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Over 90 days ago
Heteroflexible Male, 53
0 miles · London


Well, I appreciate the fulsome explanation.

I guess I'll just have to learn to love it.

Keep up the great work smile

It would be great if:

  • People had to comment on order to leave a vote, especially a new one. I understand that not everyone likes a story, but it would be great to know why!

  • I could see who had read / voted for my story, so I could ask for feedback or their thoughts, even if they've not commented

Can any mods or the Lush team help out?

Oh, the series starts here

I've only just come across this thread.

I found no stories examining the cuckold lifestyle from the bull's perspective, which as a long time bull I found frustrating.

So I did what any sensible voyager would do, and started writing about how and why I came to this role. I've been really pleasantly surprised about the positive reaction, especially from women who find the narrative quite empowering.

Usually in cuckold stories the bull seems to be a bit part, incidental, or just a dumb animal. But I assure you, we're not all like that? A deep respect for women and their pleasure (and mine) is what's driven me.

If you have the time, please take a look and let me know what you think.