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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 155
United States


Quote by slipperywhenwet2012

I said all of this just to say that the fake ones are easy to spot if you look closely enough. The control aspect is more important to them than the relationship aspect. The fake ones want you under their thumb, and they wanna keep you there as long as possible. And they make it extremely difficult for you to get out. They'll play with the emotions of their sub to get them to stay and convince them that it's all love and such, and then fall right back into the same abusive, controlling pattern.

I've encountered this before, and it was my first relationship as a sub. It's extremely hard to get out of the situation, like Slippery said. It also take a lot of time afterwards (at least it did for me) to get over what happened and want to try again.

That being said, finding a real Dom is easy when you know how to separate them from the fakes. I found a real one sitting right under my nose (albeit in a completely different country) that is showing me how night and day different a fake and a real Dom are. It's not about control. They don't want to control you like you're a remote control to a tv or something; it's about you wanting to give them that complete surrender because you can trust them not to abuse that trust and hurt you in any way that you don't want.
For me, neither are exactly higher priority over the other. I can't speak for everyone, just myself, though. Personally, I like to be able to feel a guy without having my cervix punched, but that's just because it's not a pleasant pain for me. Some women like them long, some like them thick, but it comes down to being able to use it properly in my books. Maybe not the most insightful answer you're looking for, but it's just a random summation of the thoughts that are blipping through my head at the moment. smile
Quote by Dudealicious
Hello Ladies,

When you make love, are you able to look your lover deep in the eye? Or do you keep them closed and enjoy the sensations?

When making love, I enjoy maintaining eye contact as long and often as possible. But, if making love turns into a rough fucking... my eyes tend to be observing what my the inside of my eye sockets look like or observing the texture of whatever object is in my face (wall, floor, pillow, etc.) from a very close perspective.

It is always nice to have eye contact during at least one phase of sex, though. Otherwise, at least for me, it makes me feel like a cheap fucktoy and also makes the whole experience seem more mechanical.
I normally grab whatever I think will be the most comfortable for what's in store for me during the day. I have had the mental debate over choosing boyshorts or bikini cut panties though.

As to would/do I share... um... no? That doesn't sound appealing in the slightest, and it would be very awkward to see my current roommate attempting to even try it.

No actual lyrics, but it certainly takes you back a few decades and the voice... Amazing talent.
I've called it soda, soda pop, coke, and, when I was a kid "fizzy drink". Right now, it's just all classified as soda pop to me, but I'll never stop getting a kick out of people that just always call it Coke.

"Want a Coke?"
"What kind? I have Pepsi, Sierra Mist, and Dr. Pepper."
"None of those are Coke..."
"Sure they are, now which one do you want?"
I'm not a guy, but I can give you one tip that helped me immensely when being introduced to anal play was help your body to associate it with pleasure. When I was first getting used to it, my Master would talk with me to keep me relaxed, but at the same time have me play with my clit a bit while stretching/preparing so that my body became conditioned to associate anal play with pleasure and for the most part that makes things much easier and enjoyable.

For a guy, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that the same thing can be done, but I could be completely wrong. I do hope that this helps some for you, though. Best of luck smile
Quote by little_kitty
It's a mental thing. Really. I don't know what kind of upbringing you had, but mine was a strict religious background. Sex was wrong, and dirty, and sinful, and good girls just didn't do it.

Our brains get conditioned by things like that, and even though you WANT the sex, and the orgasm, that early training can affect you. I'm just now learning more about myself and my passions because for the longest time, I NEVER had an orgasm but rarely, and alone.

Just a thought. I could be way off, but on the chance that I'm not ... there you go.

Well said. I have orgasm difficulties as well, but mine isn't just with a partner. For me it comes down to trust with my partner, and when I'm on my own, it's personal hang-ups with orgasms. They don't make me feel dirty or anything, I just can't push myself over my own "tipping point" into an orgasm because I hit a mental barrier of knowing that I'll be alone afterwards and couldn't share my pleasure with someone that I care about and just lose to overcoming that barrier every time.
Maybe I'm a bit of an odd duck, but I don't masturbate while reading stories on Lush. Now, I'm not saying that they don't turn me on and get me hot and bothered at times, but I just have never felt the inclination to masturbate while reading. When I read, I'm fueling my imagination and enjoying the mental stimulation.

