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How do I make friends?!?!

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Please and advice helps
Thanksgiving already?!?!
By being outgoing but not annoying out going.
Be yourself by that I mean don't let others opinions blur yours. It's ok to have your own thoughts, nobody likes a follower.
Don't set boundaries and please say yes or no instead of maybe. Maybes are the worst.

Do you shop at Zumies? I'm pretty sure we both own THRASHER tshirts.


This was a question on how to make lush friends and in all honesty, I didn't sign up to become friends w/ cyber people.
I'm not here to make friends.

-Every competitive reality show ever.
I wouldn't have a clue. One reason is that you didn't specify your situation, so it's hard to tell what advice you need. Another is that I also have issues making friends.
I find making other members tea or coffee and sharing ones' biscuits helps. smile
That sounds like a wonderful idea, John. If you're a good baker, I'll certainly be a good friend. LOL What time should I drop by for some of those great biscuits that will be fresh from the oven?
If you're feeling bored during this Covid-19 epidemic I’d like to suggest
you take a peek at a story I collaborated with SueBrasil, a brilliant author.
It's about a mistake in judgment a lady makes concerning a friend, based
on the hurtful words of someone that only thinks of himself. Will that
conniving person succeed in ruining a beautiful friendship, or will she see
through his lies? It's gradually creeping up towards the 30,000 mark
and we’d love any votes or hearing whatever comments you may wish
to make. It is listed in my profile under ‘FAVOURITES’ as Apologize.
Quote by LikeToWrite
That sounds like a wonderful idea, John. If you're a good baker, I'll certainly be a good friend. LOL What time should I drop by for some of those great biscuits that will be fresh from the oven?

Bake them? You have to be joking!

Hello David

Making friends here isn’t as hard as you might think. There are a great many members that are looking for the same thing you are. Since this is the internet, some are a bit cautious at first for their own protection, and rightly so, but if you are patient and treat them nice, you’ll soon find that people here will open up to you. Before you know it, you’ll be ‘just one of the group’ which I suspect is what you’re hoping for.

I looked at your profile and it’s fairly good. You give a fair amount of information about yourself, but if you can think of anything else, you might elaborate a little on what you have there. It is hard to know what to say, so perhaps look at a few other people’s biography for some ideas. As an example, you mentioned one of your interests is food. Great. Do you like to cook? If you do, then say so. That might catch another person’s eye that also enjoys the culinary arts and they’d realize they have something in common with you.

Another suggestion is that you might enter some of the chat rooms and be an active member there. That is a quick way for people to become familiar with your name and to get a feel for the kind of person you are. If I may offer one piece of advice, and that is even though this is a sex site, not everyone is here sorely for that reason. The ladies are swamped with immediate requests for friends and/or cyber chat from guys. Treat them with respect like a lady should be, give them plenty of time to get to know the real you, and you will be amazed at the result.

Are you a writer? If so, publish a story so people can associate your name with that wonderful story they read. If you’d rather read, that’s fine too. I can promise you, there are some fantastic authors here. When you read one of their creations, be generous and leave more than a one-or two-word comment. Let them know how much you enjoyed their work. They’ll appreciate you taking the time and effort to tell them. I’ve gained several friends simply by doing that.

These forums, which cover almost every topic you can think of, are another wonderful place to get to know other members. Be honest and sincere in your opinions and people here will respect you for it.

For being here only three days, you are off to a great start and I want to WELCOME you to our little family. Don’t worry about being ‘somewhat reserved’ to quote your words, that’s okay. I’m that way too. We are a pretty good bunch of people that care about each other. However, it’s only fair that I warn you, watch out for that LikeToWrite guy. He can be a bit crazy at times.
If you're feeling bored during this Covid-19 epidemic I’d like to suggest
you take a peek at a story I collaborated with SueBrasil, a brilliant author.
It's about a mistake in judgment a lady makes concerning a friend, based
on the hurtful words of someone that only thinks of himself. Will that
conniving person succeed in ruining a beautiful friendship, or will she see
through his lies? It's gradually creeping up towards the 30,000 mark
and we’d love any votes or hearing whatever comments you may wish
to make. It is listed in my profile under ‘FAVOURITES’ as Apologize.
Quote by LikeToWrite
Hello David
However, it’s only fair that I warn you, watch out for that LikeToWrite guy. He can be a bit crazy at times.

Don't believe that cute little "LikeToWrite" kitty. He's a sweetheart. Who likes to just have me pet him and purr.

Quote by kiera

Not those ones, you want the chocolate hobnobs.

