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Only the far left agrees with your take Rowan. There are just as many, and probably more, far rightwingers in the USA right now. It is the middle that wins elections. and I think they are moving away from the views of the left. They may not like the right, but I think more of the middle finds the right more tolerable. I may not agree with that, but that is what I see growing.

The Republicans have been super vulnerable for quite awhile, but the Democrats are so far off target they can't take advantage of that.

You're right about the poor and middle class. That was the base for the Democrats for a long time, but the Democrats are no longer in touch with the values of the American middle class and poor. If anything, they are starting to turn to the far right, though they will never get anything from them. But the new liberalism isn't working or attracting them, only young liberally educated elitists. And that turns off the working class masses.

The pendulum is in constant motion and its swinging away from liberalism. Where that takes the world may not be a very good place. But things have never been perfect and won't ever be.

The world is changing and it may suck worse than ever.

This is just an assessment of where things are,

Quote by Magical_felix

lol I hope he does it again

tRump's mindless minions will eagerly donate the 83 million to tRump's account to pay this. But, very few of these kind of monetary lawsuit victories are actually ever paid. Lawyers will hold this up for years until they wear her side down into taking a miniscule settlement.

The system was created and adjusted by the super rich and mega-corporations to protect them.

Quote by WellMadeMale

I have yet to see this senility of Biden which ALL of the GQP are claiming he's afflicted by, and now some moderate republican anti-trumpers are even claiming this to be 'factual'.

I do see Trump confusing people (as he's attempting to cut 'em down verbally), making claims of all of HIS fantastic achievements the last time he occupied the Oval - as well as just being a demented old farthammer and totally fucking up the English language when he mumbles, yells, and makes unrealistic demands.

I think Biden is going to mop the floor with Trump - AGAIN.

tRump is a mean, vengeful, narcissistic, lying, criminal asshole, and probably a .. But he is picking up steam, rather big. And it is because Biden is not inspiring and is obviously, to anyone with open eyes, extremely senile. And can barely walk. And Biden is badly losing the control of the southern border. That is one huge thing playing against him in the polls. Plus, the news media is not eagerly selling how well the economy is coming back, while the rightwing mouthpieces keep saying it is failing (when it reality it is not).

People are very uninspired and apathetic by this election. Our antiquated two-party system is failing us badly.

Jeff, you fail to see the numbers growing in the direction of rightwing extremism. Look at the popularity of Fox News, despite the fact that they gave been proven, in court, to be liars and a rightwing mouthpiece.

Now we have Newsmax and OANN growing in popularity and spewing far right garbage propaganda. Meanwhile, news sources like CNN and MSNBC continue to drop in viewership.

All tRump has to do is pick up a few hundred thousand votes in those states he narrowly lost in 2020, but won in 2016, and he is the Electoral College elected president again. And the left and moderates seem much more apathetic than the right. If Biden can't get the moderates out strongly in his favor, then it will be tRump in 2024.

I applaud Biden for sticking to his guns on helping Ukraine and Israel. Plus, the economy is coming back. Actually, it is very strong in some states. There is a big economic boom in Georgia. And my business is thriving under Biden. I'd rather keep the status as it is.

Just like Hillary in 2016, Biden can win the popular vote but lose the election. I don't see Biden mopping up. But there is still time.

At this point, who knows how the congress and senate will go. Be prepared, though, for a very disappointing election in 2024.

I am extremely pessimistic about the future political landscape in the USA. Barring a felony conviction, it really looks like that lying corrupt turd, Donald Trump will be going into The White House.

I currently don't think Biden has a chance. His obvious signs of senility and severe aging are making him extremely vulnerable.

Trump is picking up steam and gaining new supporters.

I hope l am very wrong.

Quote by noll

Yeah, but mostly because Pepsi tastes like shit.

Correct. Pepsi does taste like shit.

Quote by Magical_felix

Because if we don't fiercely resist cockamamie ideas like calling coke, soda, it will spread. It's coke, like sprite coke, pepsi coke, rootbeer coke, coke coke. Biden's America.

That graphic is highly inaccurate.

It's Coke!

Drink it! Snort it! Put it on your dick and fuck her pussy! It's American! Put Jack Daniels in it!