After I'm done reading certain stories is a completely different matter, though.
You're quite welcome. I have Master to thank for getting it stuck in my head to the point I felt I needed to share it. =^.^=

Also, dancing and singing? Always a good thing
Lille Prinsesse (Don't know where it comes from exactly, but it can get a giggle out of me even though I can't understand most of it)


As my name suggests, I am a submissive. I have a wonderful Master that has a nickname of Crow (hence why my name is what it is here). I've been interested in the lifestyle for the past 8 years. I've had 2 people that have laid claim to being my Master, and only one of them was actually a true Dom. Currently, I've only had the privilege of having online experience with my Master, but W/we have enjoyed every minute of it thus far, and hope that in time that I will be able to physically be with Him at some point.

Master and I have tried looking to see if I have to potential of being a switch, but I don't seem to be.

I don't mind having some friendly conversations with people, but I will not bow and become someone else's submissive.

Looking forward to seeing more of this site though and getting more familiar with everyone smile.
Hmm... that is quite the question there, Andrew. I tend to want to try and give the person the benefit of the doubt and believe that they actually KNOW that Dom(me) is supposed to stand for, but in their haste to write, they forget /slip up and write Dominate, what said Dom(me) does, instead of Dominant/Domina (or whichever female derivative you'd prefer) which describes more accurately the personality/mindset of the Dom(me).

Just my opinion, but it still does irk me a bit to see Dom(me) not written out correctly when it is written out fully.
Dirty talk is something that I've only recently gotten into. Prior to finding my Master, I don't think it even happened that I can recall.

Thing is is that if I'm doing any talking it pretty much has to be done during foreplay/when He's teasing me because most times after that point if I can string more than two or three words into a coherent phrase at a time, I'd consider myself lucky. Master finds my other responses during that time to be just as satisfying for Him though, especially when He's talking dirty to me.

It's amazing what your mind can do with some auditory stimulation from your partner, even if they don't even lay a finger on you.
Quote by Amnesia
If you found your way here, you are a good sub following a command.

Now go to the bdsm looking thread and read what i wrote.

After Viewing what i wrote there. Return to this post.

Type i can read in response. As well as tell me one thing you saw on my profile.

If you followed all these steps, your a good subby. If not, are you really submissive?

You've already gotten some flak for what you've written, and I can say that it is sort of deserved.

I can say that I will not comply with what you've given out as orders because the only orders that I follow are those of my Master and anyone my Master informs me that I am to follow orders from in the future. I understand that certain respects are to be given to other Doms/Masters, but there is also the flipside of the other Dom/Master respecting submissives that are not their own.

I've also had my fair share of fake Doms trying to do things similar to what you've basically done here. Mind you, I do not know you in the slightest, so I am not calling you a fake Dom, but you can assume that if you wish. All I can say is that this is not a good way to present yourself, if you want my honest opinion.
Are you male or female? Female
How old are you? Old enough to have not been born in the 90s (24)
How many times a week do you masturbate? As many times as my Master allows
How many times do you orgasm each time you play? As many times as my Master allows

Where do you masturbate:
In bed? Yes
In the shower? Yes
In the bath? Yes
Outdoors? Not yet
At work? Not yet
Every room in the house? Working on it, just have the kitchen left :P
In a car while traveling... ? I have before

What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? My Master (that counts!)
A friend? See the above answer
A friend's spouse? No
A stranger? No
A student? No
A member of the same sex? Not while masturbating
A past lover? Nope

What position do you play in:
On your back? Yes
Standing? Yes
Kneeling? Yes
Sitting? Yes
Lying on tummy? Yes
(You forgot to ask "Bent over a piece of furniture?" Yes)

