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It looks like another big player succumbs to the pressure of mainstream prudishness. If you're blogging on blogspot, you might also have received this mail (or may be about to receive it) - I'm a bit curious if everybody who has flagged their blog to contain adult content got it.

Dear Blogger User,

We're writing to tell you about an upcoming change to the Blogger Content Policy that may affect your account.

In the coming weeks, we'll no longer allow blogs that contain sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video. We'll still allow nudity presented in artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific contexts, or where there are other substantial benefits to the public from not taking action on the content.

The new policy will go into effect on the 23rd of March 2015. After this policy goes into effect, Google will restrict access to any blog identified as being in violation of our revised policy. No content will be deleted, but only blog authors and those with whom they have expressly shared the blog will be able to see the content we've made private.

Our records indicate that your account may be affected by this policy change. Please refrain from creating new content that would violate this policy. Also, we ask that you make any necessary changes to your existing blog to comply as soon as possible, so that you won't experience any interruptions in service. You may also choose to create an archive of your content via Google Takeout.

For more information, please read here (

The Blogger Team

(c) 2015 Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

I've got two cases of "nudity" on my blog, the header:

...and one cover image of a Lush story:

The way the message is worded, it's difficult to guess whether they're just sending a widespread warning or if my blog has already been "selected" to receive the honor of becoming private. But I'll probably not get any wiser before the 23rd of March. In any case, I'm going to look for a different place to host my blog.
Quote by LusciousLushie
Most of my friends are authors and mods or both; I've not heard any of them say a thing about verification time or loads of work with verifyers. I've no idea how an author becomes impatient after submitting his/her story, similarly no idea why Chrissie had to say all this. But since whole mod community stands behind Chrissie there may be some reason. So may I suggest Lush to have a policy explaining the procedure of verification and time it requires, adding a couple of days as cushion period. I think a week's time should be fair enough to verify a story. No author should become impatient before that stipulated time. Mod's life will be easier and patience will be inculcated in impatient authors by default !

PS: To avoid any untoward incident between author and verifyer, intimation of approval may be system generated.

It isn't usually an issue. When I posted this, it was after a huge wagonload of fresh stories had been submitted into our verification queue in a short time - lots of authors wanting to get their story submitted before family time over the holidays - and a few misunderstandings sprung up that were triggered, no doubt, by holiday hectics. Even positive Christmas stress can sometimes be a bit much. Things like that happen, and my posting was just a small reminder to keep calm. This is not something that happens often though. World-wide holiday seasons make it more likely that we end up with loads of new stories and few moderators at hand, but in the end, both the queue and life in general are as predictable as Schroedinger's cat. Giving a fixed period including a sufficient buffer would make approval times probably look a lot worse to the uninitiated than they are, and a simple question by a new author about how long it takes isn't any trouble at all, so I'm not sure its something that needs formalization.

One of the big points in favor of of Lush is that we don't hide that the mod team is made up of individuals, contrary to other big erotica sites where you get anonymous responses that may or may not have been assembled by a program and which you can sometimes make neither heads nor tails of with nobody specific to ask for clarification. This is also something that gives back to us mods - when you approved a story and get a thank you back, or if you get into a PM exchange with the author to explain some finer points about an issue with a story, when you get asked a question related to something you wrote in an approval or rejection message or even a short request if you could look at the story again you approved just a minute earlier because the author forgot their cover image - these are the moments that remind you that you are working with the authors, not against the counter at the top of the queue.
Quote by Afterdark
I avoided the kneecap busting, but now the audio will not load....loading...then error...

Doh Doh!

Works fine here.
Quote by robinfriendly
I'm absolutely pasting from word. I've pasted all my stories from word, though and never had a problem before this one. Do most people type the stories in that little window? That seems so strange to me. Any advice on how to get around this?

Try pasting it using Ctrl+Shift+V instead of Ctrl+V - this way, any fancy, invisible formatting should be left behind. If that doesn't work, copying it into notepad first, then selecting everything again and copying from there to the Lush editor may be worth a try too. You'll have to re-apply any italics in the Lush editor though.
Quote by BiMale73
If Textedit is already set to default to plain text, then the 'Make Plain Text' (Cmd+Shift+T) is not needed anymore. By pasting the content into TextEdit, all style is then removed automaticly.

If the spacing you're talking about is having more that one space in between words, then you'll need non-breaking spaces (normaliy used to make sure that separate words act as one when reaching the end of a line). When rendering HTML content, multiple spaces are shown as one singular space. However non-breaking spaces are preserved. See (Keyboard entry method) for how to insert them.

