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2024 Federal Elections

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Quote by Ironic

Given his iconic name and liberal history, I expect the Republican nominee will benefit most.

Only if actual Democrats are as stupid as MAGA Republicans.


Quote by noll

Only if actual Democrats are as stupid as MAGA Republicans.

Only conservatives and I guess Ironic and Cocko ever talk about Kennedy. They do so in hopes that it DOES hurt Democrats but honestly I think it will have zero impact on both candidates.

Quote by Magical_felix

Only conservatives and I guess Ironic and Cocko ever talk about Kennedy. They do so in hopes that it DOES hurt Democrats but honestly I think it will have zero impact on both candidates.



Quote by noll

Only if actual Democrats are as stupid as MAGA Republicans.

Unfortunately, there is probably an equal match. is a complete lunatic.

The idea of the nation's leader being totally independent of the two parties who control the legislative branch seems bizarre to me. I mean, he has 0 chance of winning, only of being a spoiler, but what if he did? The last three or four presidents have struggled to get Congress on side at times and they were all nominees from one of the big parties. How could an independent deal with it?

Then again, in Canada, we have a hereditary titular head of state who is mostly irrelevant day-to-day and the real power is the head of government, the Prime Minister, who by definition is the leader of the largest party in the House of Commons so it is a scenario that can't happen here. So maybe it is just my perspective as someone living under a parliamentary system of governance.

We have independent Members of Parliament but they are basically nobodies. No chance at a cabinet or shadow cabinet role, let alone national leadership, no party support for their election campaigns, minimal media interest save the odd one who left their party under a cloud or because of a juicy conflict.

Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.

Editorial in NYT claims Kennedy’s 3rd party will fuck up Biden’s chance and Trump win by default.

So let Michelle O run as a dem. We all win

I can’t imagine many Democrats voting for him. He’s just running as a contrarian and to help Trump get elected.

Well, ya know Trump QANONers are still saying John F. Kennedy, Jr. will soon show up from hiding in Arizona (from Hilary Clinton's attempts to have him killed), and announce he'll be Trump's VP running mate.

Yep, Trump QANONers really believe that. That says a lot about the lack of IQ among the herd of Trump sheep.

Quote by Ironic

I hadn't heard that one. Why was/is Hillary trying to have him killed?

It is a rather twisted theory. Either JFK, Jr. 'knows too much' or he is dangerous competition to her ambitions.

Just as looney, is that he'd want to be Trump's running mate.

But silliest, is believing he is alive.

I mean, Manchin was a coal baron who fought against unions, environmental protections, and civil rights. He was functionally a Republican, just paid for by the Democrats to keep a majority in Congress. Honestly he more effectively killed leftist policy as a Democrat than if he were a Republican.

Absolute scum shit of a human being. Obsessed with drilling for oil in a mountain older than the Pacific Ocean.

Quote by Chryses

I believe Ms. Clinton lost Pennsylvania to Mr. Trump in 2016 by fewer votes than Ms. Stein received in that state.


It’s funny

Quote by Chryses

We agree!

You aren’t going to ask “funny how”?

From "2024 Federal Elections"

Quote by ElCoco

They're less than a year away. I don't know what the filing deadlines are for the different states, but so far, it looks like the Presidential race will be between Biden and Trump after the "others" have been removed in the primaries. The only wildcard is Mr. Kennedy, who's running as an independent.

For Congress, all 435 seats in the House are up for grabs, and 34 seats in the Senate will be contested.

Where your candidate stands on America's support for two wars seems to be the major new factor in deciding the outcomes.

Quote by Ironic

Public opinion is sharply divided about the US's involvement in them.

Quote by RowanThorn

I’m voting for Cornel West. He’s got a better chance to pull votes than Kennedy. Kennedy just had the media’s attention because he’s a fucking insane white man whose American royalty.

West is gaining popularity despite no media coverage because he actually represents many poor people’s interests.

For all their divisiveness Republicans and Democrats functionally run the country the same way.

Quote by sprite

plus, he's kinda brilliant.

Quote by noll

I know too little about him to have an informed opinion. Normally it shouldn't be too hard to find a candidate who would be an improvement over both Biden and Trump, but this is US politics… West did support Sanders though, so that's a definite plus.

Personally, I find West's pastor-like way of addressing audiences kinda annoying, but that's just form, and that feature might actually work well on an American audience.

Quote by sprite

read up on the man. i think you'll be impressed.

Quote by ElCoco

That's the truth! The extremists are having a good time explaining why supporting either side in either war is right or wrong.

Quote by noll

So, which sides do you support in either war? Does that make you an extremist? Why (not)?

Quote by MsStep

Yesterday’s election results show that abortion remains a major voting factor.

Quote by Magical_felix

Republicans will go against their abortion is murder beliefs real quick.

Fuck them. We want power.

Quote by Chryses

And it is now being decided as it should be.

Quote by Ensorceled

Watching the Republican debate right now, I think the candidate I’d most like to go out for a beer with is Chris Christie.

I think DeSantis is looking slicker. If Trump crashes and burns, which I think he just might do, DeSantis can swoop in.

Ramashawmy is clearly a dick.

If I voted in the Republican primaries, I’d vote for Christie.

Quote by ElCoco

Just because you have an opinion on some subject doesn't make you an extremist, but if you're an extremist, you'll have extreme opinions on that subject. Right?

Quote by noll

So then what are the extreme opinions in these wars, according to you?

Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

Please don't make America Florida. Thanks.

