BoredPen 13 Mar 2024 Special Delivery A delivery driver does everything he can to please a customer There's something to be said about good customer service that can make all the difference sometimes. I work as a delivery driver for a home renovation supply company and I try my best to satisfy each customer that I deal with. Most of the time it's a routine job; people just want their order delivered quickly and offer their polite thanks on your way out the door but some rare encounters are much more memorable. I was wor...
BoredPen 24 Jan 2024 This Might Be a Mistake I pick up my ex from the airport and things quickly get out of hand. We broke up about a year ago but a friendship is kept alive through the love we share for the pets that are now mine since you travel for work which makes owning pets impossible since your new man can't be trusted to take care of them in your absence. You made plans to fly back to where your home used to be to visit your parents and our pets. I agreed to pick you up from the airport since your dad was busy and you offered...
BoredPen 25 Oct 2023 Aftermath I double down in my efforts to get back at my ex-girlfriend, this time with her younger sister. I didn't even bother reading most of Diane's texts for the next day or two. Most of them were different combinations of the same thing anyway. Fuck you! How could you do this to me? The nerve of that woman never ceases to amaze me. Who knows how long she kept her affair from me? The fact that she would expect me to feel guilty for my actions was astounding. While it's true I had prior knowledge of the strained relationshi...