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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 34


People used to call me pizza face in highschool. Thanks for the memories guys. Give me a burger any day.
Quote by SereneProdigy

Don't you even DARE touch the little white one! Ever! I will protect him with my pride and honor until all that's left of me is a pile of bloody bones!

And don't ever deprive those poor little ducks from their gentle mama! Just don't touch the fucking box already!!!

why arent the black ducks worth protecting? why only the white duck?
I had this same problem for years! It finally went away when my ex-boyfriend stopped putting it in my ass and took my vagina virginity. Enough was enough!
I like nice boys. Who wants a bad guy who will cheat on you with your best friend and then claim he didnt, even after I cought him going down on her but claiming he was doing cpr to her vagina because she was choking on her tampon. Bad boys are liars I will never fall for that one again.
Um, I do more than taste my juice. I make a.kale, pineapple, spinach, green apple juice that is filling and gives me energy. I drink it all baby.
Quote by Nat4fun
i love being felt up by strangers in public


I dont like being looked at in public though. It makes me feel wierd.
I like guys with little balls. I dont like it when they dangle there staring at me. It's creepy.
I do not like detachable penis, is it so hard to spell it out? I like the real thing.