Quote by ElCoco

This thread isn't about my opinions on extremism. It's about the next federal election.

Quote by noll

True. So then why did you bring up extremists propagandizing their support in the referred wars?

Don't believe everything that you read.

From "Egomaniacal opportunist or simply a stealth Republican?"

Quote by WellMadeMale

In any event - Democrate Dean Phillips is throwing his hat into the ring to unseat Biden in the 2024 primary for the 'opportunity' to run against Trump.

Phillips has not been supportive of the No Labels effort, fueled by Crow, to field a third-party candidate.

Earlier this year, Phillips told The New York Times that “it will be a historic disaster” if No Labels ran a third-party Democrat against Donald Trump and Joe Biden in 2024.

“And I speak for just about every moderate Democrat and frankly most of my moderate Republican friends,” Phillips said.

Rep. Dean Phillips got a $2,800 donation in 2019 from Harlan Crow, the Texas billionaire who is close to Justice Clarence Thomas.

Quote by Dani

Why not both?

Quote by RowanThorn

I cannot stress this enough, everyone hates Biden. He polls terrible, in some polling losing to Trump even if he’s convicted. If he really cared about anyone other than his narcissistic self, he would clear the field for a new candidate.

The whole third party scare tactic had been one of the most successful tools to limiting people’s realistic choices for representation. Scare tactic aside, 3rd party candidates are great for people to point fingers at when they lose. Even though the functionally have not provably swung anything. After Ross Perot got close, they changed the rules on debates to make it fundamentally impossible to get a third candidate on the debate stage.

As for Phillips himself, pro big business, anti-environmental… honestly a Biden clone in his voting record. Another piece of the government owned by the billionaire class.

Quote by Dani


The democrats suck, the republicans suck. The democrats complain about policies implemented by the republicans while the democrats more often than not lay the groundwork for said policies, and vice versa. It's a fucked system, perpetuated by both parties because they're just lining their pockets and securing their legacies at the country's expense.

Quote by Ironic

I won't say everybody hate President Biden, but the polls show many people aren't satisfied with his performance. Biden trails Trump in 2024 US election's key states, polls show

Maybe that's why Representative Phillips is contesting the primaries.

Quote by Ensorceled

Anything that points the conversation toward a contested convention in either party is good news to me. I saw this guy on Bill Maher and liked him. He's just trying to get the conversation around a challenger started.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Has Vermin Surpreme announced his candidacy yet?


Quote by MsStep

Was Stein’s 3rd party candidacy a significant factor in Clinton’s loss to Trump? More to the point, assuming Stein, Kennedy and West remain candidates, how damaging will they be to Biden?

The most significant factor in Clinton’s loss was being a legitimately terrible candidate and treating the entire election as a formality. Low energy campaigning despite constant polling showing that Trump had a fanatic support and hers was luke warm at best.

It’s part of the long running tradition in the Democrat party of hand picking the presidential candidate beforehand. Everyone seems to forget the controversy during the primaries where hacked emails revealed the Dem leadership was doing everything they could to ice out Sanders and push Clinton down our throats. The chairman of the democrats and several higher ups resigned. The transparent manipulation of the nomination process lost Clinton more votes than any third party candidate.

Quote by RowanThorn

Sir, are you suggesting running for president is a money game!?

I'll predict today that the ultimate winners of the next election will be the political consulting and marketing firms.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

I'll predict today that the ultimate winners of the next election will be the political consulting and marketing firms.

I think 24/7 news sites will take in more, not only do they have huge ad revenues (with bidding wars for prime time ad slots) from the candidates they also get a tremendous bump in viewership..

Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

I'll predict today that the ultimate winners of the next election will be the political consulting and marketing firms.

Add my therapist to this list, and you're spot-on.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Quote by ElCoco

Campaigns cost money. Bigger campaigns cost more money. That's an advantage for the major parties.

I think your wording is a little understated. It’s like saying a human has an advantage over an ant in a fight. This is inherently how the rich own the country. The rich own the media outlets and finance the campaigns. They can simply ice out any undesirable players.

Quote by ElCoco

Campaigns cost money. Bigger campaigns cost more money. That's an advantage for the major parties.

The best campaign ad in recent memory belonged to senator Mike Gravel (D- Alaska). In it he stares silently at a low-budget camera (probably an iphone) for a minute, picks up a rock and chucks it in a lake, and then a caption announces his name and his intention to run for president as he walks away. Simple, direct, clever, and it cost next to nothing to make. The campaign was obviously doomed from the start, but I've got a soft spot for the punk-ethos behind it (even if the man himself was never into punk rock).

Don't believe everything that you read.

I think candidates making home made porn video TV commercials is a good idea.

Quote by Buz

I think candidates making home made porn video TV commercials is a good idea.

None come to mind that I would want to see, but your mileage may differ of course. #nokinkshaming


Quote by noll

None come to mind that I would want to see, but your mileage may differ of course. #nokinkshaming

PILF - Politician I'd Like to Fuck. AOC is good looking enough, and Lauren Boebert has shown she's down for a good time. Maybe a girl/girl scene. We'll call it "reaching-around across the aisle" (until someone comes up with a better title).

Don't believe everything that you read.

Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

PILF - Politician I'd Like to Fuck. AOC is good looking enough, and Lauren Boebert has shown she's down for a good time. Maybe a girl/girl scene. We'll call it "reaching-around across the aisle" (until someone comes up with a better title).

Okay, I hadn't thought about AOC. But Boebert… nah.