But don't fucking mix it with non-tax paid corn-fucking liquor, ie. Moonfuckingshine!

Hospitals in the USA like to make doctors, nurses, and techs to work 12 hour shifts. How sharp is a person those last 4 hours? Surely, much less than they should be with lives and health on the line.

And new doctors may work a few days in a row with no time off, maybe catching an hour or two nap every now and then. Quality decision making, no doubt, is not good. That seems like a formula to get patients killed to me?

And nurses and techs are generally underpaid.

Hourly employees in the USA get overtime pay for working over 40 hours (time and a half of their hourly wage).

Salaried employees get no overtime pay, so can be worked to death for no extra money. This is most mid level executives and management.

The system sucks. We'll compensated and rested employees, with good benefits are more productive. Happy employees that are loyal because they are treated right create more money-profit for the company.

The company can go well beyond the government's minimum requirements if they want to, and it will pay off. Salaried employees with an established bonus system for productivity and profit will want to put in the extra effort. The company lowering ut's overtime pay to start at 36 hours, and still give them bonus checks will create employees that are loyal and extra productive. Give the employees a much better than average health insurance, and well over average, generous paid time off and sick day benefits.

Plus, bring in catered lunches occasionally (free to employees). Have company Christmas Party where bonus checks are handed put. Have a company picnic, catered and free to employees, plus be creative and give employees something every so often.

Pay employees very well to begin with. The company will see a much bigger bottom line each year, because the employees will generate more income. It works! I know!

Oh. Heck! We might as well go with Buz Bono, world Dictator, with Sprite as Minister of Defense and Subjugation.

I will wear a really cool banana republic uniform, weighted down with shiny, colorful medals, a silk sash, a dictator marshal's cap.

I'm thinking DanielX as minister of Debauchery

And Magical Felix will be a Minister of some kind, maybe Chief of Staff. Wellmademale will be Duke of Las Vegas. I'm not sure what Noll will be in charge of. I'll take suggestions. Plus, l'll entertain Minister applications from the rest of you.

Happy New Year to all!

What can you do to make this Year, 2024, great?

Are you Chrysis back from the dead? 🤣

What a pile of buffalo chips!

More dudes need to make their wife watch them have sex with her wedding bridesmaids.

I've found women prefer that forks not be used for eating their ass.

No, we tossed all the sluts out the window from the top floor and only kept the prudes that are also martial arts experts, and handy with swords.

A correction for an above post:

Steve McQueen received an Honorable Discharge in 1950 from the US Marine Corp. The rumor that he was dishonorable discharged is false. He did serve 90 days in the brig once. He also saved several other Marines lives once, getting them out of a tank that was going into the Artic water.

McQueen actually talked favorably of his service in the Marine Corps, saying, "they made a man out of me."

I am probably going to do a write-in vote for president. I don't know who yet, but l despise Trump with every ounce of my being, and Biden is ready for the nursing home.

The Green Party makes me laugh, and the Libertarians are eh... well better than the Green, but a waste of time.

Private citizens can volunteer and start homeless shelters and feeding ministries. as well as counseling help.

You can really find out what your city and community is like through that. I am sure there are some already serving. Those tend to do more good than government run programs anyhow.

As long as there is massive drug and alcohol abuse, we will have a lot of addicts incapable of living normal lives and living on the streets, under bridges, in parks, vacant buildings, etc. Stop the source and you can pretty much solve the problem.

The mentally ill have been on the streets en masses since the early 1980s when the federal government and most states closed down public funded mental facilities.

If the state has problems staffing and funding mental homes, then the state should have a budget fix. Rearrange their tax expenditures to take care of those needs.

But for sure, expecting privately owned cheap hotels to do the job for the state for homeless mentally ill and drug addicted people is moronic on an epic level. Anyone with common sense can see that? That entire neighborhood will soon be a slum.

The state should buy those properties, renovate them to their needs, and run the housing with professional staff educated to deal with the needs of the homeless, with profesional counselors and medical staff.

If corporations buy land, that means more tax revenue for the state. Unless the politicians are giving them special tax breaks.

Look to see how the state is allocating funds. You'll probably find that it is done to financially benefit politicians. Follow the money trail and you will find greedy corrupt politicians for every greedy developer.

