn't have cared less because of her personality.
(Insert standard boilerplate about not being a doctor, try at your own risk, etc. etc.)
It could be even more precise than that. Perhaps the way he was wearing the condom took out some of the arousal. Some people find that a small amount of lube inside the condom makes it feel that there isn't anything there.
If it's related to condom use in general, then I'd recommend he tries to masturbate with the condom on. This should help to associate the sensations of a condom with arousal. Some men even get hard at the smell of condoms after a while.
I'd also recommend talking to him about it. Every person is different in how they orgasm. What works with some people may not work as well with others.
For the sake of argument, I'm assuming live-action, in front of me; the answer is innocent. (I have jerked to porn with people having sex, though.)
You have jerked to porn (erotica, images, or videos) that are basically fanfiction for a popular series. (If guilty, what series?)
I'd fuck if she was interested. (Her profile indicates she may not be interested.)
I wish. I want to go to World Record Skinny-Dip, but if I can predict my boss, I'm going to be working.
TPBM has skinny-dipped at least once this year.