Oh, and please don't misuse them ;)

Thank you. I don't own a Mac, so all I know is from hearsay smile I was primarily talking about vertical spacing (line/paragraph breaks), which gets messed up more often than not by pasting poems from office word processors or other web-based editors.
Quote by Dani
Also, voting is anonymous. You won't see who votes or how many votes you have (I could be wrong about how many, so maybe someone could confirm this).

Yes, vote count and average score are hidden for comp entries until the competition has closed.
Quote by sultry_eyes88
Thank you for the tip! I was on my laptop and I was about ready to throw it out the window. :/ no bueno.

On my laptop, I copy the story/poem over to notepad, then copy from there into the Lush edit box. Of course, italics and such need to be re-applied. For Mac OS, I've been told that pasting into TextEdit, pressing Cmd+Shift+T, then copying from there to Lush should also preserve spacing.

Edit: key combination corrected.
Quote by kiera
For example, I felt refusing to call you an ambulance until you wrote me into your Will leaving me all your worldy possessions and money was indeed most cunning of me

What? You're getting all the nuts?
Quote by simplyjohn
What! .. look last time I came over for pizza and salad you forgot to take the bloody plastic wrapping off the pizza and I spent 3 days in A&E .. omg the box and the polystyrene base and plastic wrapping are not edible!! Got that!

Be grateful she didn't try to roll a still-wrapped condom over your... *giggles*
Quote by Wilful
I'm resurrecting my stalled entry for the flash oral competition last year. There was no way I could get it done in under a thousand words. It's a bout a woman who takes a little time out on her way home to do something just for her.

Unlike any of my previous stories, I'm actually going to try this one in third person. And if they'll have me, I'm going to try and submit it to The Vault.

Hah, seems I'm not the only one with unruly, never-finished comp entries crawling around my hard drive and pleading to be finished every so often. Got two half-finished attempts for "Put a Spin on It" here that may yet see the light of day, one a casino gambling story, the other a modern and rather free interpretation of Grimm's Hansel and Gretel.
Congrats to the winners and everyone who made it into the top ten. This was again an effing tough comp, and you all came up with great stories!
Quote by She
True, but we changed and evolved a bit since Greek times, besides Op is asking how we personally perceive this site.

Perhaps I should have used a few more words then. For me, Lush is first and foremost a writing site, a place where I can showcase and get feedback for my own stories, bounce ideas and technical questions, help other writers grow and, when there's time and mood, indulge in some sexy reading. A porn site is a site where I go to to get quick kicks, and Lush isn't that. Lush has helped me grow as a writer and still does, and I've found some wonderful friendships here too.
Quote by sprite
As opposed to 'harlots writing of someone'?

Uhm, not at all Harlots writing of harlots still fit the definition
In the original sense of the word - the Greek "pornographos" translating as "someone writing of harlots", it's a definite yes!
Quote by Dani
I'm so confused...where's the pudding?

This is obviously just the warm-up while the one in the lime green t-shirt in the back gets the pudding ready. I mean, they're still dressed, too!
Quote by adagio_sabadicus
I soon discovered that spamming is nothing but prostituting your works out.

The same's true for selling what you've written, so I fail to see a reason to feel bad about it ;) I don't spam for just any story I've written, but from time to time, when I think I've written something that is either better than my average or outside my usual playing field, I PM my friends list to let them know about it and add more of a description than the one-liner and first paragraph can provide. I don't expect huge numbers of votes or comments through that, and I'd never see this as an obligation for anyone to read the story, but I also get such "spams", and while I don't ready every advertised story, there have been a number of really good ones I'd otherwise have missed.
Quote by simplyjohn
Quote by nicola
Gav: "I've changed some of the transaction isolation levels for the database."

Nicola: You did what now?

Translation: it should be fixed.

For now, Gav is monitoring where bottlenecks are occurring, and fixing issues accordingly.

Please let me know if you encounter further problems.

That makes perfect sense ...

I suspect he means he switched it off and on again or swore at it then kicked it.

Gav: *pokes database* hey, why aren't you answering, lazy girl?

Database: Girl? I am... I mean, We Are The Queen of Knowledge! Thou shallst not ask annoying questions of Us whilst We are busy writing!

Gav: By my Jedi powers... *stares hard into the database's one good eye and draws his light sabor. Crickets chirp, after a while, violins play a staccato, then he flicks a switch* let's be clear, if someone asks something, you just spit it out, writing or not, or I'll grill your ass!

