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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 154
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ivanka_simkiewisz

Welcome to the fantasy world of Lushdom... ...Think ya will like it here much.

Mostly nice peeps here, und some not so much like those who get their panties wet for gossip, or the political Gaggle very few like, but not worry, we simply block them.

Mostly everyone tends their own, und simply likes to have fun without all the drama, meet new friends, cyber-sex much, read/write B-stories, und play the Forum games.
Let me know und I will send ya a list of most Forum game links that ist most popular you can play.

If in a few months ya find yourself thinking about making Lush your cyber-home too,
und purchasing a membership to become a Lushie?
Not say I never warn ya...

Have fun, talk with me anytime if ya like, simply mail me...cyas...

I'm for she enjoying it and it's becoming my cyber home already haha
Active Ink Slinger
Also if you're interested in seeing kind of how it would there is a video on YouTube.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Ping

Yes, it started as such, but kids are impressionable. They see stuff online and think it’s real. Supposedly, and i used that word a few times, 140 kids have committed suicide as a result of this. I find that hard to believe. If that was the case, there would be more media coverage. Regardless of the truth, the reality is that elementary aged children are viewing this disturbing image and for some, that is one of their first independent exposures to the internet. At this point, some of them do not yet have the capacity to call bullshit on what they are seeing. Others think it’s so ‘neat’ that they share it with their friends. With it supposedly being associated with a children’s suicide game, it needs to be taken seriously. The messages Momo sends of self-harm and suicide would be disturbing to an adult. How does a child process that info? It’s all fun and games until someone loses...

Yeah as you said, it could be first exposer to some and that's a scary thing to think about.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Ping
Good Morning to all that are, and to those that are not, celebrating US Thanksgiving. We Canadians celebrated last month. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day.

Barkeep, a lovely hot chocolate with some marshmallows would be nice, please. Psst. Don't tell Sara.

A peaceful day set aside for writing and other things like baking bread. It seems like the world has stopped outside. It's eerily quiet. I'm working on two stories simultaneously, but my competition story has taken precedence. Creativity seems to be flowing easier with that one, versus Chapter Ten of the other. I'm enjoying a quiet house, and working on some not-so-quiet dialogue and thematic context.

It's quiet here in the bar too. Nice. Every once in a while, it's nice to have that.

Now, if you don't want quiet, look into this thing called, Momo. It's really messed up. Have any of you heard of it? Educators and parents need to be aware. It's Slenderman-like, and has a really nasty message too. Ugh. Makes me miss the days of Orson Welles, radio, and The War of the Worlds. So much more innocent back then.


If my info was correct this was more of a prank thing. Slender Man was crazy because the two girls got so serious with. I'm not sure if anyone has died because of this one. I could be wrong though.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LikeToWrite
Hello David

Making friends here isn’t as hard as you might think. There are a great many members that are looking for the same thing you are. Since this is the internet, some are a bit cautious at first for their own protection, and rightly so, but if you are patient and treat them nice, you’ll soon find that people here will open up to you. Before you know it, you’ll be ‘just one of the group’ which I suspect is what you’re hoping for.

I looked at your profile and it’s fairly good. You give a fair amount of information about yourself, but if you can think of anything else, you might elaborate a little on what you have there. It is hard to know what to say, so perhaps look at a few other people’s biography for some ideas. As an example, you mentioned one of your interests is food. Great. Do you like to cook? If you do, then say so. That might catch another person’s eye that also enjoys the culinary arts and they’d realize they have something in common with you.

Another suggestion is that you might enter some of the chat rooms and be an active member there. That is a quick way for people to become familiar with your name and to get a feel for the kind of person you are. If I may offer one piece of advice, and that is even though this is a sex site, not everyone is here sorely for that reason. The ladies are swamped with immediate requests for friends and/or cyber chat from guys. Treat them with respect like a lady should be, give them plenty of time to get to know the real you, and you will be amazed at the result.

Are you a writer? If so, publish a story so people can associate your name with that wonderful story they read. If you’d rather read, that’s fine too. I can promise you, there are some fantastic authors here. When you read one of their creations, be generous and leave more than a one-or two-word comment. Let them know how much you enjoyed their work. They’ll appreciate you taking the time and effort to tell them. I’ve gained several friends simply by doing that.

These forums, which cover almost every topic you can think of, are another wonderful place to get to know other members. Be honest and sincere in your opinions and people here will respect you for it.

For being here only three days, you are off to a great start and I want to WELCOME you to our little family. Don’t worry about being ‘somewhat reserved’ to quote your words, that’s okay. I’m that way too. We are a pretty good bunch of people that care about each other. However, it’s only fair that I warn you, watch out for that LikeToWrite guy. He can be a bit crazy at times.

Thank you kindly for the helpful tips I real appreciate it. I'm not a writer just a reader, and I figured a lot of the women are annoyed with a lot of crazy request. So that's one of the things I was looking for, ways to send a message or request without them think here we go again. Lol
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by trying2_lovemyself
I wouldn't have a clue. One reason is that you didn't specify your situation, so it's hard to tell what advice you need. Another is that I also have issues making friends.

I just meant like on here, which are the best ways to introduce yourself to people and things of that nature. It just seems like people are a little skeptical and want to see you're going to be sticking around, which makes sense.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix
I'm not here to make friends.

-Every competitive reality show ever.

Such a great reply haha!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by HeraTeleia
The confident man has no reason to be cocky.

Simply put and couldn't agree more.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Beffer
If he's more confident than I am, I most likely wouldn't be able to stand him! I can barely stand ME!

I actually think this is a perfect example. I feel someone confident would either compliment you enough to make you still the focus where as someone more on the cocky and makes it a competition.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Angi
A guy who says "I know" this will happen rather than saying "I hope" this happens.

I would agree. I also feel I should be more clear, I'm strictly referring to the confidence and cockiness in a situation of a male either trying to impress you. But it seems most everyone got that.
Active Ink Slinger
Thank you everyone that posted in here. Look forward to seeing you all around!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Shannon3K
Welcome!! Great dog you have there! (although, truth be told, I think all dogs are great).

Thank you! That's my baby girl! And I'll agree all dogs are great ?
Active Ink Slinger
I'm David from Sac. I'm 29 consider myself easy going. I'm a huge sports fan. I'm really an open book and hope to talk to you all soon!
Active Ink Slinger
Ladies I know you like confident men... But where do you draw the line between some being confident and someone being cocky?