I am very and very calorie aware, as you know, so I munch on the plain ones. No more than 2 a day.
Quote by simplyjohn
I find making other members tea or coffee and sharing ones' biscuits helps. smile

I also take cash donations.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Quote by simplyjohn

I am very and very calorie aware, as you know, so I munch on the plain ones. No more than 2 a day.

At 2 packets a day, that's £547 a year on chocolate biscuits (assuming £1.50 packet at current supermarket prices).

And also, at 92 calories per biscuit x 14 per pack is a whopping 2,576 Calories a day, or a humungous 940,240 Calories a year!!!!

You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
Quote by apptobebad

At 2 packets a day, that's £547 a year on chocolate biscuits (assuming £1.50 packet at current supermarket prices).

And also, at 92 calories per biscuit x 14 per pack is a whopping 2,576 Calories a day, or a humungous 940,240 Calories a year!!!!

2 biscuits not packets you plonker!

As liketowrite said, if you enjoy a story, leave a good message for the author, and if you especially liked it, send him/her a private message discussing the story. That's where a majority of my friends came from, either me sending an author a message or a reader sending me a message. Tell them what you liked and why. It often opens up many other chains of conversation.
Quote by Sugarbaby2017

Don't believe that cute little "LikeToWrite" kitty. He's a sweetheart. Who likes to just have me pet him and purr.

THANK YOU for the wonderful compliment. You were correct when you said that I love to be petted. There isn't anything better.

I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
If you're feeling bored during this Covid-19 epidemic I’d like to suggest
you take a peek at a story I collaborated with SueBrasil, a brilliant author.
It's about a mistake in judgment a lady makes concerning a friend, based
on the hurtful words of someone that only thinks of himself. Will that
conniving person succeed in ruining a beautiful friendship, or will she see
through his lies? It's gradually creeping up towards the 30,000 mark
and we’d love any votes or hearing whatever comments you may wish
to make. It is listed in my profile under ‘FAVOURITES’ as Apologize.
Quote by Magical_felix
I'm not here to make friends.

-Every competitive reality show ever.

Such a great reply haha!
Thanksgiving already?!?!
Quote by trying2_lovemyself
I wouldn't have a clue. One reason is that you didn't specify your situation, so it's hard to tell what advice you need. Another is that I also have issues making friends.

I just meant like on here, which are the best ways to introduce yourself to people and things of that nature. It just seems like people are a little skeptical and want to see you're going to be sticking around, which makes sense.
Thanksgiving already?!?!
Quote by LikeToWrite
Hello David

Making friends here isn’t as hard as you might think. There are a great many members that are looking for the same thing you are. Since this is the internet, some are a bit cautious at first for their own protection, and rightly so, but if you are patient and treat them nice, you’ll soon find that people here will open up to you. Before you know it, you’ll be ‘just one of the group’ which I suspect is what you’re hoping for.

I looked at your profile and it’s fairly good. You give a fair amount of information about yourself, but if you can think of anything else, you might elaborate a little on what you have there. It is hard to know what to say, so perhaps look at a few other people’s biography for some ideas. As an example, you mentioned one of your interests is food. Great. Do you like to cook? If you do, then say so. That might catch another person’s eye that also enjoys the culinary arts and they’d realize they have something in common with you.

Another suggestion is that you might enter some of the chat rooms and be an active member there. That is a quick way for people to become familiar with your name and to get a feel for the kind of person you are. If I may offer one piece of advice, and that is even though this is a sex site, not everyone is here sorely for that reason. The ladies are swamped with immediate requests for friends and/or cyber chat from guys. Treat them with respect like a lady should be, give them plenty of time to get to know the real you, and you will be amazed at the result.

Are you a writer? If so, publish a story so people can associate your name with that wonderful story they read. If you’d rather read, that’s fine too. I can promise you, there are some fantastic authors here. When you read one of their creations, be generous and leave more than a one-or two-word comment. Let them know how much you enjoyed their work. They’ll appreciate you taking the time and effort to tell them. I’ve gained several friends simply by doing that.

These forums, which cover almost every topic you can think of, are another wonderful place to get to know other members. Be honest and sincere in your opinions and people here will respect you for it.

For being here only three days, you are off to a great start and I want to WELCOME you to our little family. Don’t worry about being ‘somewhat reserved’ to quote your words, that’s okay. I’m that way too. We are a pretty good bunch of people that care about each other. However, it’s only fair that I warn you, watch out for that LikeToWrite guy. He can be a bit crazy at times.