Database: But We Are... *looks at the switch and starts to tremble* uhm, okay, Gav, I will.
Quote by HeraTeleia
I would think that all of the mods/verifiers are deserving of accolades. The time and effort they donate to keep this site at the quality level it currently is at is absolutely amazing, IMHO.

Not all. They only keep me in the mod squad because I squeal so cutely when they spank me. And they always find reasons to spank me. Oh bummer! I probably shouldn't have said this...
After almost a year, my series Cordelia's Feet is finished with chapter 9.

It's not just for foot fetishists, despite the title. If you like sapphic stories of forbidden teacher/student relationships, or if you like to read about a love so intense and devastating that it becomes addiction, inspired by classics like Venus in Furs, if you enjoy reading about the thrill in public exposure, or if power balances and the inseparable thrills of shame and arousal are your thing, chances are good that you will find yourself entertained.

Finding a big audience for series here at Lush is always a bit difficult, but perhaps you'd give my story a try and let me know what you think. It's 41,500 words, the size of a small novel, so it should provide a few nice bedtime reads. Five out of nine chapters have earned a Recommended Read, so I'm convinced it isn't too shabby writing. Thank you, and have fun reading!

Quote by ChrissieLecker
I'm still working on and off on Cordelia's Feet 9 and the mystery story, 'A Stranger in our Bed', but now I've also started three other storylines that didn't want to let me go (blame it on the plot bunnies): 'The Cheating Game', a story about a flirting game that gets out of hand, 'The Things We Do For Holidays', where a high school senior does an awsome lot to be able to afford going on holidays with her friends, and 'Ticket Girls - Raving Horny', a trip back in time to the "good old days" of techno raves, danced-through nights and uninhibited carnality.

Update: Woohoo, "Cordelia's Feet 9 - The Queen Bee's Deceit" is finished and published.
For anybody interested in the whole 41,500 words, as the last chapter doesn't really make much sense on its own, this is the start:
Quote by Maryana
Almost everything but not all the time.

Hm, it's currently really fast here, so it's probably not the site itself. I also accessed Lush in logged out status to make sure it's not the banner ads, and it was still fast. Can you try with a different computer or see if clearing your browser's cache helps?
Quote by Maryana
Since the forum error problem started the website is too slow. It will take a long time to be fixed?

It shouldn't be slow anymore. Gav has added some tweaks to the database on Friday to improve performance and keep away the blue error bars. For me, it's been fast since then. Are there any parts (forum overview, accessing individual threads, stories lists, profiles e.g.) that are especially slow for you?
If done reasonably well, there's nothing that speaks against it. While it's mostly describing the same continous settings, the collaboration story in my sig (A Teutonic Temptation) switches between first person narrators too, so feel free to take a look ;)

What KatieElizabeth and I did there was to add a small "hook" in every POV part that the other writer could pick up in the next part to make it appear seamless. It's always good to remind the reader that they're in fact still reading the same story and to keep them from wondering, "What the heck has this got to do with what I read earlier?" In our collab, with just two characters who interact with each other, this was of course easier than when more people in different settings are involved, but adding and using that kind of hooks can be a lot of fun in itself.
The only halfway decent grammar check I've found so far is MS Word's, though it needed tweaking to prevent it, as Wilful said, from complaining about every single sentence.

In the grammar settings, I've all but Negation and Subject-verb agreement checked, but in the Style setting, only Numbers, Punctuation, Sentence structure and Split infinitives are active. Nevertheless, it still tends to find false positives, often complaining about sentence fragments although they're completely valid clauses. For Lush, best set Punctuation required with quotes to "inside", Comma required before last list item to your personal preference (Oxford comma is fuzzy subject) and, something that almost gave me headache, Spaces required between sentences to "don't check" or you'll probably end up with double spaces after punctuation and all kinds of weird highlighted stuff spanning paragraphs.
Quote by beckyone
Hi there, Im thinking about writing a true story from when I was at school. I'm just wanting to know what the rules are in writing such a story. The "sexy school girl" is common place in porn and everybody knows the girls are over 18.

How could you do a story about this without to been removed. Or should I not even bother starting one.

The age of consent for stories posted at Lush is sixteen, so if all characters involved in sexual situations are at least that old (and act according to that age), it shouldn't be a problem.
Quote by Megis
Good story

Thank you!

Only forty to go when I woke up! Yay! I'll be totally hyper all day