How do you play:
With left hand? Yes
With right hand? Yes (I switch hands sometimes)
With a toy? Yes!
With water from bath? That's a new one... might have to try it sometime
Written erotica? Never played while reading, but it certainly can help get the mood going
Pictures? Occasionally
Movie clips online? Not too often
Videos? Do video calls with my Master count? Then yes.
Something on TV? Nope (There's nothing good on my TV, never bothered hooking up cable/satellite)

What is your favorite porn: I'm going to skip over these because most of the time I watch porn it isn't for sexual purposes, it's more for comedic value or just white noise entertainment.
Straight sex between man and woman?
Gay or lesbian sex?
Group sex or orgies?
Blow jobs/oral sex?
Age play?
Role playing?

Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages? Not as of yet in my life
A chat room dialogue? So things like count? If so, then yes.
Exchanged stories or pictures? Yes

Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? Yes
Masturbated for a man/woman? Yes
Masturbated for the same sex? Not yet ;)
Masturbated in a group? Nope
Masturbated for a photo? Yes
Masturbated for a webcam? Yes
Masturbated for a video? Nope

Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? Sometimes
Insert something or play with your ass? Occasionally
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? Once in awhile
Use pain as a method of playing? Not really

For men and women:
Do you taste your cum? Yes
When was the last time you masturbated? Earlier today
Are you wet or hard now? Um... yes?
Are you going to masturbate now? No sad Play time is done for the day.
Are you a masturbation addict? Not really, more of an addict to my Master
What is the most you have played in one day? Wow... that's a tough one to answer because I don't know if you count in all of the pre-masturbation teasing that normally occurs before I get play time. If you do, 13 hours. If not, about an hour and a half.
My most embarrassing moment in regards to things sexual? Probably the time I was with my ex and we were in the middle of having sex, and my nephew burst in through my door (which was locked, but not completely locked apparently) quickly followed by my grandmother. THAT was hard to explain, and talk about a mood killer.

My most embarrassing moment in regards to things non-sexual? Getting dressed for a job interview, thinking I looked fantastic in my heels, almost opening my front door, and then realizing I was still naked.
I'm in the process of learning to suppress my gag reflex (which is why you end up puking at times during oral sex). My Master sent me this link to help: http:// www. wikihow .com/ Suppress-the-Gag-Reflex (had to put spaces in so that it would show)

I practice using various toys, and also going out to the store and buying one of those jumbo Push pops at times (It makes it more fun for me because it's like a treat having some candy and practicing at the same time!).

But, the best advice is just learn to relax and breathe calmly. The moment you start to panic, it's all downhill, at least it is for me.
Getting to enjoy some daytime teasing and torture with my Master =^.^=

Also, coffee, but that's to a far lesser extent what is making me happy at the moment.
As far as i know, it's a dental gag. But, here's to learning new terms for it! *cheers*
Myself? As a personal preference, I swallow. Not just because it's less messy, or that it shows my partner how much I enjoy tasting his cum, but also because I personally find spitting to be somewhat insulting (although there are certain circumstances that I don't see it as insulting). If I'm generous enough with my partner to allow his cock to be in my mouth and enjoy what he has to offer, I intend to take all that is offered. I don't know how hurtful it would be to have the tables flipped where my partner is going to town down there and I reach my own orgasm (potentially squirting), only to be coming down from my high to him finding his way to the bathroom to go clean his face off/wash his mouth out. I KNOW that this isn't the case with most women and spitting, but it's the image that sticks in my mind and so spitting is something that I can't bring myself to do.

Just to make myself clear: I'm not putting down spitting. I am just clearly stating my personal opinion on the matter. Everyone else's preferences and opinions are their own and I'm not going to try and change that. smile
I can't speak for everyone, but for me the name is one of the most used ones that my Master uses when talking to me, so I am his kitten. I think I earned it because I'm always so curious, playful, and easily distracted by random things, which can land me in a bit of hot water at times! It may not be some original name, but it is a cute and affectionate nickname to me. smile
In Texas "Up to a felony charge can be levied for promoting the use of, or owning more than six dildos."