But by all means, keep re-electing those crooks and learn to expect the same old shit.

Does the state of California have state mental hospitals and permanent care homes for the mentally ill? Offering that with professional care would makes sense and be humane. But forcing privately owned low end motels to do that is highly irresponsible, inhumane, and totally copping out on how to deal with homelessness.

The motel owners should shut down and sell the property to developers.

The state and cities should do their job and take care of the indignant mentally ill homeless, and drug addicts/alcoholics. Deal with those people in a caring professional manner, so they get real help.

Quote by WellMadeMale

Capitalism in California -

Hey, Noll... how is capitalism working in the rest of the world? This is how it's swung around in California.

Fucking hubris and greed sickens most people. Except for those who are trying to squeeze every last dime from those who cannot afford to pay.

Let's vote for Republicans!!! They can fix it.

So the city and county are unwilling to fund building low rent public housing, but willing to collect tax money even under dubious reasoning. And force motel owners with their property investments to deal with masses of drug addicts and alcoholics.

That is fundamentally fascist.

Yet, the root of the problem will continue to thrive.

I don't know, but he should enjoy eating a Philly cheese steak sandwich while she gives him a blow job. 😇

The Democrats continually dangle the carrot in front of the horse. They'd rather keep masses impoverished and convinced that they, the Democrats, are their saviors in order to control them as a voting block.

The crooked Republicans keep fucking over the Democrats for power because the Democrats are weak and have a weak political platform. Anyone with common sense knows the Republicans are for themselves, corporate leaders, the mega-rich, and country club social class. And the GOP is willing to do anything,, no matter the immorality to gain and keep power.

And if you think the Democrats are less beholding to their big corporate owners or you might say donors, than the GOP, then you are willfully blind.

Neither political party is worth a damn. And that is a damning statement on the American two-party system. While there are other few very small, lunatic fringe political parties, they don't even scratch the surface of the two party domination and corruption.

Biden was elected by an anti-Trump wave of voters. Trump was elected (though only by the electoral college) because so many Democrat voters couldn't choke down voting for Hillary Clinton. Note Obama won easily by a clear majority of the voters.

Find candidates that people feel good about supporting and really want to vote for. End the vote for the choice that is least shifty!

Yes, Democracy in the USA is in trouble. The extremists are growing in number on each side, and the hate growing more intense.

I expect The Supreme Court to rule in favor of Trump in the Colorado ballot case. I doubt the vote will be close and possibly unanimous.

Still Trump sucks! He is the scummiest man to ever hold the office of President, and l hope the voters will reject him. Unfortunately, Biden's age, shaky hands and always forgetting what he is saying doesn't help. But l'll vote for Biden any day over Trump.

I for one, know how fickle the US Court system can be. But l still believe that Colorado is misusing the 14th Amendnent without an actual conviction to stand on. It is opening the door for unforeseen misuse that can be very detrimental to democracy and the Constitution.

Trump needs to be defeated at the polls by the voters. This court action will just give more energy to the Trump cult. Trump us an old man, and it is even possible nature may take its' course with him. But he does seem to lie and cheat without any physical stress, as if it comes easily without a moral conscious. Most people would suffer physically from feeling guilt, but not Trump, who has no moral compass.

As far as the courts, l did have great success in winning a lawsuit in which l was the plaintiff. And l did collect the entire financial award.

But l know many victorious lawsuits in court never collect the financial award - never!

I can see the 14th Amendment being viable in this case if Trump had actually been convicted of a crime for instigating the January 6 Insurrection. While l am sure he did instigate it, l believe our justice system works best when a person is actually convicted of the crime before punishment can be executed.

He has yet to be convicted of any crime. Though l hope he will.

Colorado courts are just opening a can of worms that can backfire. Just as the party in control of the US Congress will be trying to impeach every sitting president from the opposition party from here on. Irresponsible precedent has been set.

I love the theory that Morgan Freeman is really Jimi Hendrix. Freeman is an outstanding blues guitarist.

And, of course, Sasquatch is just too much fun to let go of. In Florida, he's Skunk Ape running around the swamps and Everglades.

And then there's the theory that Hulk Hogan is centuries old and created the Shroud of Turin using his own face. Yeah, you look at that and then try telling me that isn't Hulk Hogan.