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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Absolutely, I am almost always attracted to a woman with tattoos. Unless its like a giant blob of garbage (which I have seen), then it sucks and makes them look stupid ... but shitty tattoos make everyone look stupid.
Active Ink Slinger
I forgot about the latter portion of the original post. Here goes ...

I believe that stereotypes are culturally driven, but have origin in fact even if the facts have been severely misconstrued and slanted over time by many different individuals and groups.

Also, I believe responsibility should be shared between both genders. That is not to say that they both should have to do the same tasks together. If both people in a relationship work and earn similar amounts of money then they should share chores and in-house tasks as well. If one works and brings in all the money, whether it's the male or the female is irrelevant, then the other one should take care of the household tasks. If they both work and one earns significantly more than the other than the in-house burden should be adjusted accordingly. Basically, whatever works for the couple is fine. As long as both parties are happy and equally invested in the common goals that they have set together, no one should tell them how to make it work.

I hope my views are helpful. Thank you for posing this question; it is extremely relevant and very important.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by adagio
Religion and politics should keep out of this debate.

Well said
Active Ink Slinger
A stereotype, while not actually defined as such, is generally considered to be misinformed, ignorant, oversimplified, and wrong. I do not typically propagate or subscribe to stereotypes in that way.

I am a huge advocate of evolution and genetics. It is true that the male and the female of our species have developed different evolutionary traits. This is not to say that one is better than the other, just different. Unfortunately, and I know I will get a lot of hate for this, people are not all created equal. We have different traits and genes that may help or hurt us in life. To be different, is not to be greater or lesser in an absolute sense. One can, however, be superior or inferior in a more specific way.

Allow me to elaborate. One may be born with a physical challenge such as being smaller, weaker, or even having a physical disability. That same person may have a mind that is far superior to others and works in ways that neither you nor I can understand; this makes the person very valuable to our species even though genetics have been "unkind" in the physical aspect. The same can go in the other direction. Both are valuable in our world and both have a place. Of course there are those who are endowed with both, and that just sucks for everyone else. That's genetics and evolution (grossly oversimplified for the purpose of this thread) for you.

My point being, the same applies to males and females. They are not equal nor the same, but one is not inferior to the other by any stretch. Superiority is based on an INDIVIDUALS genetics and has NOTHING to do with gender.

By the way, I love the pictures in the opening post ... hilarious and awesome.
Active Ink Slinger
Seems sophisticated and clearly has little tolerance for stupidity. Good qualities in any person.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale

Oh well why didn't you just lay claim to your attention whoring from the start? Welcome to Lush...You should fit in comfortably, surrounded by thousands of your peers.

Too bad you just missed the big contest. Stick around, I'm sure there'll be another one in, oh...about four years.

... I was joking. If I wanted attention that badly, I would just go post answers on the "Ask the Gals" section where I would be sure to stand out.

What big contest?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Sirene_Jaune
Lets not forget the frequent questions involved with anal play. However a lot of guys also answer on the female sub forum.

Have we forgotten? I wasn't aware in the first place.

I've definitely noticed this strange anomaly where guy seem to loose there dicks and suddenly ... a vagina opens up and they are women. Either that or they are just confused as to what gender they fall under. Not that there is anything wrong with either of those scenarios. To each their own.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Metilda
Heh. I've thought about this since I posted earlier.

I hesitate to even enter the male forum because when I just post stories I get hit on by dozens of random men. Imagine the response if I publicly channeled my curiosity. I'd have to crawl into a ghost hole and stay there.

(Someone said this already and it's a true point. The responses and readers are two different puddles)

The only thin I recall wanting to ask was 'what does a male orgasm feel like' I ended up reading a lot of erotica written by men, and that was informative enough. I have a 4.0, and write erotica. I'd feel freaking stupid actually asking that. I also bet that a lot of the responses would be 'it feels good!'

Maybe I don't understand the actual volume of random men you are talking about, but if it is truly just dozens is it difficult to click "no", "delete", "ignore", or whatever have you. If the volume, however, is just ridiculous then I suppose I get it.

I'm sure after sifting through the morons you might have found some interesting responses to a question like that. I say that because sensations, in general, are thought to be unique to the individual and how their brain processes the information. Like you said though, most people would probably have responded with something like, "It's awesome", or "Why don't I show you". I believe people respond with such simplicity because they cannot put such an abstract idea into words. So, instead of saying that, they revert to stupidity. For example, what if I asked you, "What does blue look like to you?" Don't respond with, "Like the sky".
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DazzlingLove
Because us females retain information when we ask questions haha. Guys seem to forget how many of us like our pussies completely shaven or trimmed so that question comes up once a week.

