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3 weeks ago
Pan Female, 46
0 miles · Ocala


So an update, the vinegar trick really helps. But I have to be vigilant about getting my gloves out of the car- those things reek!!

Happy(belated) birthday to my very very very favorite girl!!!!
Quote by HeraTeleia
Guideline #whatever: Never have the temerity to believe that you are someone's friend until you have had actual, face-to-face contact with them. Exceptions to this rule exist, but the minutiae of these exceptions would fill a page.

HEYYYYY we ARE friends...
planks.... isometric training that I loathe... yet still incorporate it into my stadiums regularly.
Quote by NymphWriter

A lot of Frebreze.

Pretty much my current solution.

I workout outside, in florida. sweating happens. SP, I consider it a decent workout if my pigtails are dripping. By then my shirt and bra are drenched, not just the sleeves.
I work out a lot, and always have laundry around that was just out on a run/ride/swim/lift.

How do you keep your house from smelling like a gym without doing laundry for every change of clothes?

Quote by Milik_the_Red

I've edited the first post and added the links. I'm ecstatic to have you back, Dianna!

Im only here for the cookies.

In reality, I've just been busy. Ill try to poke my head in from time to time.
Milik, i activated my account so you could add the links if you like smile
innocent, unless you mean the rumor here I am in love with a certain southern charmer... but its not a rumor, its the truth so still innocent.

have you ever had a rumor spread about yourself?
I heard a rumor you guys threw a party for me in my absence. Thanks!! *wanders up to the table for the cake crumbs*

I miss all you lovely people too. Life has a way of being well... life and consuming. I'll be back, but im busy right now.
I have no desire to clip in. I like my clips, and I dont lose my feet, so I dont see the point in switching. I do clip in on the road bike, but not the others.
ugh.... I'd have loved to have entered this one. But SOAP notes, and video posts are killing my time for writing sad Someday....
Quote by Liz

Dare you to turn up to the next one on one of these.

I wore a blue sparkly tutu all day long. (there are probably still little bits of glittery tull in the woods) I want pink streamers, but have been informed they are not legal
It was a 9 mile circuit over the expert(diamond/double diamond) trails. total laps counted. I was part of a team.
Quote by Coco
I've just read the last few pages of this thread...I must suck!

You do! You suck all my breathe away everytime you post new stuff. Seriously fabulous work lady!
Quote by SereneProdigy

It's really not a good idea to wash 'clean' and 'dirty' items together, especially towels that are meant for the kitchen with towels used for cleaning extra-dirty things (eg. floors, toilets). And using a chlorine-based bleach also works great to kill the bacterias on dirty items. I don't really feel the need to use a chlorine-based bleach with my kitchen/furniture towels however, as I often use them with one of those disinfectant that kills 99.9% of germs.

And cleaning your washing machine with an 'empty load' of only water and chlorine-based bleach is also a good idea, every once in a while.

This is why my scrubs go straight to the washer and do not touch the floor, or a basket. Nothing else goes in the wash with them!
Nevermind, your amended post doesn't make me question anything at all. it was the previous version.

Carry on.
Quote by HeraTeleia

You don't tell me anything. Probably published that blue site piece already and I just missed it.

No time yet. Its on the list, just running short on time and energy grad school + work + race prepping is taking all my time!