OR... all competition be set up by size and weight category...
No other criteria needed! 😎
Quote by Tantaleyes
Musk is very free speech and makes a big target. I'm not a big spaceship fan, but he's done the world a favor by freeing up who can say what on Twitter.
Elon Musk is not opening up eX-twitter to be more free speech, just changing the direction of censorship to push the narrative in the direction he wants.
Wow! People are so easily fooled-swayed by someone who speaks their preferences. The gullible masses have always been sheep.
And it is easier to sell if your name sounds like a cologne.
Americans depend on automobiles for high mileage travel, long distances, and durability. So, once auto manufacturers provide much improved EVs that meet those demands, and at affordable prices, the product will becone popular.
So far, EVs suck at that. While they're good for urban use, they have yet need to meet the distance and years of durability needs. Also, charging infrastructure must be implemented for long distance rural travel. It is a long way between cities in the USA.
Plus, battery renewability abd storage is currently inadequate.
So, Americans are waiting for improved versions at better prices. Once that happens, EVs will sell like crazy.
I do enjoy riding around my property in my battery powered golf cart.
Family and friends.
Definitely politicians are at the bottom of the list. Very little trust to any. I deal with too many in business, and know most politicians are totally untrustworthy. You can lump all political parties into that category equally. The longer they are in their elected position, they get more corrupt.
Quote by Magical_felix
Lovely message for the veterans
Donald Trump lives in the confines of the USA, and he lies, steals, and cheats in elections. As well, he is a tax cheat and was a cowardly draft dodger, and he coddled communist dictators. Plus, he owes a lady several million dollars for sexually assaulting her. Oh, yeah, Trump cheats on wives - all of them in fact. And he paid a pornstar and a Playboy centerfold for sex. So he's a prostitute John
Quote by Magical_felix
The Maine shooter was a MAGA dumbass, shocking.
Is there a more bigoted hate-filled shit stirrer in the USA than Fucker Carlson?
Quote by Dani
Holy misrepresentation of information.
They've found that some of the ways they were implementing assessments were discriminatory in nature, so they're seeking to correct that. Quote from the article: "“We haven’t suspended any sort of assessments,” state board member Vicky López Sánchez, a dean at Portland Community College, said during a recent board of education meeting. “The only thing we are suspending is the inappropriate use of how those assessments were being used. I think that really is in the best interest of Oregon students.”
They're not suspending all requirements, just standardized testing as a requirement for graduation. They're even still administering standardized tests, but not using them as the benchmark for whether or not a student graduates, being that they found them to be discriminatory, and don't improve outcomes after graduation. They're moving towards better ways to assure that students are prepared post-graduation, and not just passing arbitrary tests that are unequally yoked, and have no bearings on their preparedness/success going forward. There's still an evaluative process in those areas that takes place for graduation, meaning there are still requirements for graduation. Just not discriminatory/irrelevant ones.
Well, this information debunks the "Oregon has lost their minds" nature insinuated in the original post.
A lot of standardized tests are bunk anyhow.
In the state of Maine, 8 people murdered, another 20 more wounded by an Army Reservist, who taught gun shooting on the side. He attacked people in a bar and in a bowling alley, and as far as l know, is still on the loose.
His motive may have been something involving a girlfriend or ex-girlfriend.
Will Congress ever do anything serious to subdue this insanity? Or will mass shootings and murder still be okay with the Republic Party?
My God!? The bowling alley was hosting a youth night for kids when this piece of shit killer walked in and started shooting.
I'd bet he was a Republican. Anyone want to counter that?
Quote by Chryses
That is unnecessary. If the data and the analysis are valid, there is no need for a provocative title. Let the thing speak for itself. Note that the criticism has focused on people and social conventions, not the data or the analysis.
Data and analysis? Did you post any?
Each day more of Trump's co-conspirators are jumping ship, pleading guilty and agreeing to testify against him.
The reality of this is that a majority of states will vote no to this, overwhelmingly killing the two-thirds majority of states needed to vote yes to passing a constitutional amendment.
I think all states already have background check requirements. Most have a waiting period. And raising the age to 21 already exists in many states, and is a possible in most.
An assault weapon ban will not pass in most states. Defining an assault weapon has and will continue to be a problem. On a state by state basis, limits on clip size can be accomplished, but will vary. Bump stocks have been banned at the federal level. And fully automatic weapons are already illegal.
This battle will have to be done on the state level in every state. Results will vary greatly.
Attorney Sydney Powell, one of Trump's most important team members has pled guilty to election interference in the state of Georgia and will testify against Donald Trump. This is a huge loss and hurdle for Trump and huge victory for the Fulton County DA prosecuting him
WOW! This is huge! Really HUGE!
Quote by Ironic
I hadn't heard that one. Why was/is Hillary trying to have him killed?
It is a rather twisted theory. Either JFK, Jr. 'knows too much' or he is dangerous competition to her ambitions.
Just as looney, is that he'd want to be Trump's running mate.
But silliest, is believing he is alive.
Well, ya know Trump QANONers are still saying John F. Kennedy, Jr. will soon show up from hiding in Arizona (from Hilary Clinton's attempts to have him killed), and announce he'll be Trump's VP running mate.
Yep, Trump QANONers really believe that. That says a lot about the lack of IQ among the herd of Trump sheep.