Thank you kindly for the helpful tips I real appreciate it. I'm not a writer just a reader, and I figured a lot of the women are annoyed with a lot of crazy request. So that's one of the things I was looking for, ways to send a message or request without them think here we go again. Lol
Thanksgiving already?!?!
Quote by Ds7893

Thank you kindly for the helpful tips I real appreciate it. I'm not a writer just a reader, and I figured a lot of the women are annoyed with a lot of crazy request. So that's one of the things I was looking for, ways to send a message or request without them think here we go again. Lol

Hello David.

You’re very welcome. The main point I was trying to make is don’t be impatient. It takes time to get to know someone and the ladies here are inundated with requests from guys all the time. Be different than the mob. This will make you stand out and be noticed. Believe me, they will notice. You’re new here so they may not fall all over themselves rushing to chat with you in the first couple of minutes, but they will notice, and your name will stick in their mind. Talk to them in chat rooms and make friendly comments, and not necessarily sexy ones either, here in the forums. If the topic at that moment happens to be serious, then you be serious too. If there is some friendly banter going on, as happened earlier in this thread about SimplyJohn and his cookies, then be silly. Let them know you have a good sense of humor. Read their profile and see what their interests are. Prove to them that you are interested enough and willing to spend the time and effort getting to know them as a person, and not simply as a sex object for your pleasure. If you aren’t interested enough in them to make an effort, why would they want to bother with you?

You say you’re not a writer and that’s fine. Not everyone is. If you find someone that has written a good story, go out of your way to let them know how much you enjoyed it. But keep it honest and sincere or they will know you aren’t being truthful, and why would they want to be friends with someone like that? Would you? If they have written a story, then obviously writing is their passion, so show a genuine interest. Ask them where they got the idea for that story from, or why they had some character do whatever he/she did. It’s a lot of work writing a good story and they may have spent days or weeks putting everything together. They’re proud of their work and would love to talk to someone about it. What a perfect conversation starter. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

To answer your question about how ‘to send a message or request without them thinking, here we go again’, I’ll have to repeat myself by saying, be patient. If a friendship is going to happen, it will happen. Having a large list of ‘friends’ doesn’t mean anything, in fact, in some cases it can work against you. It doesn’t matter whether someone is listed as a ‘friend’ or not, because you can still chat with them in chat rooms. In turn they will learn more about you from the way you respond in these forums. After awhile when you’re comfortable with each other, you can send them a request. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. A simple statement like, ‘We’ve chatted many times in the chat room and I’d like to get to know you better. I’d love it if you would consider adding me to your friends list.’ Or something like, ‘I’ve read your comments in the forums for awhile and you seem like a very interesting lady, someone I’d like to get to know better. It would make me very happy if you’d accept me as one of your friends.’ If you’ve done the groundwork before hand like you should have, and she has a good feeling whenever she sees your name, I think it is a pretty good bet she will gladly accept your invitation. You may not even have to send a request. Someday when you log into this site, you may have a request waiting for you. If it happens to be from someone that you’ve wanted to become better acquainted with, I can tell you, seeing that friend request sitting there will really make your day.

Someone once said something to me that I think sums up what everyone here has been trying to tell you. What that person said was, ‘If you want friends, then be the type of person you would like to have as a friend.’ Think about that.
If you're feeling bored during this Covid-19 epidemic I’d like to suggest
you take a peek at a story I collaborated with SueBrasil, a brilliant author.
It's about a mistake in judgment a lady makes concerning a friend, based
on the hurtful words of someone that only thinks of himself. Will that
conniving person succeed in ruining a beautiful friendship, or will she see
through his lies? It's gradually creeping up towards the 30,000 mark
and we’d love any votes or hearing whatever comments you may wish
to make. It is listed in my profile under ‘FAVOURITES’ as Apologize.
I am new here and had the same question when I was signing up just last night. I'm glad I found this thread. Some pretty funny posts which is a good sign. I like to laugh and be sarcastic but can hold a serious conversation with anyone. It's nice to see some others here the same way.
What a great thread to read for a newbie, informative, sweet and funny!
I found joining in on the Forum threads lets others know what kind of person you are, funny, serious, sarcastic, whatever.
Quote by HeraTeleia
Ask. Send a friend request that isn't copy and paste. Mention a post you saw or a story you read authored by the person whom you are addressing. Little things.

Wonderful advice
I have made a good friend on here.
Just be yourself and chill.
Quote by marie5555
I found joining in on the Forum threads lets others know what kind of person you are, funny, serious, sarcastic, whatever.

I agree.