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5 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 155
0 miles · Toronto


Sprite - wow, thank you, that is a very thorough answer!
DM - sorry, I tired to search the forum because I thought it would have been asked before now, but didn't kind anything relevant.
After a few drinks my best friend (male) and I got talking about sex. He asked me if I had ever squirted, and I replied I wasn't a squirter. He corrected me "No, you just never have. Every woman can squirt, you're just never had someone who can make you". He claims he can make any woman squirt ... but stopped just short of offering to prove it surprised(

Your thoughts?
Totally guilty.

Ever tell a a good friend that you were fine with just friends, when in reality you were dying for more?
I wax, just leave a little triangle at the front for looks, but I totally do it for myself, not for anyone else. My best friend talked me into doing it the first time, and she said once I did I would never want to go back; she was right. I like the way it feels, but more so it is so much easier to keep everything nice and clean. Most of my partners have appreciated it, but i don't think its ever been a deal breaker. Like I say, I do it for myself, because I prefer it. My choice.

Ever get caught having sex in a public place ... with a *much* older or younger partner?
Definitely prefer to be on my back, it just seems the angle of everything hits better ... but I certainly wouldn't say no to the other, if it was my only choice!
I love to give head, love the feel of a cock in my mouth, love the taste.

I DO NOT like it when the man I am with tries to force me or take total control - a bit of guidance as to what you like is nice, fellas, but please let me give you this gift. I am one who believes anything worth doing is worth doing well, so I have done my best to develop my techiques.

For the ladies who don't like it, we all have our own likes and dislikes; but I wonder if your first time was unpleasant (he tried to force you, he wasn't 'clean", etc) and that has coloured your view? I was lucky enough that my first time giving head was with an older man who wanted to teach me all the beautiful things about sex, he took things very slow and let me go at my own pace. I was very lucky to have such a kind teacher.
My ex was military, and when he was "away" his mornings were often my evenings. We would web cam while he was getting ready for work, and watching him strap on the thigh holster for his side arm got me every single time.
I like the hands on my head, and tangled in my hair, but not "forcing" me to go deeper. I like a small feeling of him in control, and I like to get some feedback on what he wants, speed, depth, etc, but I do not like being totally forced.

I LOVE to give head, I truly do, but men who want to control totally and just fuck my mouth, vs letting me give them a gift, turn me off.
because I am a hotel room all alone, and feeling naughty ...
I'm who I am; I've known temptation;
All that I've done, all that I've seen ...
Strength is not a stranger; I take it day by day.
I know it looks like I've been fighting;
I didn't get much sleep last night
Strength is not a stranger; I take it day by day.

Bet E and Stef, Day by Day
Entirely too much untie-ing going on here.

SluttyKitty, I am going to leave you tied, and take a nice long feather, and some sparkly flavourved powder, and draw designs on your tummy, and then lick them off. Then the same thing to your arms, then your legs.

Then I am going to comb my fingers through your hair, and whisper naughty things in your ear, but not touch you. Maybe I will dust the feather lightly over your nipples while I whisper to you ...
push him off the edge into the pool, then run away ... but not too far, or too fast ...
Couldn't come up with 10, but, in no particular order ...

Nir Lavi, model

Sean Bean, Actor

Jason Momoa, actor

Elisha Cuthbert, Actor

Timothy V Murphy, Actor

David Boreanaz, Actor

Charles Edward, vocalist

I have only been involved in a couple of tree-somes (and technically one 4-some) but my expereince, and that of friends I have discussed it with, is:

*It can add spice to an already strong primary relationship, but will tear a weak one apart.*

I admit I have a lovely time during my adventures, and would do it again in a heartbeat, * with the right people *. For my first experience, my partner became addicted to the rush, and "plain old me" was no longer enough for him. A lesbian friend of mine had the exact same experience, and I have heard it from others. That being said, these relationships already had other issues; this was just one more crack.

I agree with rockstar, lots of open, candid and sober conversation beforehand is very important.
get down on my knees and help him try to find whatever he'd lost ...
One day, just one, that has nothing to do with work ...