Or, us females just know everything about you simple creatures we call men

Oh, no one has forgotten. I think you know that.

How fun, simplicity is not restricted to my gender. With just a little insight you will find that many people are pretty simple and easy to understand.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale

What would be an out-dated type of question, in your opinion? Something like this from 2010? Simply because the last answer was posted in October of that year? Still sounds relevant to me, and there were over 4000 page views. Looks like it was a popular question.

The majority of questions posted in Ask the Gals are a blatant call for attention from someone. I suppose that's why there have been almost 3 times as many inane, nonsensical and plain goofy-as-fuck questions posed to the ladies.

How should you eat up your spare time? You can scope out the 1000 plus previous posts and revive previously posed questions (a good many are also repeated)...then add your comments.

No rules against doing so here.

Unless your post here - in Ask the Gals was merely a blatant call for attention from the ladies.

Outdated in the context of my thread was not in reference to the type or relevance of the thread, but the fact that they have been answered many times over or are just very old ... to the point it would be redundant to answer.

I began this thread because I didn't want to revive an outdated, or rather plentifully-answered and old, thread.

I suppose I may have already known the answers that would come from this. So maybe it wasn't so much a serious inquiry as a way to bring to the foreground and discuss something that I've observed. Also, I like causing a ruckus ... semi-successful.

If it was merely a call for attention from the ladies, which for all you know it may be (and a successful one at that), I wouldn't call it blatant.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Kimasa
I have asked a number of questions to the guys since I've been here and received informative answers, all my questions were research based to help me write stories, if and when a new question I have springs to mind which hasn't already been asked I will ask it.

Alright then, I'll have to check out some of your stories. You know, just too see if the men where really helpful or not ...

Quote by ricinatl
Just throwing in my 2 cents.
A lot of women feel more comfortable getting advice from other women, which of course is a little whacky since no one knows a man's body or mind better than a man.
Also a lot of women believe they are already great lovers. There men never complain about how they perform orally or how they ride them when screwing so they must be good at it. But a man will rarely complain about sex over fear of not getting any.
So a tip for the women. Ask questions like a man does. We are trying to figure out how to be better lovers and more pleasurable to our partners not just because it's really important to us, we also want women to have the same thirst for greater gratification of all parties involved.

Well said my friend ... well said.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Kristind

Whatever. I sincerely hope you find your sense of humor...wherever you may have lost it. And a bit of free advice...if you can't deal with a few typo's here and there...and a dose - in this case a small dose - of humor and have the smarts to understand humor when it comes your way...maybe you shouldn't spend too much time on a social network. What I said and posted was meant only to be a bit of fun. I, however, didn't take into consideration how small and simple a mind I may be offending. Take my and my apology as a trade for your simple-minded sarcasm.

I enjoy this
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by simplyjohn
I have an idea .. I will post tomorrow in the ask the guys .. do you prefer small or large breasts .. thats a new one

edit - wait .. another one - um shaved, natural or that other option .. forgot what its called now .. oh trainline thats it

Haha, maybe I'll swing by and throw an answer or two your way. Although, those seem like awfully cliché questions. I guess I'll have to take it though.

Quote by Ravyn
I can't speak for all women, just for myself. When I have a question to ask, I will not hesitate to ask it. I am very much a knowledge seeker, but I don't tend to just ask any ole question either. When the curiosity strikes me I will ask it and the same goes for my replies to threads. I only do so when I have something to contribute, I rarely speak just to hear myself (or in the case of Lush, read).

Good policy all around.

Quote by Kristind
on the way to your scientific answer= on the way to your scientific answer

Well, this may have been cute and I may have understood it, if you didn't mangle and disfigure nearly every part of the original sentence.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by iWoMan
I just ask my husband, which scares the shit out of him.

Haha, good deal. He must be a patient man.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by naughtynurse
I've asked questions when I really want to know. But the type of question that is repeated ad nauseam is not what I need to know. I prefer to ask individuals.

Fair enough ... thank you.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Shylass

Yes. But there are some higher beings lurking here and there. They only appear now and again, so you have to keep looking out for them. Welcome to Lushlife in all its glory!

Thank you for the warm welcome. It's good to be here.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Kristind

You may conclude whatever you like. Regardless of what you "conclude", a good attribute IRL as well as on a social sex forum would be a sense of humor, Dr. hadg on way your way to a scientific answer to your question.

Uh hu ... I see ... well I have one remaining question, if you will oblige. I don't understand the portion of your sentence, "hadg on way your way to a scientific answer to your question". Please explain.